This flag is on by default, and serves to enable (or disable) the public TLS by default feature. It differs from the PublicSSLCertificateAutogenerated flag in the fact that it works with mistral, while PublicSSLCertificateAutogenerated works with certmonger in the overcloud. Change-Id: If553ecff26d5ecd529c37ca438e0ba1795e9ecca
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This adds a flag called EnablePublicTLS, which defaults to 'true'. It
reflects that Public TLS is enabled by default, and it's read by
the deployment workflow to let the public certificate generation happen.
It can also be used to disable this feature, if it's set to 'false' as
it's done in the no-tls-endpoints-public-ip.yaml environment
file, which allows deployers to turn this feature off.