#!/usr/bin/env python import json import netaddr import os import openstack import subprocess CTLPLANE_NETWORK_NAME = 'ctlplane' CONF = json.loads(os.environ['config']) def _run_command(args, env=None, name=None): """Run the command defined by args and return its output :param args: List of arguments for the command to be run. :param env: Dict defining the environment variables. Pass None to use the current environment. :param name: User-friendly name for the command being run. A value of None will cause args[0] to be used. """ if name is None: name = args[0] if env is None: env = os.environ env = env.copy() # When running a localized python script, we need to tell it that we're # using utf-8 for stdout, otherwise it can't tell because of the pipe. env['PYTHONIOENCODING'] = 'utf8' try: return subprocess.check_output(args, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, env=env).decode('utf-8') except subprocess.CalledProcessError as ex: print('ERROR: %s failed: %s' % (name, ex.output)) raise def _ensure_neutron_network(sdk): try: network = list(sdk.network.networks(name=CTLPLANE_NETWORK_NAME)) if not network: network = sdk.network.create_network( name=CTLPLANE_NETWORK_NAME, provider_network_type='flat', provider_physical_network=CONF['physical_network'], mtu=CONF['mtu']) print('INFO: Network created %s' % network) else: network = sdk.network.update_network( network[0].id, name=CTLPLANE_NETWORK_NAME, mtu=CONF['mtu']) print('INFO: Network updated %s' % network) except Exception: print('ERROR: Network create/update failed.') raise return network def _neutron_subnet_create(sdk, network_id, cidr, gateway, host_routes, allocation_pools, name, segment_id, dns_nameservers): try: if netaddr.IPNetwork(cidr).version == 6: subnet = sdk.network.create_subnet( name=name, cidr=cidr, gateway_ip=gateway, enable_dhcp=True, ip_version='6', ipv6_address_mode='dhcpv6-stateless', ipv6_ra_mode='dhcpv6-stateless', allocation_pools=allocation_pools, network_id=network_id, segment_id=segment_id, dns_nameservers=dns_nameservers) else: subnet = sdk.network.create_subnet( name=name, cidr=cidr, gateway_ip=gateway, host_routes=host_routes, enable_dhcp=True, ip_version='4', allocation_pools=allocation_pools, network_id=network_id, segment_id=segment_id, dns_nameservers=dns_nameservers) print('INFO: Subnet created %s' % subnet) except Exception: print('ERROR: Create subnet %s failed.' % name) raise return subnet def _neutron_subnet_update(sdk, subnet_id, cidr, gateway, host_routes, allocation_pools, name, dns_nameservers): try: if netaddr.IPNetwork(cidr).version == 6: subnet = sdk.network.update_subnet( subnet_id, name=name, gateway_ip=gateway, allocation_pools=allocation_pools, dns_nameservers=dns_nameservers) else: subnet = sdk.network.update_subnet( subnet_id, name=name, gateway_ip=gateway, host_routes=host_routes, allocation_pools=allocation_pools, dns_nameservers=dns_nameservers) print('INFO: Subnet updated %s' % subnet) except Exception: print('ERROR: Update of subnet %s failed.' % name) raise def _neutron_add_subnet_segment_association(sdk, subnet_id, segment_id): try: subnet = sdk.network.update_subnet(subnet_id, segment_id=segment_id) print('INFO: Segment association added to Subnet %s' % subnet) except Exception: print('ERROR: Associationg segment with subnet %s failed.' % subnet_id) raise def _neutron_segment_create(sdk, name, network_id, phynet): try: segment = sdk.network.create_segment( name=name, network_id=network_id, physical_network=phynet, network_type='flat') print('INFO: Neutron Segment created %s' % segment) except Exception as ex: print('ERROR: Neutron Segment %s create failed.' % name) raise return segment def _neutron_segment_update(sdk, segment_id, name): try: segment = sdk.network.update_segment(segment_id, name=name) print('INFO: Neutron Segment updated %s', segment) except Exception: print('ERROR: Neutron Segment %s update failed.' % name) raise def _ensure_neutron_router(sdk, name, subnet_id): try: router = sdk.network.create_router(name=name, admin_state_up='true') sdk.network.add_interface_to_router(router.id, subnet_id=subnet_id) except Exception: print('ERROR: Create router for subnet %s failed.' % name) raise def _get_subnet(sdk, cidr, network_id): try: subnet = list(sdk.network.subnets(cidr=cidr, network_id=network_id)) except Exception as ex: print('ERROR: Get subnet with cidr %s failed.' % cidr) raise