## This environment serves the purpose of enabling deployment of QPID dispatch routers (aka QDR). ## Each overcloud node will have one local qdrouterd service running and forming a mesh topology, ## eg. QDRs running on controllers will operate in interior router mode, with connections to defined MetricsQdrConnectors ## and QDRs running on other node types will connect in edge mode to the interior routers running on the controllers. resource_registry: OS::TripleO::Services::MetricsQdr: ../../deployment/metrics/qdr-container-ansible.yaml parameter_defaults: # Exercise the new, preferred interface MetricsQdrVars: # *CS Q: Does it make sense to split the QDR into two services? # OS::TripleO::Services::MetricsQdrMesh # OS::TripleO::Services::MetricsEdge # When the automation configures the edge mode nodes it would need to check to see if MetricsQdrMesh is # deployed anywhere and then behave accordingly (replace STF connection with connection into mesh). tripleo_metrics_qdr_deployment_mode: controller-mesh # qdr_connectors: # - host: qdr-normal-sa-telemetry.apps.remote.tld # port: 443 # role: inter-router # sslProfile: sslProfile # verifyHostname: false