--- - name: Configuration to be applied before rebooting the node connection: local hosts: localhost tasks: # Kernel Args Configuration - block: - name: Ensure the kernel args ( {{ _KERNEL_ARGS_ }} ) is present as TRIPLEO_HEAT_TEMPLATE_KERNEL_ARGS lineinfile: dest: /etc/default/grub regexp: '^TRIPLEO_HEAT_TEMPLATE_KERNEL_ARGS.*' insertafter: '^GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX.*' line: 'TRIPLEO_HEAT_TEMPLATE_KERNEL_ARGS=" {{ _KERNEL_ARGS_ }} "' - name: Add TRIPLEO_HEAT_TEMPLATE_KERNEL_ARGS to the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX parameter lineinfile: dest: /etc/default/grub line: 'GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="${GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX:+$GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX }${TRIPLEO_HEAT_TEMPLATE_KERNEL_ARGS}"' insertafter: '^TRIPLEO_HEAT_TEMPLATE_KERNEL_ARGS.*' - name: Generate grub config file command: grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg become: true when: _KERNEL_ARGS_|default("") != "" # Tune-d Configuration - block: - name: Tune-d Configuration lineinfile: dest: /etc/tuned/{{ _TUNED_PROFILE_NAME_ }}-variables.conf regexp: '^isolated_cores=.*' line: 'isolated_cores={{ _TUNED_CORES_ }}' when: _TUNED_CORES_|default("") != "" - name: Tune-d profile activation shell: tuned-adm profile {{ _TUNED_PROFILE_NAME_ }} become: true when: _TUNED_PROFILE_NAME_|default("") != "" # Provisioning Network workaround # The script will be executed before os-net-config, in which case, only Provisioning network will have IP # BOOTPROTO of all interface config files (except provisioning), will be set to "none" to avoid reboot failing to acquire IP on other networks - block: - find: paths: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ patterns: ifcfg-* register: ifcfg_files - replace: dest: "{{ item.path }}" regexp: '^BOOTPROTO=.*' replace: 'BOOTPROTO=none' when: - item.path | regex_replace('(^.*ifcfg-)(.*)', '\\2') != "lo" # This condition will list all the interfaces except the one with valid IP (which is Provisioning network at this stage) # Simpler Version - hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_' + iface_name ]['ipv4'] is undefined - hostvars[inventory_hostname]['ansible_' + item.path | regex_replace('(^.*ifcfg-)(.*)', '\\2') ]['ipv4'] is undefined with_items: - "{{ ifcfg_files.files }}"