- name: Block for container-puppet tasks (generate config) during step 1 with paunch when: - enable_paunch|default(true) tags: - container_config block: - name: Run container-puppet tasks (generate config) during step 1 with paunch async: 3600 poll: 0 shell: "{{ python_cmd }} /var/lib/container-puppet/container-puppet.py" environment: NET_HOST: 'true' DEBUG: '{{ docker_puppet_debug | bool }}' PROCESS_COUNT: "{{ docker_puppet_process_count }}" CONTAINER_CLI: "{{ container_cli }}" CONFIG: '/var/lib/container-puppet/{{ ansible_check_mode | bool | ternary("check-mode/", "") }}container-puppet.json' CONFIG_VOLUME_PREFIX: '/var/lib/config-data{{ ansible_check_mode | bool | ternary("/check-mode", "") }}' CHECK_MODE: '{{ ansible_check_mode | bool | ternary(1, 0) }}' STARTUP_CONFIG_PATTERN: '/var/lib/tripleo-config/container-startup-config/*/{{ ansible_check_mode | bool | ternary("check-mode/", "") }}*.json' MOUNT_HOST_PUPPET: '{{docker_puppet_mount_host_puppet | default(true)}}' CONTAINER_LOG_STDOUT_PATH: "{{ container_log_stdout_path }}" CONTAINER_HEALTHCHECK_DISABLED: "{{ container_healthcheck_disabled }}" SHORT_HOSTNAME: "{{ ansible_hostname | lower }}" check_mode: no register: generate_config_async_result - name: Wait for container-puppet tasks (generate config) to finish async_status: jid: "{{ generate_config_async_result.ansible_job_id }}" register: generate_config_outputs until: generate_config_outputs.finished retries: 1200 delay: 3 - name: "Debug output for task: Run container-puppet tasks (generate config) during step 1" debug: var: generate_config_outputs.stdout_lines | default([]) | union(generate_config_outputs.stderr_lines | default([])) when: - not (ansible_check_mode | bool) - generate_config_outputs.rc is defined failed_when: generate_config_outputs.rc != 0 - name: Block for container-puppet tasks (generate config) during step {{ step }} with tripleo-ansible when: - not enable_paunch|default(true) become: true tags: - container_config block: - name: Create base directory puppet configs file: path: "/var/lib/tripleo-config/container-puppet-config" mode: 0700 recurse: true setype: container_file_t - name: "Generate container puppet configs for step {{ step }}" container_puppet_config: check_mode: '{{ ansible_check_mode | bool | ternary(1, 0) }}' config_vol_prefix: "/var/lib/config-data{{ ansible_check_mode | bool | ternary('/check-mode', '') }}" debug: "{{ docker_puppet_debug | bool }}" net_host: true no_archive: false puppet_config: "/var/lib/container-puppet/{{ ansible_check_mode | bool | ternary('check-mode/', '') }}container-puppet.json" short_hostname: "{{ ansible_hostname | lower }}" step: "{{ step }}" - name: "Manage Puppet containers (generate config) for step {{ step }} with tripleo-ansible" include_role: name: tripleo_container_manage vars: tripleo_container_manage_concurrency: "{{ docker_puppet_process_count }}" tripleo_container_manage_systemd_order: false tripleo_container_manage_systemd_teardown: false tripleo_container_manage_config: "/var/lib/tripleo-config/container-puppet-config/step_{{ step }}" tripleo_container_manage_config_patterns: 'container-puppet-*.json' tripleo_container_manage_config_id: "tripleo_puppet_step{{ step }}" tripleo_container_manage_debug: "{{ docker_puppet_debug | bool }}" # puppet with --detailed-exitcodes will return 0 for success and # no changes and 2 for success and resource changes. Other # numbers are failures tripleo_container_manage_valid_exit_code: [0, 2] - name: Diff puppet-generated changes for check mode become: true shell: | diff -ruN --no-dereference -q /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated /var/lib/config-data/check-mode/puppet-generated diff -ruN --no-dereference /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated /var/lib/config-data/check-mode/puppet-generated register: diff_results tags: - container_config check_mode: no when: - ansible_check_mode|bool - ansible_diff_mode failed_when: false changed_when: diff_results.rc == 1 - name: Diff puppet-generated changes for check mode debug: var: diff_results.stdout_lines changed_when: diff_results.rc == 1 when: - ansible_check_mode|bool - ansible_diff_mode tags: - container_config