Sometimes cloud-init does not finish before we start applying configs with ansible/puppet and can lead to issues. This would ensure that cloud-init has finished before ansible/puppet configs. With os-collect-config we used to ensure that with: $ sudo cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/os-collect-config.service [Unit] Description=Collect metadata and run hook commands. After=cloud-final.service Before=crond.service With baremetal provisioning after config-drive support, this would also be useful when firstboot config is used. Change-Id: I35c7c1610af08b33497f43090761aaa55d3a9efc
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- name: Deploy step tasks for step 0
delegate_to: localhost
run_once: true
msg: Use --start-at-task 'Deploy step tasks for step 0' to resume from this task
when: "tripleo_minor_update is not defined or tripleo_minor_update != 'true'"
- name: Ensure /var/log/journal exists
become: true
file: path=/var/log/journal state=directory mode=0750 owner=root group=root setype=var_log_t
- name: Populate service facts
- name: Wait for cloud-init to finish, if enabled
filter: status
register: res
until: >
res.cloud_init_data_facts.status.v1.stage is defined and
not res.cloud_init_data_facts.status.v1.stage
retries: 50
delay: 5
when: >
'cloud-init.service' in ansible_facts.services and
ansible_facts.services['cloud-init.service']['status'] == 'enabled'
- name: Create /var/lib/container-puppet
become: true
no_log: True
file: path=/var/lib/container-puppet state=directory setype=container_file_t selevel=s0 recurse=true
- name: Write container-puppet.sh
become: true
no_log: True
copy: src=container_puppet_script.yaml dest=/var/lib/container-puppet/container-puppet.sh force=yes mode=0755 setype=container_file_t
{%- for role in roles %}
- include_tasks: "{% raw %}{{ _task_file_path }}{% endraw %}"
_task_file_path: "{{role.name}}/deploy_steps_tasks_step0.yaml"
- tripleo_role_name == '{{role.name}}'
- "{% raw %}'{{ playbook_dir }}/{{ _task_file_path }}' is exists{% endraw %}"
{%- endfor %}