Starts converting storage-related sample environments to the tool, and adds a few new ones for demonstration purposes. This has required the addition of a new category of parameter overrides in the tool. There are some parameters that are part of the public API of roles that should not normally be included in a sample environment for that role. Examples are EndpointMap and ServiceNetMap. Those are both passed into most (all?) roles, but their template defaults are not useful (both default to {}). Unless we are explicitly creating a sample environment that overrides those defaults we don't want them included. Parameters such as RoleName and RoleParameters are similar. We can't change them because they are part of the composable roles interface and that would break any existing custom roles, but we don't really want them included normally either. It's possible these could be made completely private, but there have been some very preliminary discussions about generating role samples that might actually want to set them. In order to avoid issues with editing the unit test file in editors that strip trailing whitespace, the minor formatting bug where params like EndpointMap had a trailing space after the name has also been fixed. Change-Id: If11f30c734bfbc17d463a9890c736d7477186fb9
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# ******************************************************************************
# DEPRECATED: Use tripleo-heat-templates/environments/storage/ceph-external.yaml
# instead.
# ******************************************************************************
# A Heat environment file which can be used to enable the
# use of an externally managed Ceph cluster.
OS::TripleO::Services::CephExternal: ../puppet/services/ceph-external.yaml
OS::TripleO::Services::CephMon: OS::Heat::None
OS::TripleO::Services::CephClient: OS::Heat::None
OS::TripleO::Services::CephOSD: OS::Heat::None
# NOTE: These example parameters are required when using CephExternal
#CephClusterFSID: '4b5c8c0a-ff60-454b-a1b4-9747aa737d19'
#CephClientKey: 'AQDLOh1VgEp6FRAAFzT7Zw+Y9V6JJExQAsRnRQ=='
#CephExternalMonHost: ','
# the following parameters enable Ceph backends for Cinder, Glance, Gnocchi and Nova
NovaEnableRbdBackend: true
CinderEnableRbdBackend: true
CinderBackupBackend: ceph
GlanceBackend: rbd
GnocchiBackend: rbd
# If the Ceph pools which host VMs, Volumes and Images do not match these
# names OR the client keyring to use is not named 'openstack', edit the
# following as needed.
NovaRbdPoolName: vms
CinderRbdPoolName: volumes
GlanceRbdPoolName: images
GnocchiRbdPoolName: metrics
CephClientUserName: openstack
# finally we disable the Cinder LVM backend
CinderEnableIscsiBackend: false
# Uncomment if connecting to a pre-Jewel or RHCS1.3 Ceph Cluster
# RbdDefaultFeatures: 1
# Backward compatibility setting, will be removed in the future
CephAdminKey: ''