# certain initialization steps (run in a container) will occur # on the role marked as primary controller or the first role listed {%- if enabled_roles is not defined or enabled_roles == [] -%} # On upgrade certain roles can be disabled for operator driven upgrades # See major_upgrade_steps.j2.yaml and post-upgrade.j2.yaml {%- set enabled_roles = roles -%} {%- endif -%} {%- set primary_role = [enabled_roles[0]] -%} {%- for role in enabled_roles -%} {%- if 'primary' in role.tags and 'controller' in role.tags -%} {%- set _ = primary_role.pop() -%} {%- set _ = primary_role.append(role) -%} {%- endif -%} {%- endfor -%} {%- set primary_role_name = primary_role[0].name -%} # primary role is: {{primary_role_name}} {% set deploy_steps_max = 6 -%} {% set update_steps_max = 6 -%} {% set external_update_steps_max = 2 -%} {% set pre_upgrade_rolling_steps_max = 1 -%} {% set upgrade_steps_max = 6 -%} {% set external_upgrade_steps_max = 3 -%} {% set post_upgrade_steps_max = 4 -%} {% set post_update_steps_max = 4 -%} {% set scale_steps_max = 1 -%} heat_template_version: rocky description: > Post-deploy configuration steps via puppet for all roles, as defined in ../roles_data.yaml parameters: servers: type: json description: Mapping of Role name e.g Controller to a list of servers role_data: type: json description: Mapping of Role name e.g Controller to the per-role data DeployIdentifier: default: '' type: string description: > Setting this to a unique value will re-run any deployment tasks which perform configuration on a Heat stack-update. deployment_source_hosts: default: 'Undercloud' type: string description: Host or hostgroup that runs the deployment deployment_target_hosts: default: 'overcloud' type: string description: Host or hostgroup that consists of the target systems for the deployment EndpointMap: default: {} description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. type: json ConfigDebug: default: false description: Whether to run config management (e.g. Puppet) in debug mode. type: boolean EnablePuppet: default: true description: Whether to run the puppet (baremetal) deployment tasks. type: boolean EnablePaunch: default: true description: Whether to run paunch during container deployment tasks. type: boolean DockerPuppetDebug: type: boolean default: false description: Set to True to enable debug logging with Puppet Containers DockerPuppetProcessCount: type: number default: 6 description: Number of concurrent processes to use when running container-puppet to generate config files. ContainerCli: type: string default: 'podman' description: CLI tool used to manage containers. constraints: - allowed_values: ['docker', 'podman'] DockerPuppetMountHostPuppet: type: boolean default: true description: Whether containerized puppet executions use modules from the baremetal host. Defaults to true. Can be set to false to consume puppet modules from containers directly. FastForwardUpgrade: type: boolean default: false description: This flag is being used conditionally run a set of task needed to upgrade three releases within the deployment tasks. ContainerLogStdoutPath: type: string description: Absolute path for container stdout output (Podman only) default: /var/log/containers/stdouts ContainerHealthcheckDisabled: type: boolean description: Whether or not we disable the container healthcheck. default: false SELinuxMode: default: 'enforcing' description: Configures SELinux mode type: string constraints: - allowed_values: [ 'enforcing', 'permissive', 'disabled' ] {% for role in enabled_roles %} {{role.name}}Count: description: Number of {{role.name}} nodes to deploy type: number default: {{role.CountDefault|default(0)}} {% endfor %} ServiceNetMapLower: description: Mapping of service name to network name type: json default: {} ValidateControllersIcmp: default: true description: Validation to ensure that all controllers can be reached with ICMP type: boolean ValidateGatewaysIcmp: default: true description: Validation to ensure that all gateways can be reached with ICMP type: boolean ValidateFqdn: default: false description: Optional validation to ensure FQDN as set by Nova matches the name set in /etc/hosts. type: boolean PingTestIpsMap: default: '' description: A map of role name to a space separated list of IP addresses used to ping test each available network interface. type: json StackAction: type: string description: > Heat action on performed top-level stack. Note StackUpdateType is set to UPGRADE when a major-version upgrade is in progress. constraints: - allowed_values: ['CREATE', 'UPDATE'] DeployArtifactURLs: default: [] description: A list of HTTP URLs containing deployment artifacts. Currently supports tarballs and RPM packages. type: