Neutron introduced "kill script" support for its agents, allowing to do more than a simple "kill <pid>". This patch intends to activate this new feature, allowing to avoid dangling containers with failed exit state. It supports the "HUP" and "9" signal - first one invokes the "kill --signal HUP" commande from the container_cli, while the second one will stop and delete the container. Other signals will return an error, since they aren't known. The kill-script also supports the global Debug flag for a more verbose output. This patch also adds a soon to be deprecated parameter DockerAdditionalSockets in order to make the change compatible with setups still using Docker (HA deploy on Centos-7 and RHEL-7 for example). For more information about Neutron new kill script feature, please have a look at this change: I29dfbedfb7167982323dcff1c4554ee780cc48db Depends-On: https://review.opendev.org/661760 Change-Id: Iafa57b462f5ee205345a8d6e6d460ab68f312099
72 lines
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72 lines
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{% if debug_enabled|bool -%}
set -x
{% endif -%}
add_date() {
echo "$(date) $@"
# Set up script logging for debugging purpose.
# It will be taken care of by logrotate since there is the .log
# suffix.
exec 3>&1 4>&2
trap 'exec 2>&4 1>&3' 0 1 2 3
exec 1>>/var/log/neutron/kill-script.log 2>&1
NETNS=$(ip netns identify ${PID})
if [ "x${NETNS}" == "x" ]; then
add_date "No network namespace detected, exiting"
exit 1
{% if container_cli == 'podman' %}
CLI="nsenter --net=/run/netns/${NETNS} --preserve-credentials -m -t 1 podman"
{% elif container_cli == 'docker' %}
{% if docker_additional_sockets and docker_additional_sockets|length > 0-%}
export DOCKER_HOST=unix://{{ docker_additional_sockets[0] }}
{% endif -%}
{% else %}
CLI='echo noop'
{% endif %}
kill_container() {
add_date "Stopping container $1 ($2)"
$CLI stop $2
add_date "Deleting container $1 ($2)"
$CLI rm $2
hup_container() {
add_date "Sending HUP signal to $1 ($2)"
$CLI kill --signal HUP $2
{% raw -%}
if [ -f /proc/$PID/cgroup ]; then
# Get container ID based on process cgroups
CT_ID=$(awk 'BEGIN {FS="[-.]"} /name=/{print $3}' /proc/$PID/cgroup)
CT_NAME=$($CLI inspect -f '{{.Name}}' $CT_ID)
case $SIG in
hup_container $CT_NAME $CT_ID
kill_container $CT_NAME $CT_ID
add_date "Unknown action ${SIG} for ${$CT_NAME} ${CT_ID}"
exit 1
add_date "No such PID: ${PID}"
exit 1
{% endraw %}