heat_template_version: rocky description: > Configures docker on the host parameters: DockerInsecureRegistryAddress: description: Optional. The IP Address and Port of an insecure docker namespace that will be configured in /etc/sysconfig/docker. The value can be multiple addresses separated by commas. type: comma_delimited_list default: [] DockerRegistryMirror: description: Optional. Mirror to use for registry docker.io default: '' type: string EndpointMap: default: {} description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. type: json ServiceData: default: {} description: Dictionary packing service data type: json ServiceNetMap: default: {} description: Mapping of service_name -> network name. Typically set via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. This mapping overrides those in ServiceNetMapDefaults. type: json DefaultPasswords: default: {} type: json RoleName: default: '' description: Role name on which the service is applied type: string RoleParameters: default: {} description: Parameters specific to the role type: json Debug: type: boolean default: false description: Set to True to enable debugging on all services. DockerDebug: default: '' description: Set to True to enable debugging Docker services. type: string constraints: - allowed_values: [ '', 'true', 'True', 'TRUE', 'false', 'False', 'FALSE'] DockerOptions: default: '--log-driver=journald --signature-verification=false --iptables=false --live-restore' description: Options that are used to startup the docker service. type: string DockerAdditionalSockets: default: ['/var/lib/openstack/docker.sock'] description: Additional domain sockets for the docker daemon to bind to (useful for mounting into containers that launch other containers) type: comma_delimited_list DockerNetworkOptions: default: '--bip=' description: More startup options, like CIDR for the default docker0 bridge (useful for the network configuration conflicts resolution) type: string DeploymentUser: default: '' description: User added to the docker group in order to use container commands. type: string DockerSkipUpdateReconfiguration: default: false type: boolean description: Flag to disable docker reconfiguration during stack update. tags: - role_specific ContainerImageRegistryLogin: type: boolean default: false description: Flag to enable container registry login actions during the deployment. Setting this to true will cause login calls to be performed during the deployment. ContainerImageRegistryCredentials: type: json hidden: true default: {} description: | Mapping of image registry hosts to login credentials. Must be in the following example format docker.io: username: pa55word '': registry_username: password SELinuxMode: default: 'enforcing' description: Configures SELinux mode type: string constraints: - allowed_values: [ 'enforcing', 'permissive', 'disabled' ] parameter_groups: - label: deprecated description: | The following parameters are deprecated and will be removed. They should not be relied on for new deployments. If you have concerns regarding deprecated parameters, please contact the TripleO development team on IRC or the OpenStack mailing list. parameters: - DockerAdditionalSockets resources: # Merging role-specific parameters (RoleParameters) with the default parameters. # RoleParameters will have the precedence over the default parameters. RoleParametersValue: type: OS::Heat::Value properties: type: json value: map_replace: - map_replace: - DockerSkipUpdateReconfiguration: DockerSkipUpdateReconfiguration - values: {get_param: [RoleParameters]} - values: DockerSkipUpdateReconfiguration: {get_param: DockerSkipUpdateReconfiguration} conditions: insecure_registry_is_empty: {equals : [{get_param: DockerInsecureRegistryAddress}, []]} service_debug_unset: {equals : [{get_param: DockerDebug}, '']} selinux_enforcing: {equals : [{get_param: SELinuxMode}, 'enforcing']} outputs: role_data: description: Role data for the docker service value: service_name: docker config_settings: {} step_config: '' host_prep_tasks: - name: Install, Configure and Run Docker block: # NOTE(bogdando): w/a https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/42621 - set_fact: &docker_vars container_registry_debug: if: - service_debug_unset - {get_param: Debug } - {get_param: DockerDebug} container_registry_deployment_user: {get_param: DeploymentUser} container_registry_docker_options: {get_param: DockerOptions} container_registry_additional_sockets: {get_param: DockerAdditionalSockets} container_registry_insecure_registries: if: - insecure_registry_is_empty - [] - {get_param: DockerInsecureRegistryAddress} container_registry_mirror: {get_param: DockerRegistryMirror} container_registry_network_options: {get_param: DockerNetworkOptions} container_registry_skip_reconfiguration: {get_attr: [RoleParametersValue, value, DockerSkipUpdateReconfiguration]} container_registry_selinux: if: - selinux_enforcing - true - false container_registry_login: {get_param: ContainerImageRegistryLogin} # default that is overwritten by the heat -> dict conversion container_registry_logins: {} container_registry_logins_json: {get_param: ContainerImageRegistryCredentials} - name: Convert logins json to dict set_fact: container_registry_logins: "{{ container_registry_logins_json | from_json }}" when: - container_registry_logins_json is string - container_registry_login | bool - (container_registry_logins_json | length) > 0 - name: Set registry logins set_fact: container_registry_logins: "{{ container_registry_logins_json }}" when: - container_registry_logins_json is mapping - container_registry_login | bool - (container_registry_logins_json | length) > 0 - include_role: name: container-registry tasks_from: docker - include_role: name: container-registry tasks_from: docker-login when: container_registry_login|bool deploy_steps_tasks: - when: - (step|int) == 1 block: - name: Pre-fetch all the containers become: true shell: "docker pull {{ prefetch_image }}" retries: 5 delay: 5 loop_control: loop_var: prefetch_image loop: "{{ lookup('file', tripleo_role_name + '/docker_config.yaml', errors='ignore') | default('{}', True) | from_yaml | recursive_get_key_from_dict(key='image') | unique }}" service_config_settings: neutron_l3: docker_additional_sockets: {get_param: DockerAdditionalSockets} neutron_dhcp: docker_additional_sockets: {get_param: DockerAdditionalSockets} ovn_metadata: docker_additional_sockets: {get_param: DockerAdditionalSockets} upgrade_tasks: - block: - name: Install docker packages on upgrade if missing package: name=docker state=latest - set_fact: *docker_vars - name: Reconfigure Docker if needed include_role: name: container-registry tasks_from: docker when: step|int == 3 post_upgrade_tasks: - name: Clean docker when: - step|int == 3 - container_cli == 'docker' block: - name: Check if docker has some data stat: path: /var/lib/docker register: docker_path_stat - name: Purge Docker when: docker_path_stat.stat.exists block: - name: Ensure docker service is running systemd: name: docker register: docker_service_state - name: Run docker system prune shell: docker system prune -a -f when: docker_service_state.status['SubState'] == 'running' update_tasks: - name: Restart Docker when needed when: step|int == 2 block: - set_fact: *docker_vars - include_role: name: container-registry tasks_from: docker-update post_update_tasks: - name: Clean docker when: - step|int == 3 - container_cli == 'docker' block: - name: Check if docker has some data stat: path: /var/lib/docker register: docker_path_stat - name: Purge Docker when: docker_path_stat.stat.exists block: - name: Ensure docker service is running systemd: name: docker register: docker_service_state - name: Run docker image prune shell: docker image prune -f when: docker_service_state.status['SubState'] == 'running' - name: Run docker volume prune shell: docker volume prune -f when: docker_service_state.status['SubState'] == 'running'