# Note the indentation here is required as it's joined # to create a playbook in deploy-steps.j2 ################################################## # Step 1 block, write data for subsequent steps ################################################## - name: gather facts needed by role setup: gather_subset: "!min,python" when: ansible_python is not defined tags: - container_config_tasks - name: set python_cmd set_fact: python_cmd: "python{{ ansible_python.version.major }}" cacheable: true when: python_cmd is not defined tags: - container_config_tasks - name: print python facts debug: msg: "python_cmd: {{ python_cmd }}" tags: - container_config_tasks - name: Write config data at the start of step 1 when: step == "1" block: - name: Create and ensure setype for /var/log/containers directory file: path: /var/log/containers state: directory setype: var_log_t selevel: s0 tags: - host_config - name: Create ContainerLogStdoutPath directory file: path: "{{ container_log_stdout_path }}" state: directory selevel: s0 tags: - host_config - name: Create /var/lib/tripleo-config directory file: path: /var/lib/tripleo-config state: directory setype: svirt_sandbox_file_t selevel: s0 recurse: true tags: - host_config - container_config - container_config_tasks - container_config_scripts - container_startup_configs - name: Delete existing /var/lib/tripleo-config/check-mode directory for check mode file: path: /var/lib/tripleo-config/check-mode state: absent tags: - host_config - container_config - container_config_tasks - container_config_scripts - container_startup_configs when: - ansible_check_mode|bool ignore_errors: true check_mode: no - name: Create /var/lib/tripleo-config/check-mode directory for check mode file: path: /var/lib/tripleo-config/check-mode state: directory setype: svirt_sandbox_file_t selevel: s0 recurse: true tags: - host_config - container_config - container_config_tasks - container_config_scripts - container_startup_configs when: - ansible_check_mode|bool check_mode: no # Puppet manifest for baremetal host configuration - name: Write the puppet step_config manifest no_log: True copy: content: "{{ lookup('file', tripleo_role_name + '/step_config.pp', errors='ignore') | default('', True) }}" dest: /var/lib/tripleo-config/{{ ansible_check_mode | bool | ternary('check-mode/', '') }}puppet_step_config.pp force: yes mode: '0600' tags: - host_config check_mode: no diff: no - name: Diff puppet step_config manifest changes for check mode command: diff -uN /var/lib/tripleo-config/puppet_step_config.pp /var/lib/tripleo-config/check-mode/puppet_step_config.pp register: diff_results tags: - host_config check_mode: no when: - ansible_check_mode|bool - ansible_diff_mode failed_when: false changed_when: diff_results.rc == 1 - name: Diff puppet step_config manifest changes for check mode debug: var: diff_results.stdout_lines changed_when: diff_results.rc == 1 when: - ansible_check_mode|bool - ansible_diff_mode tags: - host_config # Config file for our container-puppet.py script, used to generate container configs - name: Create /var/lib/container-puppet file: path: /var/lib/container-puppet state: directory setype: svirt_sandbox_file_t selevel: s0 tags: - container_config - container_config_tasks # For backward compatibility in Stein, so our operators have time # to learn about the new directory. - name: Create /var/lib/docker-puppet for backward compatibility file: path: /var/lib/docker-puppet state: directory tags: - container_config - container_config_tasks - name: Deprecation file about /var/lib/docker-puppet copy: dest: /var/lib/docker-puppet/readme.txt content: | /var/lib/docker-puppet was moved under /var/lib/container-puppet because we don't run Docker anymore. ignore_errors: true - name: Delete existing /var/lib/container-puppet/container-puppet.sh file: path: /var/lib/container-puppet/container-puppet.sh state: absent tags: - container_config ignore_errors: true check_mode: no - name: Delete existing /var/lib/container-puppet/check-mode for check mode file: path: /var/lib/container-puppet/check-mode state: absent tags: - container_config ignore_errors: true check_mode: no when: - ansible_check_mode|bool - name: Create /var/lib/container-puppet/check-mode