{%- set primary_role_name = roles[0].name -%} {%- for role in roles if ('primary' in role.tags and 'controller' in role.tags) -%} {%- if loop.first -%} {%- set primary_role_name = role.name -%} {%- endif -%} {%- endfor -%} # primary role is: {{primary_role_name}} heat_template_version: wallaby description: > Deploy an OpenStack environment, consisting of several node types (roles), Controller, Compute, BlockStorage, SwiftStorage and CephStorage. The Storage roles enable independent scaling of the storage components, but the minimal deployment is one Controller and one Compute node. # TODO(shadower): we should probably use the parameter groups to put # some order in here. parameters: ExtraAnsibleHostVars: default: {} description: Mapping of Ansible host variable overrides. type: json # Common parameters (not specific to {%- for network in networks if network.vip|default(false) and network.enabled|default(true) %} {%- if network.name == 'External' %} # Special case the External hostname param, which is CloudName CloudName: default: overcloud.localdomain description: The DNS name of this cloud. E.g. ci-overcloud.tripleo.org type: string # TODO (dsneddon) Legacy name, eventually refactor to match network name PublicVirtualFixedIPs: default: [] description: > Control the IP allocation for the PublicVirtualInterface port. E.g. [{'ip_address':''}] type: json {%- elif network.name == 'InternalApi' %} # Special case the Internal API hostname param, which is CloudNameInternal CloudNameInternal: default: overcloud.{{network.name.lower()}}.localdomain description: > The DNS name of this cloud's {{network.name_lower}} endpoint. E.g. 'ci-overcloud.{{network.name.lower()}}.tripleo.org'. type: string {%- elif network.name == 'StorageMgmt' %} # Special case StorageMgmt hostname param, which is CloudNameStorageManagement CloudNameStorageManagement: default: overcloud.{{network.name.lower()}}.localdomain description: > The DNS name of this cloud's {{network.name_lower}} endpoint. E.g. 'ci-overcloud.{{network.name.lower()}}.tripleo.org'. type: string {%- else %} CloudName{{network.name}}: default: overcloud.{{network.name.lower()}}.localdomain description: > The DNS name of this cloud's {{network.name_lower}} endpoint. E.g. 'ci-overcloud.{{network.name.lower()}}.tripleo.org'. type: string {%- endif %} {{network.name}}VirtualFixedIPs: default: [] description: > Control the IP allocation for the {{network.name}}VirtualInterface port. E.g. [{'ip_address':''}] type: json {%- endfor %} CloudNameCtlplane: default: overcloud.ctlplane.localdomain description: > The DNS name of this cloud's provisioning network endpoint. E.g. 'ci-overcloud.ctlplane.tripleo.org'. type: string ExtraHostFileEntries: default: [] description: List of extra hosts entries to be appended to /etc/hosts type: comma_delimited_list UndercloudHostsEntries: default: [] description: > List of undercloud hosts entries to be appended to /etc/hosts. The value is populated with the HEAT_HOSTS entries on the undercloud by tripleoclient when running deploy. type: comma_delimited_list EndpointMapOverride: default: {} description: Can be used to override the calcluated EndpointMap type: json ExtraConfig: default: {} description: | Additional hiera configuration to inject into the cluster. type: json DeployedServerPortMap: default: {} type: json NeutronControlPlaneID: default: 'ctlplane' type: string description: Neutron ID or name for ctlplane network. NeutronPhysicalBridge: default: 'br-ex' description: An OVS bridge to create for accessing external networks. type: string NeutronPublicInterface: default: nic1 description: Which interface to add to the NeutronPhysicalBridge. type: string ControlPlaneSubnet: description: The name of the undercloud Neutron control plane subnet default: ctlplane-subnet type: string ControlPlaneSubnetCidr: default: '' description: > The subnet CIDR of the control plane network. (The parameter is automatically resolved from the ctlplane subnet's cidr attribute.) type: string DnsSearchDomains: # Override this via parameter_defaults default: [] description: A list of DNS search domains to be added (in order) to resolv.conf. type: comma_delimited_list ControlFixedIPs: default: [] description: > Control the IP allocation for the ControlVirtualIP port. E.g. [{'ip_address':''}] type: json RabbitCookieSalt: type: string default: unset description: Salt for the rabbit cookie, change this to force the randomly generated rabbit cookie to change. CloudDomain: default: 'localdomain' type: string description: > The DNS domain used for the hosts. This must match the overcloud_domain_name configured on the undercloud. ServerMetadata: default: {} description: > Extra properties or metadata passed to Nova for the created nodes in the overcloud. It's accessible via the Nova metadata API. type: json # Compute-specific params # FIXME(shardy) handle these deprecated names as they don't match compute.yaml HypervisorNeutronPhysicalBridge: default: 'br-ex' description: > An OVS bridge to create on each hypervisor. This defaults to br-ex the same as the control plane nodes, as we have a uniform configuration of the openvswitch agent. Typically should not need to be changed. type: string HypervisorNeutronPublicInterface: default: nic1 description: What interface to add to the HypervisorNeutronPhysicalBridge. type: string NodeCreateBatchSize: default: 30 description: Maxiumum batch size for creating nodes type: number NovaAdditionalCell: default: false description: Whether this is an cell additional to the default cell. type: boolean NovaLocalMetadataPerCell: default: false description: > Indicates that the nova-metadata API service has been deployed per-cell, so that we can have better performance and data isolation in a multi-cell deployment. Users should consider the use of this configuration depending on how neutron is setup. If networks span cells, you might need to run nova-metadata API service globally. If your networks are segmented along cell boundaries, then you can run nova-metadata API service per cell. When running nova-metadata API service per cell, you should also configure each Neutron metadata-agent to point to the corresponding nova-metadata API service. type: boolean BondInterfaceOvsOptions: default: '' description: The ovs_options or bonding_options string for the bond interface. Set things like lacp=active and/or bond_mode=balance-slb for OVS bonds or like mode=4 for Linux bonds using this option. type: string constraints: - allowed_pattern: ^((?!balance.tcp).)