=================== TripleO Deployments =================== This directory contains files that represent individual service deployments, orchestration tools, and the configuration tools used to deploy them. Directory Structure ------------------- Each logical grouping of services will have a directory. Example: 'timesync'. Within this directory related timesync services would exist to for example configure timesync services on baremetal or via containers. Filenaming conventions ---------------------- As a convention each deployments service filename will reflect both the deployment engine (baremetal, or containers) along with the config tool used to deploy that service. The convention is --. Examples: deployment/aodh/aodh-api-container-puppet.yaml (containerized Aodh service configured with Puppet) deployment/aodh/aodh-api-container-ansible.yaml (containerized Aodh service configured with Ansible) deployment/timesync/chrony-baremetal-ansible.yaml (baremetal Chrony service configured with Ansible) deployment/timesync/chrony-baremetal-puppet.yaml (baremetal Chrony service configured with Puppet)