for check mode file: path: /var/lib/container-puppet/check-mode state: directory setype: svirt_sandbox_file_t selevel: s0 tags: - container_config check_mode: no when: - ansible_check_mode|bool - name: Write container-puppet.json file no_log: True copy: content: "{{ lookup('file', tripleo_role_name + '/puppet_config.yaml', errors='ignore') | default([], True) | from_yaml | to_nice_json }}" dest: /var/lib/container-puppet/{{ ansible_check_mode | bool | ternary('check-mode/', '') }}container-puppet.json force: yes mode: '0600' tags: - container_config check_mode: no diff: no - name: Diff container-puppet.json changes for check mode command: diff -uN /var/lib/container-puppet/container-puppet.json /var/lib/container-puppet/check-mode/container-puppet.json register: diff_results tags: - container_config check_mode: no when: - ansible_check_mode|bool - ansible_diff_mode failed_when: false changed_when: diff_results.rc == 1 - name: Diff container-puppet.json changes for check mode debug: var: diff_results.stdout_lines changed_when: diff_results.rc == 1 when: - ansible_check_mode|bool - ansible_diff_mode tags: - container_config - name: Create /var/lib/container-config-scripts file: path: /var/lib/container-config-scripts state: directory setype: svirt_sandbox_file_t tags: - container_config_scripts # The container config files # /var/lib/container-startup-configs.json is removed as we now write # per-step files instead - name: Clean old /var/lib/container-startup-configs.json file file: path: /var/lib/container-startup-configs.json state: absent tags: - container_startup_configs # For legacy, can be removed in Train cycle - name: Clean old /var/lib/docker-container-startup-configs.json file file: path: /var/lib/docker-container-startup-configs.json state: absent tags: - container_startup_configs - name: Write container config scripts no_log: True copy: content: "{{ item[1].content }}" dest: "/var/lib/container-config-scripts/{{ item[0] }}" force: yes mode: "{{ item[1].mode | default('0600', true) }}" setype: svirt_sandbox_file_t loop: "{{ role_data_container_config_scripts | dictsort }}" loop_control: label: "{{ item[0] }}" vars: role_data_container_config_scripts: "{{ lookup('file', tripleo_role_name + '/container_config_scripts.yaml', errors='ignore') | default({}, True) | from_yaml }}" tags: - container_config_scripts # Here we are dumping all the container startup configuration data # so that we can have access to how they are started outside of heat # and container cmd. This lets us create command line tools to test containers. - name: Set container_config_default fact no_log: True set_fact: container_config_default: "{{ container_config_default | default({}) | combine( {'step_' + item: {}} ) }}" with_sequence: count={{ deploy_steps_max }} tags: - container_startup_configs - name: Set container_startup_configs_with_default fact no_log: True set_fact: container_config_with_default: "{{ container_config_default | combine(role_data_container_config) }}" vars: role_data_container_config: "{{ lookup('file', tripleo_role_name + '/docker_config.yaml', errors='ignore') | default({}, True) | from_yaml }}" tags: - container_startup_configs - name: Write per-step container startup configs no_log: True copy: content: "{{ item[1] | to_nice_json }}" dest: /var/lib/tripleo-config/container-startup-config-{{ item[0] }}.json force: yes mode: '0600' loop: "{{ container_config_with_default | dictsort }}" loop_control: label: "{{ item[0] }}" tags: - container_startup_configs - name: Create /var/lib/kolla/config_files directory file: path: /var/lib/kolla/config_files state: directory setype: svirt_sandbox_file_t selevel: s0 recurse: true tags: - container_startup_configs - name: Create /var/lib/config-data directory file: path: /var/lib/config-data state: directory setype: svirt_sandbox_file_t selevel: s0 - name: Write kolla config json files no_log: True copy: content: "{{ item[1] | to_nice_json }}" dest: "{{ item[0] }}" force: yes mode: '0600' setype: svirt_sandbox_file_t loop: "{{ lookup('file', tripleo_role_name + '/kolla_config.yaml', errors='ignore') | default([], True) | from_yaml | dictsort }}" loop_control: label: "{{ item[0] }}" tags: - container_startup_configs ##################################################### # Per step puppet configuration of the baremetal host ##################################################### - name: Set host puppet debugging fact string set_fact: host_puppet_config_debug: "--debug --verbose" when: - enable_puppet | bool - enable_debug | bool tags: - host_config - name: Check for /etc/puppet/check-mode directory for check mode stat: path: /etc/puppet/check-mode register: check_mode_dir when: ansible_check_mode|bool tags: - host_config - container_config - name: Create /etc/puppet/check-mode/hieradata directory for check mode file: path: /etc/puppet/check-mode/hieradata state: directory setype: svirt_sandbox_file_t selevel: s0 recurse: true check_mode: no when: - ansible_check_mode|bool - not check_mode_dir.stat.exists tags: - host_config - container_config - name: Write the config_step hieradata no_log: True copy: content: "{{ dict(step=step|int) | to_json }}" dest: /etc/puppet/{{ ansible_check_mode | bool | ternary('check-mode/', '') }}hieradata/config_step.json force: true mode: '0600' check_mode: no tags: - host_config - name: Create puppet check-mode files if they don't exist for check mode shell: | cp -a /etc/puppet/hiera.yaml /etc/puppet/check-mode/hiera.yaml cp -a /etc/puppet/hieradata/* /etc/puppet/check-mode/hieradata/ sed -i 's/\/etc\/puppet\/hieradata/\/etc\/puppet\/check-mode\/hieradata/' /etc/puppet/check-mode/hiera.yaml when: - ansible_check_mode|bool - not check_mode_dir.stat.exists check_mode: no tags: - host_config - container_config - name: Run puppet host configuration for step {{ step }} when: enable_puppet|bool command: >- puppet apply {{ host_puppet_config_debug | default('') }} --modulepath=/etc/puppet/modules:/opt/stack/puppet-modules:/usr/share/openstack-puppet/modules --detailed-exitcodes --summarize --logdest syslog --logdest console --color=false {{ ansible_check_mode | bool | ternary('--noop', '') }} {{ ansible_check_mode | bool | ternary('--hiera_config /etc/puppet/check-mode/hiera.yaml', '') }} /var/lib/tripleo-config/{{ ansible_check_mode | bool | ternary('check-mode/', '') }}puppet_step_config.pp changed_when: outputs.rc == 2 register: outputs failed_when: false no_log: true tags: - host_config check_mode: no - name: "Debug output for task: Run puppet host configuration for step {{ step }}" debug: var: outputs.stdout_lines | default([]) | union(outputs.stderr_lines | default([])) when: - enable_puppet | bool - outputs.rc is defined failed_when: outputs.rc not in [0, 2] tags: - host_config ignore_errors: "{{ ansible_check_mode|bool }}" ###################################### # Generate config via container-puppet.py ###################################### - name: Run container-puppet tasks (generate config) during step {{ step }} shell: "{{ python_cmd }} /var/lib/container-puppet/container-puppet.py" environment: NET_HOST: 'true' DEBUG: '{{ docker_puppet_debug | bool }}' PROCESS_COUNT: '{{ docker_puppet_process_count }}' CONTAINER_CLI: "{{ container_cli }}" CONFIG: '/var/lib/container-puppet/{{ ansible_check_mode | bool | ternary("check-mode/", "") }}container-puppet.json' CONFIG_VOLUME_PREFIX: '/var/lib/config-data{{ ansible_check_mode | bool | ternary("/check-mode", "") }}' CHECK_MODE: '{{ ansible_check_mode | bool | ternary(1, 0) }}' STARTUP_CONFIG_PATTERN: '/var/lib/tripleo-config/{{ ansible_check_mode | bool | ternary("check-mode/", "") }}container-startup-config-step_*.json' MOUNT_HOST_PUPPET: '{{docker_puppet_mount_host_puppet | default(true)}}' CONTAINER_LOG_STDOUT_PATH: "{{ container_log_stdout_path }}" CONTAINER_HEALTHCHECK_DISABLED: "{{ container_healthcheck_disabled }}" when: step == "1" changed_when: false check_mode: no register: outputs failed_when: false no_log: true tags: - container_config - name: "Debug output for task: Run container-puppet tasks (generate config) during step {{ step }}" debug: var: outputs.stdout_lines | default([]) | union(outputs.stderr_lines | default([])) when: outputs.rc is defined failed_when: outputs.rc != 0 tags: - container_config ignore_errors: "{{ ansible_check_mode|bool }}" - name: Diff container-puppet.py puppet-generated changes for check mode