*$ description: The balance-tcp bond mode is known to cause packet loss and should not be used in BondInterfaceOvsOptions. NetworkConfigWithAnsible: description: NetworkConfig with ansible flag type: boolean default: True # Jinja loop for Role in role_data.yaml {% for role in roles %} {%- if role.name == 'ComputeOvsDpdk' %} NumDpdkInterfaceRxQueues: description: Number of Rx Queues required for DPDK bond or DPDK ports default: 1 type: number {%- endif %} {{role.name}}LocalMtu: # Override this via parameter_defaults default: 1500 description: MTU to use for the Undercloud local_interface. type: number constraints: - range: { min: 1000, max: 65536 } {{role.name}}NetworkConfigTemplate: description: {{role.name}} NetworkConfig Template type: string {%- if 'external_bridge' in role.tags|default([]) %} default: 'templates/net_config_bridge.j2' {%- else %} default: '' {%- endif %} {{role.name}}ExtraConfig: default: {} description: | Role specific additional hiera configuration to inject into the cluster. type: json {%- if role.deprecated_param_extraconfig is defined %} {{role.deprecated_param_extraconfig}}: default: {} description: | DEPRECATED use {{role.name}}ExtraConfig instead type: json {%- endif %} # Parameters generated for {{role.name}} Role {{role.name}}Services: description: A list of service resources (configured in the Heat resource_registry) which represent nested stacks for each service that should get installed on the {{role.name}} role. type: comma_delimited_list {{role.name}}NetworkConfigUpdate: type: boolean description: > When set to "True", existing networks will be updated on the overcloud. This parameter replaces the functionality previously provided by NetworkDeploymentActions. Defaults to "False" so that only new nodes will have their networks configured. This is a role based parameter. default: False {{role.name}}AnyErrorsFatal: default: true type: boolean {{role.name}}MaxFailPercentage: default: 0 type: number {{role.name}}Count: description: Number of {{role.name}} nodes to deploy type: number default: {{role.CountDefault|default(0)}} {{role.name}}HostnameFormat: type: string description: > Format for {{role.name}} node hostnames Note %index% is translated into the index of the node, e.g 0/1/2 etc and %stackname% is replaced with the stack name e.g overcloud {% if role.HostnameFormatDefault %} default: "{{role.HostnameFormatDefault}}" {% else %} default: "%stackname%-{{role.name.lower()}}-%index%" {% endif %} {{role.name}}RemovalPolicies: default: [] type: json description: > List of resources to be removed from {{role.name}} ResourceGroup when doing an update which requires removal of specific resources. Example format ComputeRemovalPolicies: [{'resource_list': ['0']}] {{role.name}}RemovalPoliciesMode: default: append type: string description: > How to handle change to RemovalPolicies for {{role.name}} ResourceGroup when doing an update. Default mode 'append' will append to the existing blacklist and 'update' would replace the blacklist. {{role.name}}SchedulerHints: type: json description: Optional scheduler hints to pass to nova default: {} {%- if role.deprecated_param_scheduler_hints is defined %} {{role.deprecated_param_scheduler_hints}}: type: json description: DEPRECATED - use {{role.name}}SchedulerHints instead default: {} {%- endif %} {{role.name}}Parameters: type: json description: Optional Role Specific parameters to be provided to service default: {} {{role.name}}ExtraGroupVars: type: json description: Optional extra Ansible group vars default: {} {{role.name}}ControlPlaneSubnet: default: ctlplane-subnet description: | Name of the subnet on ctlplane network for this role. type: string {{role.name}}ServiceNetMap: default: {} description: | Role specific ServiceNetMap overrides, the map provided will be merged with the global ServiceNetMap when passing the ServiceNetMap to the {{role.name}}ServiceChain resource and the {{role.name}} resource group. For example: {{role.name}}ServiceNetMap: NovaLibvirtNetwork: internal_api_leaf2 type: json {{role.name}}NetConfigOverride: default: {} description: | Custom JSON data to be used to override the os-net-config config. This is meant to be used by net_config_override parameter in tripleoclient to provide an easy means to pass in custom net configs for the Undercloud. type: json {% endfor %} # Identifiers to trigger tasks on nodes UpdateIdentifier: default: '' type: string description: > Setting to a previously unused value during stack-update will trigger package update on all nodes DeployIdentifier: default: '' type: string description: > Setting this to a unique value will re-run any deployment tasks which perform configuration on a Heat stack-update. AddVipsToEtcHosts: default: True type: boolean description: > Set to true to append per network Vips to /etc/hosts on each node. DeploymentServerBlacklist: default: [] type: comma_delimited_list description: > List of server hostnames to blacklist from any triggered deployments. GlobalConfigExtraMapData: type: json default: {} description: Map of extra global_config_settings data to set on each node. NetConfigDataLookup: type: json default: {} description: > Configure os-net-config mappings for specific nodes Your environment file needs to look like: parameter_defaults: NetConfigDataLookup: node1: nic1: "00:c8:7c:e6:f0:2e" node2: nic1: "00:18:7d:99:0c:b6" node3: dmiString: 'system-uuid' id: 'A8C85861-1B16-4803-8689-AFC62984F8F6' nic1: em3 # Dell PowerEdge nodegroup1: dmiString: "system-product-name" id: "PowerEdge R630" nic1: em3 nic2: em1 nic3: em2 # Cisco UCS B200-M4" nodegroup2: dmiString: "system-product-name" id: "UCSB-B200-M4" nic1: enp7s0 nic2: enp6s0 This will result in the first node* entry where either a mac matches a local device or a DMI String matches the specified id being written as a mapping file for os-net-config. (/etc/os-net-config/mapping.yaml) DnsServers: # Override