heat_template_version: rocky description: External tasks definition for OpenShift parameters: RoleNetIpMap: default: {} type: json ServiceData: default: {} description: Dictionary packing service data type: json ServiceNetMap: default: {} description: Mapping of service_name -> network name. Typically set via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. This mapping overrides those in ServiceNetMapDefaults. type: json DefaultPasswords: default: {} type: json RoleName: default: '' description: Role name on which the service is applied type: string RoleParameters: default: {} description: Parameters specific to the role type: json EndpointMap: default: {} description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. type: json OpenShiftGlusterDisks: default: - /dev/vdb - /dev/vdc - /dev/vdd description: List of disks for openshift_glusterfs service to use type: comma_delimited_list tags: - role_specific DockerOpenShiftGlusterFSImage: description: Container image to use for GlusterFS pod type: string DockerOpenShiftGlusterFSBlockImage: description: Container image to use for glusterblock-provisioner pod type: string DockerOpenShiftGlusterFSHeketiImage: description: Container image to use for heketi pods type: string resources: RoleParametersValue: type: OS::Heat::Value properties: type: json value: map_replace: - map_replace: - OpenShiftGlusterDisks: OpenShiftGlusterDisks - values: {get_param: [RoleParameters]} - values: OpenShiftGlusterDisks: {get_param: OpenShiftGlusterDisks} outputs: role_data: description: Role data for the Openshift Service value: # This service template essentially tags the nodes that we want # as cns. The actual installation is performed in # openshift-master service template. service_name: openshift_glusterfs config_settings: tripleo.openshift_glusterfs.firewall_rules: '200 openshift-glusterfs kubelet': dport: - 2222 - 3260 - 10250 - 24008 - 24010 proto: tcp '200 openshift-glusterfs external services': dport: '49152-49251' host_prep_tasks: - name: Wipe the configured disks shell: | wipefs -af {{item}} pvremove {{item}} || true with_items: {get_attr: [RoleParametersValue, value, OpenShiftGlusterDisks]} upgrade_tasks: [] step_config: '' external_deploy_tasks: - name: openshift_cns step 1 Generate Inventory when: step == '1' block: - name: create openshift temp dirs file: path: "{{item}}" state: directory with_items: - "{{playbook_dir}}/openshift/inventory" - name: set openshift global vars fact set_fact: openshift_gluster_disks: {get_attr: [RoleParametersValue, value, OpenShiftGlusterDisks]} - name: set openshift images vars fact set_fact: openshift_gluster_images: openshift_storage_glusterfs_image: yaql: expression: $.data.image.rightSplit(":", 1)[0] data: image: {get_param: DockerOpenShiftGlusterFSImage} openshift_storage_glusterfs_version: yaql: expression: $.data.image.rightSplit(":", 1)[1] data: image: {get_param: DockerOpenShiftGlusterFSImage} openshift_storage_glusterfs_block_image: yaql: expression: $.data.image.rightSplit(":", 1)[0] data: image: {get_param: DockerOpenShiftGlusterFSBlockImage} openshift_storage_glusterfs_block_version: yaql: expression: $.data.image.rightSplit(":", 1)[1] data: image: {get_param: DockerOpenShiftGlusterFSBlockImage} openshift_storage_glusterfs_heketi_image: yaql: expression: $.data.image.rightSplit(":", 1)[0] data: image: {get_param: DockerOpenShiftGlusterFSHeketiImage} openshift_storage_glusterfs_heketi_version: yaql: expression: $.data.image.rightSplit(":", 1)[1] data: image: {get_param: DockerOpenShiftGlusterFSHeketiImage} - name: generate openshift inventory for openshift_glusterfs service lineinfile: path: "{{playbook_dir}}/openshift/inventory/openshift_glusterfs.ini" create: true line: "[openshift_glusterfs:children]" insertbefore: BOF - name: generate openshift inventory for openshift_glusterfs service lineinfile: path: "{{playbook_dir}}/openshift/inventory/openshift_glusterfs.ini" insertafter: "[openshift_glusterfs:children]" line: str_replace: template: ROLENAME params: ROLENAME: {get_param: RoleName} - name: generate openshift inventory for Role copy: dest: str_replace: template: "{{playbook_dir}}/openshift/inventory/ROLENAME_openshift_glusterfs.yml" params: ROLENAME: {get_param: RoleName} content: str_replace: params: ROLENAME: {get_param: RoleName} template: | glusterfs: hosts: {% for host in groups['ROLENAME'] | default([]) -%} {{ hostvars.raw_get(host)['ansible_hostname'] }}: glusterfs_ip: {{hostvars.raw_get(host)['storage_ip']}} glusterfs_devices: {{openshift_gluster_disks | to_nice_yaml() | indent(8) }} ansible_user: {{ hostvars.raw_get(host)['ansible_user'] | default(hostvars.raw_get(host)['ansible_ssh_user']) | default('root') }} ansible_host: {{ hostvars.raw_get(host)['ansible_host'] | default(host) }} ansible_become: true openshift_schedulable: true {% endfor %} vars: {{openshift_gluster_images | to_nice_yaml() | indent(4) }}