comma_delimited_list HostsEntry: default: [] type: comma_delimited_list description: A list of entries to be added to /etc/hosts on each node. AnsibleHostVarsMap: type: json default: {} StackUpdateType: type: string description: > Type of update, to differentiate between UPGRADE and UPDATE cases when StackAction is UPDATE (both are the same stack action). constraints: - allowed_values: ['', 'UPGRADE'] default: '' ContainerCli: type: string default: 'podman' description: CLI tool used to manage containers. constraints: - allowed_values: ['docker', 'podman'] EnabledServices: default: [] type: comma_delimited_list ControlVirtualIP: type: string EnabledNetworks: type: comma_delimited_list NetVipMap: type: json {%- for network in networks if network.enabled|default(true) %} {{network.name}}NetName: default: {{network.name_lower}} description: The name of the {{network.name_lower}} network. type: string {%- endfor %} CloudNames: type: json EnableInternalTLS: type: boolean default: false CloudDomain: default: 'localdomain' type: string description: > The DNS domain used for the hosts. This must match the overcloud_domain_name configured on the undercloud. NovaAdditionalCell: default: false description: Whether this is an cell additional to the default cell. type: boolean AllNodesExtraMapData: default: {} type: json description: Map of extra data (hieradata) to set on each node. UndercloudHostsEntries: default: [] description: > List of undercloud hosts entries to be appended to /etc/hosts. The value is populated with the HEAT_HOSTS entries on the undercloud by tripleoclient when running deploy. type: comma_delimited_list ExtraHostsEntries: default: [] description: List of extra hosts entries to be appended to /etc/hosts type: comma_delimited_list VipHostsEntries: default: [] description: List of VIP (virtual IP) hosts entries to be appended to /etc/hosts type: comma_delimited_list KeystoneResourcesConfigs: description: The keystone resources config. type: json default: {} conditions: {% for role in enabled_roles %} {{role.name}}NonZero: not: equals: - {get_param: {{role.name}}Count} - 0 {% endfor %} resources: ExternalDeployTasks: type: OS::Heat::Value properties: type: comma_delimited_list value: yaql: # processing from per-role unique tasks into globally unique tasks expression: coalesce($.data, []).flatten().distinct() data: {%- for role in enabled_roles %} - get_param: [role_data, {{role.name}}, external_deploy_tasks] {%- endfor %} ExternalPostDeployTasks: type: OS::Heat::Value properties: type: comma_delimited_list value: yaql: # processing from per-role unique tasks into globally unique tasks expression: coalesce($.data, []).flatten().distinct() data: {%- for role in enabled_roles %} - get_param: [role_data, {{role.name}}, external_post_deploy_tasks] {%- endfor %} ScaleTasks: type: OS::Heat::Value properties: type: comma_delimited_list value: yaql: # processing from per-role unique tasks into globally unique tasks expression: coalesce($.data, []).flatten().distinct() data: {%- for role in enabled_roles %} - get_param: [role_data, {{role.name}}, scale_tasks] {%- endfor %} ExternalUpdateTasks: type: OS::Heat::Value properties: type: comma_delimited_list value: yaql: # processing from per-role unique tasks into globally unique tasks expression: coalesce($.data, []).flatten().distinct() data: {%- for role in enabled_roles %} - get_param: [role_data, {{role.name}}, external_update_tasks] {%- endfor %} ExternalUpgradeTasks: type: OS::Heat::Value properties: type: comma_delimited_list value: yaql: # processing from per-role unique tasks into globally unique tasks expression: coalesce($.data, []).flatten().distinct() data: {%- for role in enabled_roles %} - get_param: [role_data, {{role.name}}, external_upgrade_tasks] {%- endfor %} BootstrapServerId: type: OS::Heat::Value properties: value: yaql: # Use a constant string of "bootstrap_server_id" when there are no # servers in the primary role, such as in the case when all # Controllers are blacklisted. No server id's will match the string # which is what we want when all are blacklisted. expression: switch($.data = {} => "no_bootstrap_server", $.data != {} => $.data.items().orderBy($[0]).first()[1]) data: {get_param: [servers, {{primary_role_name}}]} # BEGIN CONFIG STEPS, only on enabled_roles {%- for role in enabled_roles %} # Note, this should be the last step to execute configuration changes. # Ensure that all {{role.name}}ExtraConfigPost steps are executed # after all the previous deployment steps. {{role.name}}ExtraConfigPost: condition: {{role.name}}NonZero type: OS::TripleO::NodeExtraConfigPost properties: servers: {get_param: [servers, {{role.name}}]} EndpointMap: {get_param: EndpointMap} # The {{role.name}}PostConfig steps are in charge of # quiescing all services, i.e. in the Controller case, # we should run a full service reload. {{role.name}}PostConfig: condition: {{role.name}}NonZero type: OS::TripleO::Tasks::{{role.name}}PostConfig depends_on: {%- for dep in enabled_roles %} - {{dep.name}}ExtraConfigPost {%- endfor %} properties: servers: {get_param: servers} input_values: deploy_identifier: {get_param: DeployIdentifier} {% endfor %} outputs: RoleConfig: description: Mapping of config data for all roles value: global_vars: deploy_steps_max: {{deploy_steps_max}} service_net_map: {get_param: ServiceNetMapLower} validate_controllers_icmp: {get_param: ValidateControllersIcmp} validate_gateways_icmp: {get_param: ValidateGatewaysIcmp} validate_fqdn: {get_param: ValidateFqdn} ping_test_ips: {get_param: PingTestIpsMap} stack_action: {get_param: StackAction} deploy_artifact_urls: {list_join: [' ', {get_param: DeployArtifactURLs}]} hosts_entry: {get_param: HostsEntry} primary_role_name: {{ primary_role_name }} deploy_identifier: {get_param: DeployIdentifier} stack_update_type: {get_param: StackUpdateType} container_cli: {get_param: ContainerCli} enable_paunch: {get_param: EnablePaunch} enabled_services: {get_param: EnabledServices} control_virtual_ip: {get_param: ControlVirtualIP} enabled_networks: {get_param: EnabledNetworks} net_vip_map: {get_param: NetVipMap} nova_additional_cell: {get_param: NovaAdditionalCell} {%- for network in networks if network.enabled|default(true) %} {{network.name_lower}}_net_name: {get_param: {{network.name}}NetName} {%- endfor %} networks: {%- for network in networks if network.enabled|default(true) %} {{network.name}}: name: {get_param: {{network.name}}NetName} name_lower: {{ network.name_lower }} {%- endfor %} network_virtual_ips: ctlplane: ip_address: {get_param: [NetVipMap, ctlplane]} index: 1 {%- for network in networks if network.vip|default(false) and network.enabled|default(true) %} # External virtual ip is currently being handled separately as public_virtual_ip. # Likewise, optional StorageNFS virtual ip is handled separately as ganesha_vip. {%- if network.name != 'External' and network.name != 'StorageNFS' %} {{network.name_lower}}: ip_address: {get_param: [NetVipMap, {get_param: {{network.name}}NetName}]} index: {{loop.index + 1}} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} cloud_names: {get_param: CloudNames} enable_internal_tls: {get_param: EnableInternalTLS} cloud_domain: {get_param: CloudDomain} all_nodes_extra_map_data: {get_param: AllNodesExtraMapData} undercloud_hosts_entries: {get_param: UndercloudHostsEntries} extra_hosts_entries: {get_param: ExtraHostsEntries} vip_hosts_entries: {get_param: VipHostsEntries} keystone_resources: {get_param: KeystoneResourcesConfigs} common_deploy_steps_playbooks: {get_file: deploy-steps-playbooks-common.yaml} common_deploy_steps_tasks: {get_file: deploy-steps-tasks.yaml} common_container_config_scripts: {get_file: common-container-config-scripts.yaml} hiera_steps_tasks: {get_file: hiera-steps-tasks.yaml} deploy_steps_tasks_step_0: {get_file: deploy-steps-tasks-step-0.yaml} common_deploy_steps_tasks_step_1: {get_file: deploy-steps-tasks-step-1.yaml} docker_puppet_script: {get_file: ./container-puppet.py} container_puppet_script: {get_file: ./container-puppet.sh} deploy-artifacts.sh : {get_file: ../puppet/deploy-artifacts.sh} generate-config-tasks: {get_file: generate-config-tasks.yaml} host-container-puppet-tasks: {get_file: host-container-puppet-tasks.yaml} deploy_steps_playbook: {% block deploy_steps_str_replace_params %} str_replace: params: BOOTSTRAP_SERVER_ID: {get_attr: [BootstrapServerId, value]} DEPLOY_SOURCE_HOST: {get_param: deployment_source_hosts} DEPLOY_TARGET_HOST: {get_param: deployment_target_hosts} DEPLOY_IDENTIFIER: {get_param: DeployIdentifier} ENABLE_DEBUG: {get_param: ConfigDebug} ENABLE_PUPPET: {get_param: EnablePuppet} ENABLE_PAUNCH: {get_param: EnablePaunch} CONTAINER_CLI: {get_param: ContainerCli} CONTAINER_LOG_STDOUT_PATH: {get_param: ContainerLogStdoutPath} CONTAINER_HEALTHCHECK_DISABLED: {get_param: ContainerHealthcheckDisabled} DOCKER_PUPPET_DEBUG: {get_param: DockerPuppetDebug} DOCKER_PUPPET_PROCESS_COUNT: {get_param: DockerPuppetProcessCount} DOCKER_PUPPET_MOUNT_HOST_PUPPET: {get_param: DockerPuppetMountHostPuppet} SELINUX_MODE: {get_param: SELinuxMode} FAST_FORWARD_UPGRADE: {get_param: FastForwardUpgrade} {% endblock %} template: | - import_playbook: common_deploy_steps_playbooks.yaml vars: deploy_source_host: "DEPLOY_SOURCE_HOST" deploy_target_host: "DEPLOY_TARGET_HOST" - hosts: DEPLOY_TARGET_HOST strategy: tripleo_linear name: Manage SELinux gather_facts: "{% raw %}{{ gather_facts | default(false) }}{% endraw %}" any_errors_fatal: yes tasks: - name: Set selinux state become: true selinux: policy: targeted state: SELINUX_MODE - hosts: all strategy: tripleo_linear name: Generate /etc/hosts gather_facts: "{% raw %}{{ gather_facts | default(false) }}{% endraw %}" any_errors_fatal: yes tasks: {% raw %} - name: Configure Hosts Entries include_role: name: tripleo-hosts-entries vars: tripleo_hosts_entries_undercloud_hosts_entries: "{{ undercloud_hosts_entries }}" tripleo_hosts_entries_extra_hosts_entries: "{{ extra_hosts_entries }}" tripleo_hosts_entries_vip_hosts_entries: "{{ vip_hosts_entries }}" {% endraw %} - hosts: DEPLOY_TARGET_HOST strategy: tripleo_linear name: Common roles for TripleO servers gather_facts: "{% raw %}{{ gather_facts | default(false) }}{% endraw %}" any_errors_fatal: yes # pre_tasks run before any roles in a play, so we use it for the # named debug task for --start-at-task. pre_tasks: - name: Common roles for TripleO servers delegate_to: localhost run_once: true debug: msg: Use --start-at-task "Common roles for TripleO servers" to resume from this task tasks: - include_role: name: tripleo-bootstrap - include_role: name: tripleo-ssh-known-hosts tags: - common_roles - hosts: {{primary_role_name}}:DEPLOY_TARGET_HOST strategy: tripleo_free name: Overcloud deploy step tasks for step 0 become: true gather_facts: "{% raw %}{{ gather_facts | default(false) }}{% endraw %}" any_errors_fatal: yes vars: bootstrap_server_id: BOOTSTRAP_SERVER_ID step: 0 deploy_identifier: DEPLOY_IDENTIFIER enable_debug: ENABLE_DEBUG enable_puppet: ENABLE_PUPPET enable_paunch: ENABLE_PAUNCH container_cli: CONTAINER_CLI container_log_stdout_path: CONTAINER_LOG_STDOUT_PATH container_healthcheck_disabled: CONTAINER_HEALTHCHECK_DISABLED docker_puppet_debug: DOCKER_PUPPET_DEBUG docker_puppet_process_count: DOCKER_PUPPET_PROCESS_COUNT docker_puppet_mount_host_puppet: DOCKER_PUPPET_MOUNT_HOST_PUPPET tasks: - import_tasks: deploy_steps_tasks_step_0.yaml tags: - overcloud - deploy_steps - step0 - hosts: {{primary_role_name}}:DEPLOY_TARGET_HOST strategy: tripleo_free name: Server pre deployment steps gather_facts: "{% raw %}{{ gather_facts | default(false) }}{% endraw %}" any_errors_fatal: yes tasks: - import_tasks: hiera_steps_tasks.yaml tags: - overcloud - pre_deploy_steps - hosts: {{primary_role_name}}:DEPLOY_TARGET_HOST strategy: tripleo_free name: Server deployments gather_facts: "{% raw %}{{ gather_facts | default(false) }}{% endraw %}" any_errors_fatal: yes tasks: {% raw %} - name: Server deployments delegate_to: localhost run_once: true debug: msg: Use --start-at-task "Server deployments" to resume from this task - include_tasks: deployments.yaml vars: force: false with_items: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['pre_deployments_' ~ tripleo_role_name]|default([]) }}" - name: Check NetworkConfig script existence local_action: module: stat path: "{{ lookup('first_found', NetworkConfig_paths, errors='ignore') }}" become: no register: NetworkConfig_stat vars: NetworkConfig_paths: - "{{ tripleo_role_name ~ '/' ~ inventory_hostname ~ '/NetworkConfig' }}" - "{{ tripleo_role_name ~ '/NetworkConfig' }}" - name: Run Network Config import_role: name: tripleo-network-config vars: tripleo_network_config_script_path: "{{ NetworkConfig_stat.stat.path }}" tripleo_network_config_bridge_name: "{{ neutron_physical_bridge_name }}" tripleo_network_config_interface_name: "{{ neutron_public_interface_name }}" tripleo_network_config_action: "{{ stack_action }}" tripleo_network_config_network_deployment_actions: "{{ network_deployment_actions }}" tripleo_network_config_async_timeout: "{{ async_timeout | default(300) }}" tripleo_network_config_async_poll: "{{ async_poll | default(3) }}" when: - NetworkConfig_stat.stat.exists tags: - overcloud - pre_deploy_steps {% endraw %} - hosts: {{primary_role_name}}:DEPLOY_TARGET_HOST strategy: tripleo_free name: Server deployments gather_facts: "{% raw %}{{ gather_facts | default(false) }}{% endraw %}" any_errors_fatal: yes tasks: {% raw %} - name: Basic Network Validation include_role: name: tripleo_nodes_validation vars: tripleo_nodes_validation_validate_controllers_icmp: "{{ validate_controllers_icmp }}" tripleo_nodes_validation_validate_gateways_icmp: "{{ validate_gateways_icmp }}" tripleo_nodes_validation_validate_fqdn: "{{ validate_fqdn }}" tripleo_nodes_validation_ping_test_ips: "{{ ping_test_ips.get(tripleo_role_name).split(' ') | list | unique }}" - name: ArtifactsConfig script: deploy-artifacts.sh environment: artifact_urls: "{{ deploy_artifact_urls }}" tags: - overcloud - pre_deploy_steps {% endraw %} - hosts: {{primary_role_name}}:DEPLOY_TARGET_HOST strategy: tripleo_free name: Host prep