this via parameter_defaults default: [] description: > DNS servers to use for the Overcloud (2 max for some implementations). If not set the nameservers configured in the ctlplane subnet's dns_nameservers attribute will be used. type: comma_delimited_list RootStackName: description: The name of the stack/plan. type: string {% for role in roles %} {%- if role.deprecated_param_scheduler_hints is defined or role.deprecated_param_extraconfig is defined %} {%- if not parameter_groups_defined|default(false) %} parameter_groups: - label: deprecated description: Do not use deprecated params, they will be removed. parameters: - DnsServers {%- set parameter_groups_defined = true %} {%- endif %} {%- endif %} {%- if role.deprecated_param_scheduler_hints is defined %} - {{role.deprecated_param_scheduler_hints}} {%- endif %} {%- if role.deprecated_param_extraconfig is defined %} - {{role.deprecated_param_extraconfig}} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} conditions: add_vips_to_etc_hosts: {equals : [{get_param: AddVipsToEtcHosts}, True]} control_fixed_ip_not_set: {equals : [{get_param: ControlFixedIPs}, []]} {%- for network in networks if network.name != 'External' %} {{network.name_lower}}_virtual_fixed_ip_set: not: equals: - get_param: {{network.name}}VirtualFixedIPs - [] {%- endfor %} public_virtual_fixed_ip_set: not: equals: - get_param: PublicVirtualFixedIPs - [] set_default_mysql_cell_internal: or: - equals: - get_param: NovaAdditionalCell - true - and: - equals: - get_param: NovaAdditionalCell - false - equals: - get_param: [EndpointMapOverride, MysqlCellInternal] - '' set_default_nova_vnc_proxy_cell_public: or: - equals: - get_param: NovaAdditionalCell - true - and: - equals: - get_param: NovaAdditionalCell - false - equals: - get_param: [EndpointMapOverride, NovaVNCProxyCellPublic] - '' set_default_nova_metadata_cell_internal: or: - equals: - get_param: NovaLocalMetadataPerCell - true - and: - equals: - get_param: NovaLocalMetadataPerCell - false - equals: - get_param: [EndpointMapOverride, NovaMetadataCellInternal] - '' dnsservers_set: not: equals: [{get_param: DnsServers}, []] resources: VipHosts: type: OS::Heat::Value properties: type: comma_delimited_list value: - str_replace: template: IP HOST params: IP: {get_attr: [VipMap, net_ip_map, ctlplane]} HOST: {get_param: CloudNameCtlplane} {%- for network in networks if network.vip|default(false) and network.enabled|default(true) %} {%- if network.name == 'External' %} # Special case the External hostname param, which is CloudName - str_replace: template: IP HOST params: IP: {get_attr: [VipMap, net_ip_map, {{network.name_lower}}]} HOST: {get_param: CloudName} {%- elif network.name == 'InternalApi' %} # Special case the Internal API hostname param, which is CloudNameInternal - str_replace: template: IP HOST params: IP: {get_attr: [VipMap, net_ip_map, {{network.name_lower}}]} HOST: {get_param: CloudNameInternal} {%- elif network.name == 'StorageMgmt' %} # Special case StorageMgmt hostname param, which is CloudNameStorageManagement - str_replace: template: IP HOST params: IP: {get_attr: [VipMap, net_ip_map, {{network.name_lower}}]} HOST: {get_param: CloudNameStorageManagement} {%- else %} - str_replace: template: IP HOST params: IP: {get_attr: [VipMap, net_ip_map, {{network.name_lower}}]} HOST: {get_param: CloudName{{network.name}}} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} NetCidrMapValue: type: OS::Heat::Value properties: type: json value: map_replace: - map_merge: - {get_attr: [Networks, net_cidr_map]} # NOTE(hjensas): When ctlplane network and subnets are created by the # undercloud installer, the subnet cidrs are added as tags. - ctlplane: {get_attr: [ControlVirtualIP, network, tags]} - keys: ctlplane: {get_param: NeutronControlPlaneID} NetIpVersionMapValue: type: OS::Heat::Value properties: type: json value: map_replace: - map_merge: - {get_attr: [Networks, net_ip_version_map]} - ctlplane: {get_attr: [ControlVirtualIP, subnets, 0, ip_version]} - keys: ctlplane: {get_param: NeutronControlPlaneID} ServiceNetMap: type: OS::TripleO::ServiceNetMap EndpointMap: type: OS::TripleO::EndpointMap properties: CloudEndpoints: ctlplane: {get_param: CloudNameCtlplane} {%- for network in networks if network.vip|default(false) and network.enabled|default(true) %} {%- if network.name == 'External' %} # Special case the External hostname param, which is CloudName {{network.name_lower}}: {get_param: CloudName} {%- elif network.name == 'InternalApi' %} # Special case the Internal API hostname param, which is CloudNameInternal {{network.name_lower}}: {get_param: CloudNameInternal} {%- elif network.name == 'StorageMgmt' %} # Special case StorageMgmt hostname param, which is CloudNameStorageManagement {{network.name_lower}}: {get_param: CloudNameStorageManagement} {%- else %} {{network.name_lower}}: {get_param: CloudName{{network.name}}} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} NetIpMap: {get_attr: [VipMap, net_ip_map]} ServiceNetMap: {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map]} EndpointMapData: type: OS::Heat::Value properties: type: json value: map_merge: - {get_attr: [EndpointMap, endpoint_map]} - {get_param: EndpointMapOverride} # For parent stack we must set these to the local endpoints # For split-controlplane stacks that are nova cells we must set # these to the local endpoints # For split-controlplane stacks that are not nova cells we should # take these from EndpointMapOverride (i.e the parent stack) - if: - set_default_mysql_cell_internal - MysqlCellInternal: {get_attr: [EndpointMap, endpoint_map, MysqlInternal]} - {} - if: - set_default_nova_vnc_proxy_cell_public - NovaVNCProxyCellPublic: {get_attr: [EndpointMap, endpoint_map, NovaVNCProxyPublic]} - {} - if: - set_default_nova_metadata_cell_internal - NovaMetadataCellInternal: {get_attr: [EndpointMap, endpoint_map, NovaMetadataInternal]} - {} # Creates the "heat-admin" user if configured via the environment # Should return a OS::Heat::MultipartMime reference via OS::stack_id NodeAdminUserData: type: OS::TripleO::NodeAdminUserData # Bootstraps an ntp configuration and includes a hardware clock sync to # for containers. # Should return a OS::Heat::MultipartMime reference