return False if not subnet else subnet[0] def _get_segment(sdk, phy, network_id): try: segment = list(sdk.network.segments(physical_network=phy, network_id=network_id)) except Exception: print('ERROR: Get segment for physical_network %s on network_id %s ' 'failed.' % (phy, network_id)) raise return False if not segment else segment[0] def _set_network_tags(sdk, network, tags): try: sdk.network.set_tags(network, tags=tags) print('INFO: Tags %s added to network %s.' % (tags, network.name)) except Exception: print('ERROR: Setting tags %s on network %s failed.' % (tags, network.name)) raise def _local_neutron_segments_and_subnets(sdk, ctlplane_id, net_cidrs): """Create's and updates the ctlplane subnet on the segment that is local to the underclud. """ s = CONF['subnets'][CONF['local_subnet']] name = CONF['local_subnet'] subnet = _get_subnet(sdk, s['NetworkCidr'], ctlplane_id) segment = _get_segment(sdk, CONF['physical_network'], ctlplane_id) host_routes = [{'destination': '', 'nexthop': CONF['local_ip']}] host_routes += s['HostRoutes'] if subnet: if CONF['enable_routed_networks'] and subnet.segment_id == None: # The subnet exists and does not have a segment association. Since # routed networks is enabled in the configuration, we need to # migrate the existing non-routed networks subnet to a routed # networks subnet by associating the network segment_id with the # subnet. _neutron_add_subnet_segment_association(sdk, subnet.id, segment.id) _neutron_subnet_update( sdk, subnet.id, s['NetworkCidr'], s['NetworkGateway'], host_routes, s.get('AllocationPools'), name, CONF['nameservers']) else: if CONF['enable_routed_networks']: segment_id = segment.id else: segment_id = None subnet = _neutron_subnet_create( sdk, ctlplane_id, s['NetworkCidr'], s['NetworkGateway'], host_routes, s.get('AllocationPools'), name, segment_id, CONF['nameservers']) # If the subnet is IPv6 we need to start a router so that router # advertisments are sent out for stateless IP addressing to work. if netaddr.IPNetwork(s['NetworkCidr']).version == 6: _ensure_neutron_router(sdk, name, subnet.id) net_cidrs.append(s['NetworkCidr']) return net_cidrs def _remote_neutron_segments_and_subnets(sdk, ctlplane_id, net_cidrs): """Create's and updates the ctlplane subnet(s) on segments that is not local to the undercloud. """ for name in CONF['subnets']: s = CONF['subnets'][name] if name == CONF['local_subnet']: continue phynet = name metadata_nexthop = s['NetworkGateway'] host_routes = [{'destination': '', 'nexthop': metadata_nexthop}] host_routes += s['HostRoutes'] subnet = _get_subnet(sdk, s['NetworkCidr'], ctlplane_id) segment = _get_segment(sdk, phynet, ctlplane_id) if subnet: _neutron_segment_update(sdk, subnet.segment_id, name) _neutron_subnet_update( sdk, subnet.id, s['NetworkCidr'], s['NetworkGateway'], host_routes, s.get('AllocationPools'), name, CONF['nameservers']) else: if segment: _neutron_segment_update(sdk, segment.id, name) else: segment = _neutron_segment_create(sdk, name, ctlplane_id, phynet) subnet = _neutron_subnet_create( sdk, ctlplane_id, s['NetworkCidr'], s['NetworkGateway'], host_routes, s.get('AllocationPools'), name, segment.id, CONF['nameservers']) # If the subnet is IPv6 we need to start a router so that router # advertisments are sent out for stateless IP addressing to work. if netaddr.IPNetwork(s['NetworkCidr']).version == 6: _ensure_neutron_router(sdk, name, subnet.id) net_cidrs.append(s['NetworkCidr']) return net_cidrs if 'true' not in _run_command(['hiera', 'neutron_api_enabled'], name='hiera').lower(): print('WARNING: UndercloudCtlplaneNetworkDeployment : The Neutron API ' 'is disabled. The ctlplane network cannot be configured.') else: sdk = openstack.connect(CONF['cloud_name']) network = _ensure_neutron_network(sdk) net_cidrs = [] # Always create/update the local_subnet first to ensure it is can have the # subnet associated with a segment prior to creating the remote subnets if # the user enabled routed networks support on undercloud update. net_cidrs = _local_neutron_segments_and_subnets(sdk, network.id, net_cidrs) if CONF['enable_routed_networks']: net_cidrs = _remote_neutron_segments_and_subnets(sdk, network.id, net_cidrs) # Set the cidrs for all ctlplane subnets as tags on the ctlplane network. # These tags are used for the NetCidrMapValue in tripleo-heat-templates. _set_network_tags(sdk, network, net_cidrs)