steps become: true gather_facts: "{% raw %}{{ gather_facts | default(false) }}{% endraw %}" any_errors_fatal: yes vars: bootstrap_server_id: BOOTSTRAP_SERVER_ID deploy_identifier: DEPLOY_IDENTIFIER enable_debug: ENABLE_DEBUG enable_puppet: ENABLE_PUPPET enable_paunch: ENABLE_PAUNCH container_cli: CONTAINER_CLI container_log_stdout_path: CONTAINER_LOG_STDOUT_PATH container_healthcheck_disabled: CONTAINER_HEALTHCHECK_DISABLED docker_puppet_debug: DOCKER_PUPPET_DEBUG docker_puppet_process_count: DOCKER_PUPPET_PROCESS_COUNT docker_puppet_mount_host_puppet: DOCKER_PUPPET_MOUNT_HOST_PUPPET tasks: {%- for role in roles %} - name: {{role.name}} Host prep block when: - tripleo_role_name == '{{role.name}}' block: - name: {{role.name}} Host prep steps delegate_to: localhost run_once: true debug: msg: Use --start-at-task '{{role.name}} Host prep steps' to resume from this task - include_tasks: {{role.name}}/host_prep_tasks.yaml {%- endfor %} tags: - overcloud - host_prep_steps {%- for step in range(1,deploy_steps_max) %} - hosts: DEPLOY_SOURCE_HOST strategy: tripleo_free name: External deployment step {{step}} gather_facts: "{% raw %}{{ gather_facts | default(false) }}{% endraw %}" any_errors_fatal: yes become: false vars: bootstrap_server_id: BOOTSTRAP_SERVER_ID step: '{{step}}' deploy_identifier: DEPLOY_IDENTIFIER enable_debug: ENABLE_DEBUG enable_puppet: ENABLE_PUPPET enable_paunch: ENABLE_PAUNCH container_cli: CONTAINER_CLI container_log_stdout_path: CONTAINER_LOG_STDOUT_PATH container_healthcheck_disabled: CONTAINER_HEALTHCHECK_DISABLED docker_puppet_debug: DOCKER_PUPPET_DEBUG docker_puppet_process_count: DOCKER_PUPPET_PROCESS_COUNT docker_puppet_mount_host_puppet: DOCKER_PUPPET_MOUNT_HOST_PUPPET tasks: - name: External deployment step {{step}} delegate_to: localhost run_once: true debug: msg: Use --start-at-task "External deployment step {{step}}" to resume from this task - include_tasks: "external_deploy_steps_tasks_step{{step}}.yaml" when: - "'external_deploy_steps_tasks_step{{step}}.yaml' is exists" tags: - external - external_deploy_steps - step{{step}} - hosts: {{primary_role_name}}:DEPLOY_TARGET_HOST strategy: tripleo_free name: Overcloud deploy step tasks for {{step}} become: true gather_facts: "{% raw %}{{ gather_facts | default(false) }}{% endraw %}" any_errors_fatal: yes # FIXME(shardy) - it would be nice to use strategy: free to # allow the tasks per-step to run in parallel on each role, # but that doesn't work with any_errors_fatal: yes vars: bootstrap_server_id: BOOTSTRAP_SERVER_ID step: '{{step}}' deploy_identifier: DEPLOY_IDENTIFIER enable_debug: ENABLE_DEBUG enable_puppet: ENABLE_PUPPET enable_paunch: ENABLE_PAUNCH container_cli: CONTAINER_CLI container_log_stdout_path: CONTAINER_LOG_STDOUT_PATH container_healthcheck_disabled: CONTAINER_HEALTHCHECK_DISABLED docker_puppet_debug: DOCKER_PUPPET_DEBUG docker_puppet_process_count: DOCKER_PUPPET_PROCESS_COUNT docker_puppet_mount_host_puppet: DOCKER_PUPPET_MOUNT_HOST_PUPPET tripleo_fast_forward_upgrade: FAST_FORWARD_UPGRADE tasks: - name: Write the config_step hieradata for the deploy step {{step}} tasks {% raw %} copy: content: "{{ dict(step=step | int) | to_json }}" dest: /etc/puppet/hieradata/config_step.json force: true mode: '0600' {% endraw %} - name: Overcloud deploy step tasks for {{step}} delegate_to: localhost run_once: true debug: msg: Use --start-at-task "Overcloud deploy step tasks for {{step}}" to resume from this task {%- for role in roles %} - include_tasks: "{{role.name}}/deploy_steps_tasks_step{{step}}.yaml" when: - tripleo_role_name == '{{role.name}}' - "'{{role.name}}/deploy_steps_tasks_step{{step}}.yaml' is exists" {%- endfor %} {% if step == 1 %} - name: Overcloud common bootstrap tasks for step 1 block: - name: Overcloud common bootstrap tasks for step 1 delegate_to: localhost run_once: true debug: msg: Use --start-at-task 'Overcloud common bootstrap tasks for step 1' to resume from this task - name: "Check if /var/lib/tripleo-config/container-startup-config/step_{{step}} already exists" stat: path: "/var/lib/tripleo-config/container-startup-config/step_{{step}}" register: container_startup_configs_json_stat - name: Write config data at the start of step 1 include_tasks: common_deploy_steps_tasks_step_1.yaml when: - ((deploy_identifier is defined and deploy_identifier != "" and deploy_identifier is not none) or not container_startup_configs_json_stat.stat.exists) {% endif %} - name: Overcloud common deploy step tasks {{step}} block: - name: Overcloud common deploy step tasks {{step}} delegate_to: localhost run_once: true debug: msg: Use --start-at-task 'Overcloud common deploy step tasks {{step}}' to resume from this task - name: "Check if /var/lib/tripleo-config/container-startup-config/step_{{step}} already exists" stat: path: "/var/lib/tripleo-config/container-startup-config/step_{{step}}" register: container_startup_configs_json_stat - include_tasks: common_deploy_steps_tasks.yaml when: (deploy_identifier is defined and deploy_identifier != "" and deploy_identifier is not none) or (container_startup_configs_json_stat is defined and not container_startup_configs_json_stat.stat.exists) tags: - overcloud - deploy_steps - step{{step}} {%- endfor %} - hosts: {{primary_role_name}}:DEPLOY_TARGET_HOST strategy: tripleo_free name: Server Post Deployments become: true gather_facts: "{% raw %}{{ gather_facts | default(false) }}{% endraw %}" any_errors_fatal: yes tasks: - name: Server Post Deployments delegate_to: localhost run_once: true debug: msg: Use --start-at-task "Server Post Deployments" to resume from this task {% raw %} - include_tasks: deployments.yaml vars: force: false with_items: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['post_deployments_' ~ tripleo_role_name]|default([]) }}" tags: - overcloud - post_deploy_steps {% endraw %} - hosts: DEPLOY_SOURCE_HOST strategy: tripleo_linear name: External deployment Post Deploy tasks gather_facts: "{% raw %}{{ gather_facts | default(false) }}{% endraw %}" any_errors_fatal: yes become: false vars: bootstrap_server_id: BOOTSTRAP_SERVER_ID deploy_identifier: DEPLOY_IDENTIFIER enable_debug: ENABLE_DEBUG enable_puppet: ENABLE_PUPPET enable_paunch: ENABLE_PAUNCH container_cli: CONTAINER_CLI container_log_stdout_path: CONTAINER_LOG_STDOUT_PATH container_healthcheck_disabled: CONTAINER_HEALTHCHECK_DISABLED docker_puppet_debug: DOCKER_PUPPET_DEBUG docker_puppet_process_count: DOCKER_PUPPET_PROCESS_COUNT docker_puppet_mount_host_puppet: DOCKER_PUPPET_MOUNT_HOST_PUPPET tasks: - name: External deployment Post Deploy tasks delegate_to: localhost run_once: true debug: msg: Use --start-at-task "External deployment Post Deploy tasks" to resume from this task - import_tasks: external_post_deploy_steps_tasks.yaml tags: - external - external_deploy_steps - external_post_deploy_steps external_deploy_steps_tasks: {get_attr: [ExternalDeployTasks, value]} external_post_deploy_steps_tasks: {get_attr: [ExternalPostDeployTasks, value]} update_steps_tasks: | {%- for role in roles %} - include_tasks: {{role.name}}/update_tasks.yaml when: tripleo_role_name == '{{role.name}}' tags: - always {%- endfor %} update_steps_playbook: {{ self.deploy_steps_str_replace_params() }} template: | - import_playbook: common_deploy_steps_playbooks.yaml vars: deploy_source_host: "DEPLOY_SOURCE_HOST" deploy_target_host: "DEPLOY_TARGET_HOST" {%- for role in roles %} - hosts: {{role.name}} name: Run update become: true serial: "{% raw %}{{ update_serial | default({% endraw %}{{ role.update_serial | default(1) }}{% raw %})}}{% endraw %}" gather_facts: "{% raw %}{{ gather_facts | default(false) }}{% endraw %}" any_errors_fatal: yes vars: bootstrap_server_id: BOOTSTRAP_SERVER_ID deploy_identifier: DEPLOY_IDENTIFIER enable_debug: ENABLE_DEBUG enable_puppet: ENABLE_PUPPET enable_paunch: ENABLE_PAUNCH container_cli: CONTAINER_CLI container_log_stdout_path: CONTAINER_LOG_STDOUT_PATH container_healthcheck_disabled: CONTAINER_HEALTHCHECK_DISABLED docker_puppet_debug: DOCKER_PUPPET_DEBUG docker_puppet_process_count: DOCKER_PUPPET_PROCESS_COUNT docker_puppet_mount_host_puppet: DOCKER_PUPPET_MOUNT_HOST_PUPPET tripleo_minor_update: true tripleo_redhat_enforce: {{role.rhsm_enforce|default("true")}} tasks: - import_tasks: hiera_steps_tasks.yaml - import_tasks: common_container_config_scripts.yaml - include_tasks: update_steps_tasks.yaml with_sequence: start=0 end={{update_steps_max-1}} loop_control: loop_var: step tags: - always - include_tasks: {{role.name}}/host_prep_tasks.yaml when: tripleo_role_name == '{{role.name}}' tags: - always - import_tasks: deploy_steps_tasks_step_0.yaml vars: step: 0 - import_tasks: common_deploy_steps_tasks_step_1.yaml - include_tasks: common_deploy_steps_tasks.yaml with_sequence: start=1 end={{deploy_steps_max-1}} loop_control: loop_var: step tags: - always - include_tasks: post_update_steps_tasks.yaml with_sequence: start=0 end={{post_update_steps_max-1}} loop_control: loop_var: step tags: - always {%- endfor %} external_update_steps_tasks: {get_attr: [ExternalUpdateTasks, value]} external_update_steps_playbook: {{ self.deploy_steps_str_replace_params() }} template: | - import_playbook: common_deploy_steps_playbooks.yaml vars: deploy_source_host: "DEPLOY_SOURCE_HOST" deploy_target_host: "DEPLOY_TARGET_HOST" {%- for step in range(external_update_steps_max) %} - hosts: DEPLOY_SOURCE_HOST name: External update step {{step}} gather_facts: "{% raw %}{{ gather_facts | default(false) }}{% endraw %}" any_errors_fatal: yes become: false vars: bootstrap_server_id: BOOTSTRAP_SERVER_ID step: '{{step}}' deploy_identifier: DEPLOY_IDENTIFIER enable_debug: ENABLE_DEBUG enable_puppet: ENABLE_PUPPET enable_paunch: ENABLE_PAUNCH container_cli: CONTAINER_CLI container_log_stdout_path: CONTAINER_LOG_STDOUT_PATH container_healthcheck_disabled: CONTAINER_HEALTHCHECK_DISABLED docker_puppet_debug: DOCKER_PUPPET_DEBUG docker_puppet_process_count: DOCKER_PUPPET_PROCESS_COUNT docker_puppet_mount_host_puppet: DOCKER_PUPPET_MOUNT_HOST_PUPPET tasks: - import_tasks: external_update_steps_tasks.yaml tags: - step{{step}} - external - external_update_steps {%- endfor %} {%- for step in range(1,deploy_steps_max) %} # putting both update and deploy tasks in the same # playbook allows influencing the deploy tasks by # variables "exported" from update tasks - hosts: DEPLOY_SOURCE_HOST name: External deploy step {{step}} gather_facts: "{% raw %}{{ gather_facts | default(false) }}{% endraw %}" any_errors_fatal: yes become: false vars: bootstrap_server_id: BOOTSTRAP_SERVER_ID step: '{{step}}' deploy_identifier: DEPLOY_IDENTIFIER enable_debug: ENABLE_DEBUG enable_puppet: ENABLE_PUPPET enable_paunch: ENABLE_PAUNCH container_cli: CONTAINER_CLI container_log_stdout_path: CONTAINER_LOG_STDOUT_PATH container_healthcheck_disabled: CONTAINER_HEALTHCHECK_DISABLED docker_puppet_debug: DOCKER_PUPPET_DEBUG docker_puppet_process_count: DOCKER_PUPPET_PROCESS_COUNT docker_puppet_mount_host_puppet: DOCKER_PUPPET_MOUNT_HOST_PUPPET tasks: - import_tasks: external_deploy_steps_tasks.yaml tags: - external - external_deploy_steps - step{{step}} {%- endfor %} pre_upgrade_rolling_steps_tasks: | {%- for role in roles %} - include_tasks: {{role.name}}/pre_upgrade_rolling_tasks.yaml when: tripleo_role_name == '{{role.name}}' tags: - always {%- endfor %} pre_upgrade_rolling_steps_playbook: {{ self.deploy_steps_str_replace_params() }} template: | {%- for role in roles %} - import_playbook: common_deploy_steps_playbooks.yaml vars: deploy_source_host: "DEPLOY_SOURCE_HOST:{{role.name}}" deploy_target_host: "DEPLOY_TARGET_HOST" - hosts: {{role.name}} name: Run pre-upgrade rolling tasks serial: {{ role.deploy_serial | default(1) }} gather_facts: "{% raw %}{{ gather_facts | default(false) }}{% endraw %}" any_errors_fatal: yes tasks: - include_tasks: pre_upgrade_rolling_steps_tasks.yaml with_sequence: start=0 end={{pre_upgrade_rolling_steps_max-1}} loop_control: loop_var: step {%- endfor %} upgrade_steps_playbook: {{ self.deploy_steps_str_replace_params() }} template: | - import_playbook: common_deploy_steps_playbooks.yaml vars: deploy_source_host: "DEPLOY_SOURCE_HOST" deploy_target_host: "DEPLOY_TARGET_HOST" {%- for step in range(0,upgrade_steps_max) %} - hosts: DEPLOY_TARGET_HOST strategy: tripleo_free name: Upgrade tasks for step {{step}} become: true gather_facts: "{% raw %}{{ gather_facts | default(false) }}{% endraw %}" any_errors_fatal: yes vars: bootstrap_server_id: BOOTSTRAP_SERVER_ID step: '{{step}}' deploy_identifier: DEPLOY_IDENTIFIER enable_debug: ENABLE_DEBUG container_cli: CONTAINER_CLI container_log_stdout_path: CONTAINER_LOG_STDOUT_PATH container_healthcheck_disabled: CONTAINER_HEALTHCHECK_DISABLED tasks: {%- for role in roles %} - include_tasks: {{role.name}}/upgrade_tasks_step{{step}}.yaml when: tripleo_role_name == '{{role.name}}' tags: - always {%- endfor %} tags: - upgrade_steps - upgrade_step{{step}} {%- endfor %} post_upgrade_steps_tasks: | {%- for role in roles %} - include_tasks: {{role.name}}/post_upgrade_tasks.yaml when: tripleo_role_name == '{{role.name}}' tags: - always {%- endfor %} post_upgrade_steps_playbook: {{ self.deploy_steps_str_replace_params() }} template: | - import_playbook: common_deploy_steps_playbooks.yaml vars: deploy_source_host: "DEPLOY_SOURCE_HOST" deploy_target_host: "DEPLOY_TARGET_HOST" - hosts: DEPLOY_TARGET_HOST strategy: tripleo_free any_errors_fatal: yes tasks: - include_tasks: post_upgrade_steps_tasks.yaml with_sequence: start=0 end={{post_upgrade_steps_max-1}} vars: bootstrap_server_id: BOOTSTRAP_SERVER_ID deploy_identifier: DEPLOY_IDENTIFIER enable_debug: ENABLE_DEBUG enable_puppet: ENABLE_PUPPET enable_paunch: ENABLE_PAUNCH container_cli: CONTAINER_CLI container_log_stdout_path: CONTAINER_LOG_STDOUT_PATH container_healthcheck_disabled: CONTAINER_HEALTHCHECK_DISABLED docker_puppet_debug: DOCKER_PUPPET_DEBUG docker_puppet_process_count: DOCKER_PUPPET_PROCESS_COUNT docker_puppet_mount_host_puppet: DOCKER_PUPPET_MOUNT_HOST_PUPPET loop_control: loop_var: step external_upgrade_steps_tasks: {get_attr: [ExternalUpgradeTasks, value]} external_upgrade_steps_playbook: {{ self.deploy_steps_str_replace_params() }} template: | - import_playbook: common_deploy_steps_playbooks.yaml vars: deploy_source_host: "DEPLOY_SOURCE_HOST" deploy_target_host: "DEPLOY_TARGET_HOST" {%- for step in range(external_upgrade_steps_max) %} - hosts: DEPLOY_SOURCE_HOST strategy: tripleo_free name: External upgrade step {{step}} gather_facts: "{% raw %}{{ gather_facts | default(false) }}{% endraw %}" any_errors_fatal: yes become: false vars: # Explicit ansible_python_interpreter to allow connecting # to different OS releases (EL7/8) while using delegate_to. ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/libexec/platform-python step: '{{step}}' bootstrap_server_id: BOOTSTRAP_SERVER_ID deploy_identifier: DEPLOY_IDENTIFIER enable_debug: ENABLE_DEBUG enable_puppet: ENABLE_PUPPET enable_paunch: ENABLE_PAUNCH container_cli: CONTAINER_CLI container_log_stdout_path: CONTAINER_LOG_STDOUT_PATH container_healthcheck_disabled: CONTAINER_HEALTHCHECK_DISABLED docker_puppet_debug: DOCKER_PUPPET_DEBUG docker_puppet_process_count: DOCKER_PUPPET_PROCESS_COUNT docker_puppet_mount_host_puppet: DOCKER_PUPPET_MOUNT_HOST_PUPPET tasks: - import_tasks: external_upgrade_steps_tasks.yaml tags: - step{{step}} - external - external_upgrade_steps {%- endfor %} {%- for step in range(1,deploy_steps_max) %} # putting both upgrade and deploy tasks in the same # playbook allows influencing the deploy tasks by # variables "exported" from upgrade tasks - hosts: DEPLOY_SOURCE_HOST name: External deploy step {{step}} gather_facts: "{% raw %}{{ gather_facts | default(false) }}{% endraw %}" any_errors_fatal: yes become: false vars: # Explicit ansible_python_interpreter to allow connecting # to different OS releases (EL7/8) while using delegate_to. ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/libexec/platform-python step: '{{step}}' bootstrap_server_id: BOOTSTRAP_SERVER_ID deploy_identifier: DEPLOY_IDENTIFIER enable_debug: ENABLE_DEBUG enable_puppet: ENABLE_PUPPET enable_paunch: ENABLE_PAUNCH container_cli: CONTAINER_CLI container_log_stdout_path: CONTAINER_LOG_STDOUT_PATH container_healthcheck_disabled: CONTAINER_HEALTHCHECK_DISABLED docker_puppet_debug: DOCKER_PUPPET_DEBUG docker_puppet_process_count: DOCKER_PUPPET_PROCESS_COUNT docker_puppet_mount_host_puppet: DOCKER_PUPPET_MOUNT_HOST_PUPPET tasks: - import_tasks: external_deploy_steps_tasks.yaml tags: - step{{step}} - external - external_deploy_steps {%- endfor %} scale_steps_tasks: {get_attr: [ScaleTasks, value]} scale_playbook: {{ self.deploy_steps_str_replace_params() }} template: | # Collect the facts from the overcloud nodes but ignore unreachable # nodes in the case of a dead node which needs to be part of the # scale-down operation. - import_playbook: common_deploy_steps_playbooks.yaml vars: deploy_source_host: "DEPLOY_SOURCE_HOST" deploy_target_host: "DEPLOY_TARGET_HOST" - hosts: DEPLOY_TARGET_HOST name: Scaling # NOTE(cloudnull): This is set to true explicitly so that we have up-to-date facts # on all DEPLOY_TARGET_HOST when performing a scaling operation. # Without up-to-date facts, we're creating a potential failure # scenario. gather_facts: true ignore_unreachable: true become: false vars: bootstrap_server_id: BOOTSTRAP_SERVER_ID deploy_identifier: DEPLOY_IDENTIFIER enable_debug: ENABLE_DEBUG enable_puppet: ENABLE_PUPPET enable_paunch: ENABLE_PAUNCH container_cli: CONTAINER_CLI container_log_stdout_path: CONTAINER_LOG_STDOUT_PATH docker_puppet_debug: DOCKER_PUPPET_DEBUG docker_puppet_process_count: DOCKER_PUPPET_PROCESS_COUNT docker_puppet_mount_host_puppet: DOCKER_PUPPET_MOUNT_HOST_PUPPET tasks: # Only run the scale tasks on the nodes that are alive. # We expect the tasks to work on the nodes that are alive. # If a task is allowed to fail, it needs to be configured at # the task definition level but not here. - include_tasks: scale_steps_tasks.yaml with_sequence: start=1 end={{scale_steps_max}} loop_control: loop_var: step tags: always # we use ansible_facts['hostname'] to determine if the host is alive # or not. when: ansible_facts['hostname'] is defined # We don't want to run the scale tasks on dead nodes, to allow # the operator to scale down the cloud no matter the state of # the servers. # However, we notify the operator if the node wasn't reachable. # Using fail and not debug module to make it more visible # in the logs. - fail: msg: "Node is unreachable. No scale tasks will be run." ignore_errors: True tags: always # we use ansible_facts['hostname'] to determine if the host is alive # or not. when: ansible_facts['hostname'] is not defined tags: - scale post_update_steps_tasks: | {%- for role in roles %} - include_tasks: {{role.name}}/post_update_tasks.yaml when: tripleo_role_name == '{{role.name}}' tags: - always {%- endfor %}