shell: | diff -ruN --no-dereference -q /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated /var/lib/config-data/check-mode/puppet-generated diff -ruN --no-dereference /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated /var/lib/config-data/check-mode/puppet-generated register: diff_results tags: - container_config check_mode: no when: - step == "1" - ansible_check_mode|bool - ansible_diff_mode failed_when: false changed_when: diff_results.rc == 1 - name: Diff container-puppet.py puppet-generated changes for check mode debug: var: diff_results.stdout_lines changed_when: diff_results.rc == 1 when: - step == "1" - ansible_check_mode|bool - ansible_diff_mode tags: - container_config ################################################## # Per step starting of the containers using paunch ################################################## # Note container-puppet.py generates the hashed-*.json file, which is a copy of # the *step_n.json with a hash of the generated external config added # This acts as a salt to enable restarting the container if config changes - name: Start containers for step {{ step }} environment: TRIPLEO_MINOR_UPDATE: '{{ tripleo_minor_update | default(false) }}' command: >- paunch {% if enable_debug|bool %}--debug{% else %}-v{% endif %} apply --default-runtime "{{ container_cli }}" --container-log-path "{{ container_log_stdout_path }}" {% if container_healthcheck_disabled|bool and container_cli == 'podman' %}--healthcheck-disabled{% endif %} --file /var/lib/tripleo-config/hashed-container-startup-config-step_{{ step }}.json --config-id tripleo_step{{ step }} --managed-by tripleo-{{ tripleo_role_name }} changed_when: false register: outputs failed_when: false no_log: true tags: - container_startup_configs - name: "Debug output for task: Start containers for step {{ step }}" debug: var: outputs.stdout_lines | default([]) | union(outputs.stderr_lines | default([])) when: outputs.rc is defined failed_when: outputs.rc != 0 tags: - container_startup_configs ######################################################## # Bootstrap tasks - run any tasks that have been defined ######################################################## - name: "Clean container_puppet_tasks for {{ansible_hostname}} step {{step}}" file: path: /var/lib/container-puppet/container-puppet-tasks{{step}}.json state: absent tags: - container_config_tasks - name: Calculate container_puppet_tasks for {{ansible_hostname}} step {{step}} set_fact: host_container_puppet_tasks: "{{host_container_puppet_tasks|default([]) + [item]}}" loop: "{{container_puppet_tasks.get('step_' + step, [])}}" when: vars[item.service_name + '_short_bootstrap_node_name'] == ansible_hostname vars: container_puppet_tasks: "{{ lookup('file', tripleo_role_name + '/container_puppet_tasks.yaml', errors='ignore') | default({}, True) | from_yaml }}" tags: - container_config_tasks - name: Write container-puppet-tasks json file for {{ansible_hostname}} step {{step}} no_log: True copy: content: "{{host_container_puppet_tasks|to_nice_json}}" dest: "/var/lib/container-puppet/container-puppet-tasks{{step}}.json" force: yes mode: '0600' tags: - container_config_tasks when: host_container_puppet_tasks is defined - name: Run container-puppet tasks (bootstrap tasks) for step {{ step }} shell: "{{ python_cmd }} /var/lib/container-puppet/container-puppet.py" environment: CONFIG: /var/lib/container-puppet/{{ ansible_check_mode | bool | ternary('check-mode/', '') }}container-puppet-tasks{{ step }}.json CONFIG_VOLUME_PREFIX: '/var/lib/config-data{{ ansible_check_mode | bool | ternary("/check-mode", "") }}' NET_HOST: "true" NO_ARCHIVE: "true" STEP: "{{ step }}" CONTAINER_CLI: "{{ container_cli }}" DEBUG: "{{ docker_puppet_debug }}" MOUNT_HOST_PUPPET: '{{docker_puppet_mount_host_puppet}}' when: host_container_puppet_tasks is defined changed_when: false register: outputs failed_when: false no_log: true tags: - container_config_tasks - name: "Debug output for task: Run container-puppet tasks (bootstrap tasks) for step {{ step }}" debug: var: outputs.stdout_lines | default([]) | union(outputs.stderr_lines | default([])) when: outputs.rc is defined failed_when: outputs.rc != 0 tags: - container_config_tasks