via OS::stack_id NodeTimesyncUserData: type: OS::TripleO::NodeTimesyncUserData # For optional operator additional userdata # Should return a OS::Heat::MultipartMime reference via OS::stack_id NodeUserData: type: OS::TripleO::NodeUserData # Jinja loop for Role in roles_data.yaml {% for role in roles %} # Resources generated for {{role.name}} Role {{role.name}}ServiceChain: type: OS::TripleO::{{role.name}}Services properties: Services: get_param: {{role.name}}Services ServiceNetMap: map_merge: - {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map]} - {get_param: {{role.name}}ServiceNetMap} ServiceData: net_cidr_map: {get_attr: [NetCidrMapValue, value]} net_vip_map: {get_attr: [VipMap, net_ip_map]} net_ip_version_map: {get_attr: [NetIpVersionMapValue, value]} vip_subnet_map: {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, vip_subnet_map]} EndpointMap: {get_attr: [EndpointMapData, value]} RoleName: {{role.name}} RoleParameters: map_merge: - {{role.RoleParametersDefault|default({})}} - get_param: {{role.name}}Parameters # Lookup of role_data via heat outputs is slow, so workaround this by caching # the value in an OS::Heat::Value resource {{role.name}}ServiceChainRoleData: type: OS::Heat::Value properties: type: json value: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}ServiceChain, role_data]} {{role.name}}ConfigData: type: OS::Heat::Value properties: type: json value: service_configs: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}ServiceConfigSettings, value]} service_names: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}ServiceNames, value]} role_extraconfig: map_merge: - tripleo::profile::base::metrics::collectd::sensubility::subscriptions: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}ServiceChainRoleData, value, monitoring_subscriptions]} - tripleo_collectd_sensubility_subscriptions: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}ServiceChainRoleData, value, monitoring_subscriptions]} {%- if role.deprecated_param_extraconfig is defined %} - {get_param: {{role.deprecated_param_extraconfig}}} {%- endif %} - {get_param: {{role.name}}ExtraConfig} extraconfig: {get_param: ExtraConfig} hieradata_files: - '%{::uuid}' - fqdn - docker_puppet # Optionally provided by container-puppet.sh - ansible_managed - heat_config_%{::deploy_config_name} - config_step - role_extraconfig - extraconfig - pci_passthrough_whitelist - service_names - service_configs - cloud_domain - bootstrap_node # provided by tripleo_hieradata - all_nodes # provided by tripleo_hieradata - vip_data # provided by tripleo_hieradata - net_ip_map - ovn_chassis_mac_map # provided by tripleo_hieradata - '%{::osfamily}' # Special variable for upgrade - upgrade {{role.name}}ServiceConfigSettings: type: OS::Heat::Value properties: type: json value: map_merge: - get_param: GlobalConfigExtraMapData - get_attr: [{{role.name}}ServiceChainRoleData, value, config_settings] {% for r in roles %} - get_attr: [{{r.name}}ServiceChainRoleData, value, global_config_settings] {% endfor %} # This next step combines two yaql passes: # - The inner one does a deep merge on the service_config_settings for all roles # - The outer one filters the map based on the services enabled for the role # then merges the result into one map. - yaql: expression: let(root => $) -> $.data.map.items().where($[0] in coalesce($root.data.services, [])).select($[1]).reduce($1.mergeWith($2), {}) data: map: yaql: expression: $.data.where($ != null).reduce($1.mergeWith($2), {}) data: {% for r in roles %} - get_attr: [{{r.name}}ServiceChainRoleData, value, service_config_settings] {% endfor %} services: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}ServiceNames, value]} # Filter any null/None service_names which may be present due to mapping # of services to OS::Heat::None {{role.name}}ServiceNames: type: OS::Heat::Value depends_on: {{role.name}}ServiceChain properties: type: comma_delimited_list value: yaql: expression: let(root => $) -> distinct($.data.extra_services.items().where($[0] in coalesce($root.data.enabled_services, [])).select($[1]).flatten() + coalesce($root.data.enabled_services, [])) data: enabled_services: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}ServiceChainRoleData, value, service_names]} extra_services: # If anything other than keystone needs this # then we should add an extra_networks interface # to the service templates role_data but for # now we hard-code the keystone special case keystone: - keystone_admin_api - keystone_public_api {{role.name}}IpListMap: type: OS::TripleO::Network::Ports::NetIpListMap properties: ControlPlaneIpList: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}, ip_address]} {%- for network in networks if network.enabled|default(true) and network.name in role.networks|default([]) %} {{network.name}}IpList: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}, {{network.name_lower}}_ip_address]} {%- endfor %} RoleNetworks: - ctlplane {%- for network in networks if network.enabled|default(true) and network.name in role.networks|default([]) %} - {{network.name_lower}} {%- endfor %} EnabledServices: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}ServiceNames, value]} ServiceNetMap: {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map_lower]} ServiceHostnameList: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}, hostname]} NetworkHostnameMap: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}NetworkHostnameMap, value]} {{role.name}}NetworkHostnameMap: type: OS::Heat::Value properties: type: json value: # Note (shardy) this somewhat complex yaql may be replaced # with a map_deep_merge function in ocata. It merges the # list of maps, but appends to colliding lists so we can # create a map of lists for all nodes for each network yaql: expression: dict($.data.where($ != null).flatten().selectMany($.items()).groupBy($[0], $[1]).select([$[0], $[1].flatten()])) data: - {get_attr: [{{role.name}}, hostname_map]} # Combine the NodeAdminUserData and NodeUserData mime archives {{role.name}}UserData: type: OS::Heat::MultipartMime properties: parts: - config: {get_resource: NodeAdminUserData} type: multipart - config: {get_resource: NodeTimesyncUserData} type: multipart - config: {get_resource: NodeUserData} type: multipart - config: {get_resource: {{role.name}}RoleUserData} type: multipart # For optional operator role-specific userdata # Should return a OS::Heat::MultipartMime reference via OS::stack_id {{role.name}}RoleUserData: type: OS::TripleO::{{role.name}}::NodeUserData {{role.name}}: type: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup depends_on: Networks update_policy: batch_create: max_batch_size: {get_param: NodeCreateBatchSize} properties: count: {get_param: {{role.name}}Count} removal_policies: {get_param: {{role.name}}RemovalPolicies} removal_policies_mode: {get_param: {{role.name}}RemovalPoliciesMode} resource_def: type: OS::TripleO::{{role.name}} properties: CloudDomain: {get_param: CloudDomain} ServiceNetMap: map_merge: - {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map]} - {get_param: {{role.name}}ServiceNetMap} EndpointMap: {get_attr: [EndpointMapData, value]} Hostname: str_replace: template: {get_param: {{role.name}}HostnameFormat} params: '%stackname%': {get_param: 'OS::stack_name'} NodeIndex: '%index%' # Note, SchedulerHints must be defined here, not only in the # nested template, as it can contain %index% {{role.name}}SchedulerHints: map_merge: {%- if role.deprecated_param_scheduler_hints is defined %} - {get_param: {{role.deprecated_param_scheduler_hints}}} {%- endif %} - {get_param: {{role.name}}SchedulerHints} ServiceNames: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}ServiceNames, value]} ServiceMetadataSettings: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}ServiceChainRoleData, value, service_metadata_settings]} OVNBridgeMappings: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}ServiceChainRoleData, value, config_settings, 'ovn::controller::ovn_bridge_mappings']} DeploymentServerBlacklistDict: {get_attr: [DeploymentServerBlacklistDict, value]} RoleParameters: map_merge: - {{role.RoleParametersDefault|default({})}} - get_param: {{role.name}}Parameters UserData: {get_resource: {{role.name}}UserData} {%- endfor %} {%- for role in roles %} {{role.name}}Servers: type: OS::Heat::Value depends_on: {{role.name}} properties: type: json value: yaql: expression: let(servers=>switch(isDict($.data.servers) => $.data.servers, true => {})) -> $servers.deleteAll($servers.keys().where($servers[$] = null)) data: servers: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}, attributes, nova_server_resource]} {%- endfor %} # This is a different format to *Servers, as it creates a map of lists # whereas *Servers creates a map of maps with keys of the nested resource names ServerIdMap: type: OS::Heat::Value properties: value: server_ids: {%- for role in roles %} {{role.name}}: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}, nova_server_resource]} {%- endfor %} bootstrap_server_id: yaql: expression: coalesce($.data, []).first(null) data: {get_attr: [{{primary_role_name}}, nova_server_resource]} # This resource just creates a dict out of the DeploymentServerBlacklist, # which is a list. The dict is used in the role templates to set a condition # on whether to create the deployment resources. We can't use the list # directly because there is no way to ask Heat if a list contains a specific # value. DeploymentServerBlacklistDict: type: OS::Heat::Value properties: type: json value: map_merge: repeat: template: hostname: 1 for_each: hostname: {get_param: DeploymentServerBlacklist} HostsEntryValue: type: OS::Heat::Value properties: type: comma_delimited_list value: list_concat_unique: list_concat: - - {get_param: UndercloudHostsEntries} - - if: - add_vips_to_etc_hosts - {get_attr: [VipHosts, value]} - [] {%- for role in roles %} - {get_attr: [{{role.name}}, hosts_entry]} {%- endfor %} - - {get_param: ExtraHostFileEntries} CloudNames: type: OS::Heat::Value properties: value: {%- for network in networks if network.vip|default(false) and network.enabled|default(true) %} {%- if network.name == 'External' %} # Special case the External hostname param, which is CloudName cloud_name_{{network.name_lower}}: {get_param: CloudName} {%- elif network.name == 'InternalApi' %} # Special case the Internal API hostname param, which is CloudNameInternal cloud_name_{{network.name_lower}}: {get_param: CloudNameInternal} {%- elif network.name == 'StorageMgmt' %} # Special case StorageMgmt hostname param, which is CloudNameStorageManagement cloud_name_{{network.name_lower}}: {get_param: CloudNameStorageManagement} {%- else %} cloud_name_{{network.name_lower}}: {get_param: CloudName{{network.name}}} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} cloud_name_ctlplane: {get_param: CloudNameCtlplane} GlobalConfig: type: OS::Heat::Value properties: type: json value: map_merge: {% for role in roles %} - get_attr: [{{role.name}}ServiceChainRoleData, value, global_config_settings] {% endfor %} # creates the network architecture Networks: type: OS::TripleO::Network properties: CtlplaneNetworkCidrs: {get_attr: [ControlVirtualIP, network, tags]} # NOTE(tkajinam): Backend services and haproxy might be running in different # nodes, so we need to gather all frontend firewall rules # across all roles and pass the combined data to firewall # configuration task in the node where haproxy (or edge # haproxy) is assigned to. FirewallFrontendRules: type: OS::Heat::Value properties: type: json value: frontend: map_merge: {% for role in roles %} - get_attr: [{{role.name}}ServiceChainRoleData, value, firewall_frontend_rules] {% endfor %} ssl_frontend: map_merge: {% for role in roles %} - get_attr: [{{role.name}}ServiceChainRoleData, value, firewall_ssl_frontend_rules] {% endfor %} edge_frontend: map_merge: {% for role in roles %} - get_attr: [{{role.name}}ServiceChainRoleData, value, firewall_edge_frontend_rules] {% endfor %} edge_ssl_frontend: map_merge: {% for role in roles %} - get_attr: [{{role.name}}ServiceChainRoleData, value, firewall_edge_ssl_frontend_rules] {% endfor %} {%- for role in roles %} {{role.name}}GroupVars: type: OS::Heat::Value properties: value: ctlplane_mtu: {get_attr: [Networks, net_attributes_map, ctlplane, network, mtu]} ctlplane_gateway_ip: {get_attr: [Networks, net_attributes_map, ctlplane, subnets, {get_param: {{role.name}}ControlPlaneSubnet}, gateway_ip]} ctlplane_dns_nameservers: if: - dnsservers_set - {get_param: DnsServers} - {get_attr: [Networks, net_attributes_map, ctlplane, subnets, {get_param: {{role.name}}ControlPlaneSubnet}, dns_nameservers]} ctlplane_subnet_cidr: {str_split: ['/', {get_attr: [Networks, net_attributes_map, ctlplane, subnets, {get_param: {{role.name}}ControlPlaneSubnet}, cidr]}, 1]} ctlplane_host_routes: list_concat_unique: - {get_attr: [Networks, net_attributes_map, ctlplane, subnets, {get_param: {{role.name}}ControlPlaneSubnet}, host_routes]} {%- if role.default_route_networks is not defined or 'ControlPlane' in role.default_route_networks %} - - default: true next_hop: {get_attr: [Networks, net_attributes_map, ctlplane, subnets, {get_param: {{role.name}}ControlPlaneSubnet}, gateway_ip]} {%- endif %} # MTU is not filtered on role.networks, for DVR we need the External MTU on the exteranl_bridge {% for network in networks if network.enabled|default(true) %} {{network.name_lower}}_mtu: {get_attr: [Networks, net_attributes_map, {{network.name_lower}}, network, mtu]} {%- endfor %} {%- for network in networks if network.enabled|default(true) and network.name in role.networks|default([]) %} {%- if role.networks is mapping %} {%- set _role_net_subnet = role.networks[network.name]['subnet'] %} {%- else %} {%- set _role_net_subnet = network.name_lower + '_subnet' %} {%- endif %} {{network.name_lower}}_gateway_ip: {get_attr: [Networks, net_attributes_map, {{network.name_lower}}, subnets, {{_role_net_subnet}}, gateway_ip]} {{network.name_lower}}_host_routes: list_concat_unique: - {get_attr: [Networks, net_attributes_map, {{network.name_lower}}, subnets, {{_role_net_subnet}}, host_routes]} {%- if role.default_route_networks is defined and network.name in role.default_route_networks %} - - default: true next_hop: {get_attr: [Networks, net_attributes_map, {{network.name_lower}}, subnets, {{_role_net_subnet}}, gateway_ip]} {%- endif %} {{network.name_lower}}_cidr: {str_split: ['/', {get_attr: [Networks, net_attributes_map, {{network.name_lower}}, subnets, {{_role_net_subnet}}, cidr]}, 1]} {{network.name_lower}}_vlan_id: yaql: expression: > switch(not isList($.data) => 1, not $.data.where($.startsWith('tripleo_vlan_id')).len() => 1, true => int($.data.where($.startsWith('tripleo_vlan_id')).first().split('=').last())) data: {get_attr: [Networks, net_attributes_map, {{network.name_lower}}, subnets, {{_role_net_subnet}}, tags]} {%- endfor %} network_cidrs: {%- for network in networks if network.enabled|default(true) and network.name in role.networks|default([]) %} {%- if role.networks is mapping %} {%- set _role_net_subnet = role.networks[network.name]['subnet'] %} {%- else %} {%- set _role_net_subnet = network.name_lower + '_subnet' %} {%- endif %} {{network.name}}_cidr: {str_split: ['/', {get_attr: [Networks, net_attributes_map, {{network.name_lower}}, subnets, {{_role_net_subnet}}, cidr]}, 1]} {%- endfor %} dns_search_domains: {get_param: DnsSearchDomains} bond_interface_ovs_options: {get_param: BondInterfaceOvsOptions} local_mtu: {get_param: {{role.name}}LocalMtu} role_networks: {%- for network in networks if network.enabled|default(true) and network.name in role.networks|default([]) %} - {{network.name}} {%- endfor %} networks_lower: {%- for network in networks if network.enabled|default(true) %} {{network.name}}: {{network.name_lower}} {%- endfor %} networks_all: {%- for network in networks if network.enabled|default(true) %} - {{network.name}} {%- endfor %} service_metadata_settings: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}ServiceChainRoleData, value, service_metadata_settings]} tripleo_network_config_template: {get_param: {{role.name}}NetworkConfigTemplate} tripleo_network_config_with_ansible: {get_param: NetworkConfigWithAnsible} default_route_networks: {{role.default_route_networks|default(['ControlPlane'])}} networks_skip_config: {{ role.networks_skip_config|default([]) }} tripleo_firewall_rules: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}ServiceChainRoleData, value, firewall_rules]} tripleo_firewall_frontend_rules: {get_attr: [FirewallFrontendRules, value, frontend]} tripleo_firewall_ssl_frontend_rules: {get_attr: [FirewallFrontendRules, value, ssl_frontend]} tripleo_firewall_edge_frontend_rules: {get_attr: [FirewallFrontendRules, value, edge_frontend]} tripleo_firewall_edge_ssl_frontend_rules: {get_attr: [FirewallFrontendRules, value, edge_ssl_frontend]} role_tags: {{role.tags}} {{role.name}}NetworkConfig: type: OS::TripleO::{{role.name}}::Net::SoftwareConfig properties: ControlPlaneIp: "{{ '{{' }} ctlplane_ip {{ '}}' }}" ControlPlaneSubnetCidr: {str_split: ['/', {get_attr: [Networks, net_attributes_map, ctlplane, subnets, {get_param: {{role.name}}ControlPlaneSubnet}, cidr]}, 1]} ControlPlaneDefaultRoute: {get_attr: [Networks, net_attributes_map, ctlplane, subnets, {get_param: {{role.name}}ControlPlaneSubnet}, gateway_ip]} ControlPlaneStaticRoutes: list_concat_unique: - {get_attr: [Networks, net_attributes_map, ctlplane, subnets, {get_param: {{role.name}}ControlPlaneSubnet}, host_routes]} {%- if role.default_route_networks is not defined or 'ControlPlane' in role.default_route_networks %} - - default: true next_hop: {get_attr: [Networks, net_attributes_map, ctlplane, subnets, {get_param: {{role.name}}ControlPlaneSubnet}, gateway_ip]} {%- endif %} ControlPlaneMtu: {get_attr: [Networks, net_attributes_map, ctlplane, network, mtu]} DnsServers: if: - dnsservers_set - {get_param: DnsServers} - {get_attr: [Networks, net_attributes_map, ctlplane, subnets, {get_param: {{role.name}}ControlPlaneSubnet}, dns_nameservers]} {%- for network in networks if network.enabled|default(true) and network.name in role.networks|default([]) %} {%- if role.networks is mapping %} {%- set _role_net_subnet = role.networks[network.name]['subnet'] %} {%- else %} {%- set _role_net_subnet = network.name_lower + '_subnet' %} {%- endif %} {{network.name}}IpSubnet: "{{ '{{' }} {{network.name_lower}}_ip ~ '/' ~ {{network.name_lower}}_cidr {{ '}}' }}" {{network.name}}InterfaceRoutes: list_concat_unique: - {get_attr: [Networks, net_attributes_map, {{network.name_lower}}, subnets, {{_role_net_subnet}}, host_routes]} {%- if role.default_route_networks is