resource_registry: OS::TripleO::Services::Collectd: ../../deployment/metrics/collectd-container-puppet.yaml # parameter_defaults: # ################ #### Basic Collectd configuration ################ # ## These are the default plugins used by collectd # # CollectdDefaultPlugins: # - cpu # - df # - disk # - hugepages # - interface # - load # - memory # - processes # - tcpconns # - uptime # ## Extra plugins can be enabled by the CollectdExtraPlugins parameter: ## All the plugins availables are: # # CollectdExtraPlugins: # - amqp1 # - apache # - bind # - ceph # - chrony # - connectivity # - conntrack # - contextswitch # - cpufreq # - cpusleep # - curl # - curl_json # - curl_xml # - dns # - fhcount # - filecount # - irq # - ipmi # - mcelog # - mysql # - netlink # - nfs # - ovs_events # - ovs_stats # - ping # - procevent # - protocols # - sensors # - smart # - users # - virt # ## To choose write plugin use below parameter: # # CollectdConnectionType: 'gnocchi' (default) / 'amqp1' / 'network' # ################ #### Collectd with network write plugin ################ # # CollectdServer: # CollectdServerPort: 25826 # CollectdSecurityLevel: None # ## If CollectdSecurityLevel is set to Encrypt or Sign the following parameters ## are also needed # # CollectdUsername: user # CollectdPassword: password # ################ #### Collectd with gnocchi write plugin ################ # # CollectdGnocchiResourceType: collectd # CollectdGnocchiBatchSize: 10 # CollectdGnocchiAuthMode: 'basic' / 'keystone' (default) # ## By default collectd with gnocchi write plugin is configured to send metrics ## to gnocchi instance running on overcloud nodes. You can override this ## behaviour with below parameters. # ## Parameters for basic authentication # CollectdGnocchiProtocol: 'http' # CollectdGnocchiServer: # CollectdGnocchiPort: 8041 # CollectdGnocchiUser: admin # ## Parameters for Keystone authentication # CollectdGnocchiKeystoneAuthUrl # CollectdGnocchiKeystoneUserName # CollectdGnocchiKeystoneUserId # CollectdGnocchiKeystonePassword # CollectdGnocchiKeystoneProjectId # CollectdGnocchiKeystoneProjectName # CollectdGnocchiKeystoneUserDomainId # CollectdGnocchiKeystoneUserDomainName # CollectdGnocchiKeystoneProjectDomainId # CollectdGnocchiKeystoneProjectDomainName # CollectdGnocchiKeystoneRegionName # CollectdGnocchiKeystoneInterface # CollectdGnocchiKeystoneEndpoint # ################ #### Collectd with amqp1 write plugin ################ # ## By default collectd uses local edge qdrouterd running on each overcloud node. ## You can override this behaviour with following parameters. # # CollectdAmqpHost: # CollectdAmqpPort: 5666 # CollectdAmqpUser: guest # CollectdAmqpPassword: guest # CollectdAmqpTransportName: metrics # CollectdAmqpAddress: collectd # CollectdAmqpInstances: {} # CollectdAmqpRetryDelay: 1 # CollectdAmqpInterval: 30 # ################ #### Tip ################ # ## You can use ExtraConfig (or one of the related *ExtraConfig keys) ## to additionaly configure collectd. For details see the documentation ## for puppet-collectd at . # # ExtraConfig: # collectd::plugin::disk::disks: # - "/^[vhs]d[a-f][0-9]?$/" # collectd::plugin::df::mountpoints: # - "/" # collectd::plugin::df::ignoreselected: false # collectd::plugin::cpu::valuespercentage: true