heat_template_version: queens description: Fluentd logging configuration parameters: ServiceData: default: {} description: Dictionary packing service data type: json ServiceNetMap: default: {} description: Mapping of service_name -> network name. Typically set via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. This mapping overrides those in ServiceNetMapDefaults. type: json DefaultPasswords: default: {} type: json RoleName: default: '' description: Role name on which the service is applied type: string RoleParameters: default: {} description: Parameters specific to the role type: json EndpointMap: default: {} description: > Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. type: json LoggingDefaultFormat: description: > Default format used to parse messages from log files. type: string default: >- /(?<time>\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d+) (?<pid>\d+) (?<priority>\S+) (?<message>.*)$/ LoggingPosFilePath: description: > Directory in which to place fluentd pos_file files (used to track file position for the 'tail' input type). type: string default: /var/cache/fluentd LoggingDefaultGroups: description: > Make fluentd user a member of these groups. Only override this parameter if you want to modify the default list of groups. Use LoggingExtraGroups to add the fluentd user to additional groups. type: comma_delimited_list default: - root LoggingExtraGroups: description: > Make fluentd user a member of these groups (in addition to LoggingDefaultGroups and the groups provided by individual composable services). type: comma_delimited_list default: [] LoggingServers: description: | A list of destinations to which fluentd will forward log messages. Expects a list of dictionaries of the form: - host: loghost1.example.com port: 24224 - host: loghost2.example.com port: 24224 type: json default: [] LoggingDefaultFilters: description: > A list of fluentd default filters. This will be passed verbatim to the 'filter' key of a fluentd::config resource. Only override this if you do not want the default set of filters; use LoggingExtraFilters if you just want to add additional servers. type: json default: - tag_pattern: '**' type: record_transformer record: host: '${hostname}' - tag_pattern: 'openstack.**' type: record_transformer record: component: '${tag_parts[1]}' LoggingExtraFilters: description: > A list of additional fluentd filters. This will be passed verbatim to the 'filter' key of a fluentd::config resource. type: json default: [] LoggingUsesSSL: description: > A boolean value indicating whether or not we should forward log messages use the secure_forward plugin. type: boolean default: false LoggingSSLCertificate: description: > PEM-encoded SSL CA certificate for fluentd. type: string default: "" LoggingSSLKey: description: > PEM-encoded key for fluentd CA certificate (used by in_secure_forward). type: string default: "" LoggingSSLKeyPassphrase: description: > Passphrase for LoggingSSLKey (used by in_secure_forward). type: string default: "" LoggingSharedKey: description: > Shared secret for fluentd secure-forward plugin. type: string default: "" LoggingDefaultSources: description: > A list of default logging sources for fluentd. You should only override this parameter if you wish to disable the default logging sources. Use LoggingExtraSources to define additional source configurations. type: json default: [] LoggingExtraSources: description: > A list of additional logging sources for fluentd. These will be combined with the LoggingDefaultSources and any logging sources defined by composable services. type: json default: [] outputs: LoggingDefaultFormat: value: {get_param: LoggingDefaultFormat} LoggingDefaultFilters: value: {get_param: LoggingDefaultFilters} LoggingExtraFilters: value: {get_param: LoggingExtraFilters} LoggingDefaultGroups: value: {get_param: LoggingDefaultGroups} LoggingExtraGroups: value: {get_param: LoggingExtraGroups} LoggingPosFilePath: value: {get_param: LoggingPosFilePath} LoggingSSLCertificate: value: {get_param: LoggingSSLCertificate} LoggingSSLKey: value: {get_param: LoggingSSLKey} LoggingSSLKeyPassphrase: value: {get_param: LoggingSSLKeyPassphrase} LoggingServers: value: {get_param: LoggingServers} LoggingSharedKey: value: {get_param: LoggingSharedKey} LoggingUsesSSL: value: {get_param: LoggingUsesSSL} LoggingDefaultSources: value: {get_param: LoggingDefaultSources} LoggingExtraSources: value: {get_param: LoggingExtraSources}