defined and network.name in role.default_route_networks %} - - default: true next_hop: {get_attr: [Networks, net_attributes_map, {{network.name_lower}}, subnets, {{_role_net_subnet}}, gateway_ip]} {%- endif %} {{network.name}}Mtu: {get_attr: [Networks, net_attributes_map, {{network.name_lower}}, network, mtu]} {{network.name}}NetworkVlanID: yaql: expression: > switch(not isList($.data) => 1, not $.data.where($.startsWith('tripleo_vlan_id')).len() => 1, true => int($.data.where($.startsWith('tripleo_vlan_id')).first().split('=').last())) data: {get_attr: [Networks, net_attributes_map, {{network.name_lower}}, subnets, {{_role_net_subnet}}, tags]} {%- if role.default_route_networks is defined and network.name in role.default_route_networks %} {{network.name}}InterfaceDefaultRoute: {get_attr: [Networks, net_attributes_map, {{network.name_lower}}, subnets, {{_role_net_subnet}}, gateway_ip]} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} {%- endfor %} ControlVirtualIP: depends_on: ServiceNetMap type: OS::TripleO::Network::Ports::ControlPlaneVipPort properties: name: control_virtual_ip dns_name: {str_split: ['.', {get_param: CloudNameCtlplane}, 0]} network: {get_param: NeutronControlPlaneID} fixed_ips: if: - control_fixed_ip_not_set - [{subnet: {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, vip_subnet_map, ctlplane]}}] - get_param: ControlFixedIPs replacement_policy: AUTO tags: - tripleo_vip_net=ctlplane - str_replace: template: tripleo_stack_name=$STACK_NAME params: $STACK_NAME: {get_param: 'OS::stack_name'} {%- for network in networks if network.vip|default(false) and network.enabled|default(true) %} {%- if network.name == 'External' %} # The public VIP is on the External net, falls back to ctlplane PublicVirtualIP: {%- else %} {{network.name}}VirtualIP: {%- endif %} depends_on: [Networks, ServiceNetMap] type: OS::TripleO::Network::Ports::{{network.name}}VipPort properties: ControlPlaneIP: {get_attr: [ControlVirtualIP, fixed_ips, 0, ip_address]} ControlPlaneSubnetCidr: {str_split: ['/', {get_attr: [Networks, net_attributes_map, ctlplane, subnets, {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, vip_subnet_map, ctlplane]}, cidr]}, 1]} PortName: {{network.name_lower}}_virtual_ip {%- if network.name == 'External' %} DnsName: {str_split: ['.', {get_param: CloudName}, 0]} {%- elif network.name == 'InternalApi' %} DnsName: {str_split: ['.', {get_param: CloudNameInternal}, 0]} {%- elif network.name == 'StorageMgmt' %} DnsName: {str_split: ['.', {get_param: CloudNameStorageManagement}, 0]} {%- elif network.name not in ['External', 'InternalApi', 'StorageMgmt'] %} DnsName: {str_split: ['.', {get_param: CloudName{{network.name}}}, 0]} {%- endif %} FixedIPs: if: {%- if network.name == 'External' %} - public_virtual_fixed_ip_set - {get_param: PublicVirtualFixedIPs} {%- else %} - {{network.name_lower}}_virtual_fixed_ip_set - {get_param: {{network.name}}VirtualFixedIPs} {%- endif %} - [{subnet: {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, vip_subnet_map, {{network.name}}]}}] IsVirtualIP: true {%- endfor %} VipMap: type: OS::TripleO::Network::Ports::NetVipMap properties: ControlPlaneIp: {get_attr: [ControlVirtualIP, fixed_ips, 0, ip_address]} ControlPlaneSubnetCidr: {str_split: ['/', {get_attr: [Networks, net_attributes_map, ctlplane, subnets, {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, vip_subnet_map, ctlplane]}, cidr]}, 1]} {%- for network in networks if network.vip|default(false) and network.enabled|default(true) %} {%- if network.name == 'External' %} ExternalIp: {get_attr: [PublicVirtualIP, ip_address]} ExternalIpUri: {get_attr: [PublicVirtualIP, ip_address_uri]} {%- else %} {{network.name}}Ip: {get_attr: [{{network.name}}VirtualIP, ip_address]} {{network.name}}IpUri: {get_attr: [{{network.name}}VirtualIP, ip_address_uri]} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} # No tenant or management VIP required # Because of nested get_attr functions in the KeystoneAdminVip output, we # can't determine which attributes of VipMap are used until after # ServiceNetMap's attribute values are available. depends_on: ServiceNetMap # Optional ExtraConfig for all nodes - all roles are passed in here, but # the nested template may configure each role differently (or not at all) AllNodesExtraConfig: type: OS::TripleO::AllNodesExtraConfig properties: servers: {%- for role in roles %} {{role.name}}: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}Servers, value]} {%- endfor %} BlacklistedIpAddresses: type: OS::Heat::Value properties: value: list_concat: {%- for role in roles %} - {get_attr: [{{role.name}}, blacklist_ip_address]} {%- endfor %} AnsibleHostVars: type: OS::Heat::Value properties: type: json value: {%- for role in roles %} {{role.name}}: map_merge: list_concat: - {get_attr: [{{role.name}}, ansible_host_vars_map]} {%- endfor %} BlacklistedHostnames: type: OS::Heat::Value properties: value: list_concat: {%- for role in roles %} - {get_attr: [{{role.name}}, blacklist_hostname]} {%- endfor %} # Post deployment steps for all roles AllNodesDeploySteps: type: OS::TripleO::PostDeploySteps depends_on: - AllNodesExtraConfig properties: servers: {%- for role in roles %} {{role.name}}: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}Servers, value]} {%- endfor %} EndpointMap: {get_attr: [EndpointMapData, value]} role_data: {%- for role in roles %} {{role.name}}: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}ServiceChainRoleData, value]} {%- endfor %} {%- for role in roles %} {{role.name}}Count: {get_param: {{role.name}}Count} {%- endfor %} ServiceNetMapLower: {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map_lower]} PingTestGatewayIPsMap: {%- for role in roles %} {{role.name}}: yaql: expression: list($.data.where($ != null)).flatten() data: - {get_attr: [Networks, net_attributes_map, ctlplane, subnets, {get_param: {{role.name}}ControlPlaneSubnet}, gateway_ip]} {%- for network in networks %} {%- if network.enabled|default(true) and network.name in role.networks|default([]) %} {%- if role.networks is mapping %} {%- set _role_net_subnet = role.networks[network.name]['subnet'] %} {%- else %} {%- set _role_net_subnet = network.name_lower + '_subnet' %} {%- endif %} - {get_attr: [Networks, net_attributes_map, {{network.name_lower}}, subnets, {{ _role_net_subnet }}, gateway_ip]} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} {%- endfor %} PingTestIpsMap: {%- for role in roles %} {{role.name}}: list_join: - ' ' - - yaql: expression: coalesce($.data, []).first(null) data: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}, ip_address]} {%- for network in networks %} {%- if network.enabled|default(true) and network.name in role.networks|default([]) %} - yaql: expression: coalesce($.data, []).first(null) data: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}, {{network.name_lower}}_ip_address]} {%- endif %} {%- endfor %} {%- endfor %} HostsEntry: {get_attr: [HostsEntryValue, value]} EnabledServices: list_concat: {%- for role in roles %} - {get_attr: [{{role.name}}ServiceNames, value]} {%- endfor %} ControlVirtualIP: {get_attr: [ControlVirtualIP, fixed_ips, 0, ip_address]} EnabledNetworks: {%- for network in networks if network.enabled|default(true) %} - {{ network.name }} {%- endfor %} NetVipMap: {get_attr: [VipMap, net_ip_map]} CloudNames: {get_attr: [CloudNames, value]} UndercloudHostsEntries: {get_param: UndercloudHostsEntries} ExtraHostsEntries: {get_param: ExtraHostFileEntries} VipHostsEntries: if: - add_vips_to_etc_hosts - {get_attr: [VipHosts, value]} - [] KeystoneResourcesConfigs: map_merge: {% for role in roles %} - get_attr: [{{role.name}}ServiceChainRoleData, value, keystone_resources] {% endfor %} NetCidrMap: {get_attr: [NetCidrMapValue, value]} outputs: ManagedEndpoints: description: Asserts that the keystone endpoints have been provisioned. value: true KeystoneURL: description: URL for the Overcloud Keystone service value: {get_attr: [EndpointMapData, value, KeystonePublic, uri_no_suffix]} KeystoneAdminVip: description: Keystone Admin VIP endpoint # Note that these nested get_attr functions require a dependency # relationship between VipMap and ServiceNetMap, since we can't determine # which attributes of VipMap are used until after ServiceNetMap's attribute # values are available. If this is ever reworked to not use nested # get_attr, that dependency can be removed. value: {get_attr: [VipMap, net_ip_map, {get_attr: [ServiceNetMap, service_net_map, KeystoneAdminApiNetwork]}]} EndpointMap: description: | Mapping of the resources with the needed info for their endpoints. This includes the protocol used, the IP, port and also a full representation of the URI. value: {get_attr: [EndpointMapData, value]} HostsEntry: description: | The content that should be appended to your /etc/hosts if you want to get hostname-based access to the deployed nodes (useful for testing without setting up a DNS). value: list_concat_unique: - {get_attr: [HostsEntryValue, value]} - {get_attr: [VipHosts, value]} EnabledServices: description: The services enabled on each role value: {%- for role in roles %} {{role.name}}: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}ServiceNames, value]} {%- endfor %} RoleData: description: The configuration data associated with each role value: {%- for role in roles %} {{role.name}}: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}ServiceChainRoleData, value]} {%- endfor %} RoleConfig: description: The configuration workflows associated with each role value: {get_attr: [AllNodesDeploySteps, RoleConfig]} RoleNetIpMap: description: Mapping of each network to a list of IPs for each role value: {%- for role in roles %} {{role.name}}: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}IpListMap, net_ip_map]} {%- endfor %} RoleGroupVars: description: Mapping of roles to ansible group_vars to be applied config in those roles value: {%- for role in roles %} {{role.name}}: map_merge: - {get_attr: [{{role.name}}ServiceChainRoleData, value, ansible_group_vars]} - {get_attr: [{{role.name}}GroupVars, value]} - {get_attr: [{{role.name}}ConfigData, value]} - any_errors_fatal: {get_param: {{role.name}}AnyErrorsFatal} max_fail_percentage: {get_param: {{role.name}}MaxFailPercentage} neutron_physical_bridge_name: {get_param: NeutronPhysicalBridge} neutron_public_interface_name: {get_param: NeutronPublicInterface} network_config_update: {get_param: {{role.name}}NetworkConfigUpdate} tripleo_network_config_os_net_config_mappings: {get_param: NetConfigDataLookup} deployed_server_port_map: {get_param: DeployedServerPortMap} tripleo_network_config_override: {get_param: {{role.name}}NetConfigOverride} tripleo_stack_name: {get_param: RootStackName} {%- if role.name == 'ComputeOvsDpdk' %} num_dpdk_interface_rx_queues: {get_param: NumDpdkInterfaceRxQueues} {%- endif %} - {get_param: {{role.name}}ExtraGroupVars} {%- endfor %} RoleNetHostnameMap: description: Mapping of each network to a list of hostnames for each role value: {%- for role in roles %} {{role.name}}: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}NetworkHostnameMap, value]} {%- endfor %} RoleTags: description: Tags for each role, as defined in roles_data.yaml value: {%- for role in roles %} {{role.name}}: {{role.tags|default([])}} {%- endfor %} VipMap: description: Mapping of each network to VIP addresses. Also includes the Redis and OVN DBs VIPs. value: {get_attr: [VipMap, net_ip_map]} ServerIdData: description: Mapping of each role to a list of nova server IDs and the bootstrap ID value: {get_attr: [ServerIdMap, value]} BlacklistedHostnames: description: List of blacklisted hostnames value: {get_attr: [BlacklistedHostnames, value]} BlacklistedIpAddresses: description: List of blacklisted ctlplane IP addresses value: {get_attr: [BlacklistedIpAddresses, value]} GlobalConfig: description: The global_config (hieradata). value: {get_attr: [GlobalConfig, value]} RoleNetworkConfigMap: description: Mapping of roles to network config value: {%- for role in roles %} {{role.name}}: {get_attr: [{{role.name}}NetworkConfig, config]} {%- endfor %} AnsibleHostVarsMap: description: Map of Ansible Host variables per role value: map_merge: - {get_attr: [AnsibleHostVars, value]} - {get_param: ExtraAnsibleHostVars} TripleoHeatTemplatesJinja2RenderingDataSources: description: The role_data and the network_data used when rendering the THT Jinja2 templates value: roles_data: {{ roles }} networks_data: {{ networks }}