- hosts: all name: Clear cached facts tasks: - meta: clear_facts - hosts: "{{ deploy_source_host }}" name: Gather facts from undercloud gather_facts: yes any_errors_fatal: true ignore_unreachable: "{{ scale_ignore_unreachable | default(false) }}" become: false tags: - facts - hosts: "{{ deploy_target_host }}" name: Gather facts from overcloud gather_facts: yes # False because https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/70663 any_errors_fatal: false ignore_unreachable: "{{ scale_ignore_unreachable | default(false) }}" tags: - facts - hosts: all name: Load global variables gather_facts: "{{ gather_facts | default(false) }}" any_errors_fatal: false ignore_unreachable: "{{ scale_ignore_unreachable | default(false) }}" tasks: - include_vars: global_vars.yaml no_log: true tags: - always - hosts: "{{ deploy_target_host }}" name: Render all_nodes data as group_vars for overcloud gather_facts: "{{ gather_facts | default(false) }}" # we don't skip errors or ignore unreachable on this one because it's # delegated to localhost. localhost should never be unreachable (tm) any_errors_fatal: True tasks: - name: Render all_nodes data as group_vars for overcloud delegate_to: localhost become: false run_once: true when: not ansible_check_mode|bool tripleo_all_nodes_data: tags: - facts - always - hosts: "{{ deploy_target_host }}" name: Set all_nodes data as group_vars for overcloud gather_facts: "{{ gather_facts | default(false) }}" any_errors_fatal: false ignore_unreachable: "{{ scale_ignore_unreachable | default(false) }}" tasks: - name: Set all_nodes data as group_vars for overcloud include_vars: "{{ playbook_dir }}/group_vars/overcloud.json" no_log: true when: not ansible_check_mode|bool tags: - facts - always