heat_template_version: rocky description: > Containerized Sensu client service. This service is deprecated and will be remove in future releases. parameters: DockerSensuClientImage: description: image type: string DockerSensuConfigImage: description: The container image to use for the sensu config_volume type: string EndpointMap: default: {} description: Mapping of service endpoint -> protocol. Typically set via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. type: json ServiceData: default: {} description: Dictionary packing service data type: json ServiceNetMap: default: {} description: Mapping of service_name -> network name. Typically set via parameter_defaults in the resource registry. This mapping overrides those in ServiceNetMapDefaults. type: json DefaultPasswords: default: {} type: json RoleName: default: '' description: Role name on which the service is applied type: string RoleParameters: default: {} description: Parameters specific to the role type: json SensuDockerCheckCommand: type: string default: | output='' for i in $(docker ps --format '{{.ID}}'); do if result=$(docker inspect --format='{{.State.Health.Status}}' $i 2>/dev/null); then if [ "$result" != 'healthy' ]; then output="${output} ; $(docker inspect --format='{{.Name}}' $i) ($i): $(docker inspect --format='{{(index .State.Health.Log 0).Output}}' $i)"; fi fi done if [ ! -z "${output}" ]; then echo ${output:3} && exit 2; fi SensuPodmanCheckCommand: type: string default: | output='' for i in $(systemctl list-timers --no-pager --no-legend "tripleo*healthcheck.timer" | awk '{print $14}'); do i=${i%.timer} if result=$(systemctl show $i --property=ActiveState | awk '{split($0,a,/=/); print a[2]}'); then if [ "$result" == 'failed' ]; then timestamp=$(systemctl show $i --property=InactiveEnterTimestamp | awk '{print $2, $3}' ) log=$(journalctl -u $i -t podman --since "${timestamp}" --no-pager --output=cat --directory /var/log/journal) if [ ! -z "$output" ]; then output="$i: $log ; $output" else output="$i: $log" fi fi fi done if [ ! -z "${output}" ]; then echo ${output:3} && exit 2; fi SensuDockerCheckInterval: type: number description: The frequency in seconds the docker health check is executed. default: 10 SensuDockerCheckHandlers: default: [] description: The Sensu event handler to use for events created by the docker health check. type: comma_delimited_list SensuDockerCheckOccurrences: type: number description: The number of event occurrences before sensu-plugin-aware handler should take action. default: 3 SensuDockerCheckRefresh: type: number description: The number of seconds sensu-plugin-aware handlers should wait before taking second action. default: 90 ContainerCli: type: string default: 'podman' description: CLI tool used to manage containers. constraints: - allowed_values: ['docker', 'podman'] AdminPassword: description: The password for the keystone admin account, used for monitoring, querying neutron etc. type: string hidden: true KeystoneRegion: default: 'regionOne' description: Keystone region for endpoint type: string SensuClientCustomConfig: default: {} description: Hash containing custom sensu-client variables. type: json label: Custom configuration for Sensu Client variables conditions: docker_enabled: {equals: [{get_param: ContainerCli}, 'docker']} resources: ContainersCommon: type: ../../containers-common.yaml SensuBase: type: ./sensu-base.yaml properties: ServiceData: {get_param: ServiceData} ServiceNetMap: {get_param: ServiceNetMap} DefaultPasswords: {get_param: DefaultPasswords} EndpointMap: {get_param: EndpointMap} RoleName: {get_param: RoleName} RoleParameters: {get_param: RoleParameters} outputs: role_data: description: Role data for the Sensu client role. value: service_name: sensu_client config_settings: map_merge: - get_attr: [SensuBase, role_data, config_settings] - sensu::api: false sensu::client: true sensu::server: false sensu::client_custom: map_merge: - {get_param: SensuClientCustomConfig} - openstack: username: 'admin' password: {get_param: AdminPassword} auth_url: {get_param: [EndpointMap, KeystoneInternal, uri]} tenant_name: 'admin' region: {get_param: KeystoneRegion} - sensu::checks: check-container-health: standalone: true command: if: - docker_enabled - {get_param: SensuDockerCheckCommand} - {get_param: SensuPodmanCheckCommand} interval: {get_param: SensuDockerCheckInterval} handlers: {get_param: SensuDockerCheckHandlers} occurrences: {get_param: SensuDockerCheckOccurrences} refresh: {get_param: SensuDockerCheckRefresh} service_config_settings: {} # BEGIN DOCKER SETTINGS puppet_config: config_volume: sensu puppet_tags: sensu_rabbitmq_config,sensu_client_config,sensu_check_config,sensu_check step_config: include ::tripleo::profile::base::monitoring::sensu config_image: {get_param: DockerSensuConfigImage} kolla_config: /var/lib/kolla/config_files/sensu-client.json: command: /usr/bin/sensu-client -d /etc/sensu/conf.d/ -l /var/log/sensu/sensu-client.log config_files: - source: "/var/lib/kolla/config_files/src/*" dest: "/" merge: true preserve_properties: true permissions: - path: /var/log/sensu owner: sensu:sensu recurse: true docker_config: step_3: sensu_client: image: {get_param: DockerSensuClientImage} net: host privileged: true # NOTE(mmagr) kolla image changes the user to 'sensu', we need it # to be root have rw permission to docker.sock to run successfully # "docker inspect" command user: root restart: always healthcheck: test: list_join: - ' ' - - '/openstack/healthcheck' - yaql: expression: > switch(bool($.data.cluster) => $.data.cluster, bool($.data.single_node) => $.data.single_node).select($.port).distinct().join(' ') data: cluster: {get_attr: [SensuBase, role_data, config_settings, 'sensu::rabbitmq_cluster']} single_node: [{port: {get_attr: [SensuBase, role_data, config_settings, 'sensu::rabbitmq_port']}}] volumes: list_concat: - {get_attr: [ContainersCommon, volumes]} - if: - docker_enabled - - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:rw - - /var/log/journal:/var/log/journal:ro - /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro - /run:/run:rw - /usr/lib/systemd/system:/usr/lib/systemd/system:ro - - /var/lib/kolla/config_files/sensu-client.json:/var/lib/kolla/config_files/config.json:ro - /var/lib/config-data/puppet-generated/sensu/:/var/lib/kolla/config_files/src:ro - /var/log/containers/sensu:/var/log/sensu:rw environment: - KOLLA_CONFIG_STRATEGY=COPY_ALWAYS host_prep_tasks: - name: create persistent directories file: path: "{{ item.path }}" state: directory setype: "{{ item.setype }}" with_items: - { 'path': /var/log/containers/sensu, 'setype': svirt_sandbox_file_t } - { 'path': /var/log/sensu, 'setype': svirt_sandbox_file_t } - name: sensu logs readme copy: dest: /var/log/sensu/readme.txt content: | Log files from sensu containers can be found under /var/log/containers/sensu. ignore_errors: true # TODO: Removal of package upgrade_tasks: [] post_upgrade_tasks: - when: step|int == 1 import_role: name: tripleo-docker-rm vars: containers_to_rm: - sensu_client fast_forward_upgrade_tasks: - when: - step|int == 0 - release == 'ocata' block: - name: Check if sensu client is deployed command: systemctl is-enabled --quiet sensu-client ignore_errors: True register: sensu_enabled_result - name: Set fact sensu_enabled set_fact: sensu_enabled: "{{ sensu_enabled_result.rc == 0 }}" - name: Stop and disable sensu-client service when: - step|int == 1 - release == 'ocata' - sensu_enabled|bool service: name=sensu-client state=stopped enabled=no