Clint Byrum f9ef457987 Remove image parameter changing from merge
The merge tool originally was meant to merge somewhat different things,
and thus this was helpful in the early versions. However, at this point
we want parameters to be more stable and we don't generally merge things
that have their own image parameter.

Meanwhile this feature caused problems as we change resource names.

This is a backward incompatible change of default behavior, but the old
behavior can be had again by passing --change-image-params.

Change-Id: I78cf31f0443f3d9f274758f5471a5bca9155635d
2014-01-31 11:13:22 -08:00

342 lines
15 KiB

import os
import sys
import yaml
import argparse
def apply_scaling(template, scaling, in_copies=None):
"""Apply a set of scaling operations to template.
This is a single pass recursive function: for each call we process one
dict or list and recurse to handle children containers.
Values are handled via scale_value.
Keys in dicts are always copied per the scaling rule.
Values are either replaced or copied depending on whether the given
scaling rule is in in_copies.
in_copies = dict(in_copies or {})
# Shouldn't be needed but to avoid unexpected side effects/bugs we short
# circuit no-ops.
if not scaling:
return template
if isinstance(template, dict):
new_template = {}
for key, value in template.items():
for prefix, copy_num, new_key in scale_value(
key, scaling, in_copies):
if prefix:
# e.g. Compute0, 1, Compute1Foo
in_copies[prefix] = prefix[:-1] + str(copy_num)
if isinstance(value, (dict, list)):
new_value = apply_scaling(value, scaling, in_copies)
new_template[new_key] = new_value
new_values = list(scale_value(value, scaling, in_copies))
# We have nowhere to multiply a non-container value of a
# dict, so it may be copied or unchanged but not scaled.
assert len(new_values) == 1
new_template[new_key] = new_values[0][2]
if prefix:
del in_copies[prefix]
return new_template
elif isinstance(template, list):
new_template = []
for value in template:
if isinstance(value, (dict, list)):
new_template.append(apply_scaling(value, scaling, in_copies))
for _, _, new_value in scale_value(value, scaling, in_copies):
return new_template
raise Exception("apply_scaling called with non-container %r" % template)
def scale_value(value, scaling, in_copies):
"""Scale out a value.
:param value: The value to scale (not a container).
:param scaling: The scaling map to use.
:param in_copies: What containers we're currently copying.
:return: An iterator of the new values for the value as tuples:
(prefix, copy_num, value). E.g. Compute0, 1, Compute1Foo
prefix and copy_num are only set when:
- a prefix in scaling matches value
- and that prefix is not in in_copies
if isinstance(value, (str, unicode)):
for prefix, copies in scaling.items():
if not value.startswith(prefix):
suffix = value[len(prefix):]
if prefix in in_copies:
# Adjust to the copy number we're on
yield None, None, in_copies[prefix] + suffix
for n in range(copies):
yield prefix, n, prefix[:-1] + str(n) + suffix
yield None, None, value
yield None, None, value
def parse_scaling(scaling_args):
"""Translate a list of scaling requests to a dict prefix:count."""
scaling_args = scaling_args or []
result = {}
for item in scaling_args:
key, value = item.split('=')
value = int(value)
result[key + '0'] = value
return result
def _translate_role(role, master_role, slave_roles):
if not master_role:
return role
if role == master_role:
return role
if role not in slave_roles:
return role
return master_role
def translate_role(role, master_role, slave_roles):
r = _translate_role(role, master_role, slave_roles)
if not isinstance(r, basestring):
raise Exception('%s -> %r' % (role, r))
return r
def resolve_params(item, param, value):
if item == {'Ref': param}:
return value
if isinstance(item, dict):
copy_item = dict(item)
for k, v in iter(copy_item.items()):
item[k] = resolve_params(v, param, value)
elif isinstance(item, list):
copy_item = list(item)
new_item = []
for v in copy_item:
new_item.append(resolve_params(v, param, value))
item = new_item
return item
MERGABLE_TYPES = {'OS::Nova::Server':
{'image': 'image'},
{'image': 'ImageId'},
def resolve_includes(template, params=None):
new_template = {}
if params is None:
params = {}
for key, value in iter(template.items()):
if key == '__include__':
new_params = dict(params) # do not propagate up the stack
if not isinstance(value, dict):
raise ValueError('__include__ must be a mapping')
if 'path' not in value:
raise ValueError('__include__ must have path')
if 'params' in value:
if not isinstance(value['params'], dict):
raise ValueError('__include__ params must be a mapping')
with open(value['path']) as include_file:
sub_template = yaml.safe_load(
if 'subkey' in value:
if ((not isinstance(value['subkey'], int)
and not isinstance(sub_template, dict))):
raise RuntimeError('subkey requires mapping root or'
' integer for list root')
sub_template = sub_template[value['subkey']]
for k, v in iter(new_params.items()):
sub_template = resolve_params(sub_template, k, v)
if isinstance(value, dict):
new_template[key] = resolve_includes(value)
new_template[key] = value
return new_template
def main(argv=None):
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv[1:]
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('templates', nargs='+')
parser.add_argument('--master-role', nargs='?',
help='Translate slave_roles to this')
parser.add_argument('--slave-roles', nargs='*',
help='Translate all of these to master_role')
parser.add_argument('--included-template-dir', nargs='?',
help='Path for resolving included templates')
help='File to write output to. - for stdout',
parser.add_argument('--scale', action="append",
help="Names to scale out. Pass Prefix=1 to cause a key Prefix0Foo to "
"be copied to Prefix1Foo in the output, and value Prefix0Bar to be"
"renamed to Prefix1Bar inside that copy, or copied to Prefix1Bar "
"outside of any copy.")
'--change-image-params', action='store_true', default=False,
help="Change parameters in templates to match resource names. This was "
" the default at one time but it causes issues when parameter "
" names need to remain stable.")
args = parser.parse_args(argv)
templates = args.templates
scaling = parse_scaling(args.scale)
merged_template = merge(templates, args.master_role, args.slave_roles,
args.included_template_dir, scaling=scaling,
if args.output == '-':
out_file = sys.stdout
out_file = file(args.output, 'wt')
def merge(templates, master_role=None, slave_roles=None,
scaling=None, change_image_params=None):
scaling = scaling or {}
errors = []
end_template={'HeatTemplateFormatVersion': '2012-12-12',
'Description': []}
for template_path in templates:
template = yaml.safe_load(open(template_path))
# Resolve __include__ tags
template = resolve_includes(template)
new_parameters = template.get('Parameters', {})
for p, pbody in sorted(new_parameters.items()):
if p in end_template.get('Parameters', {}):
if pbody != end_template['Parameters'][p]:
errors.append('Parameter %s from %s conflicts.' % (p,
if 'Parameters' not in end_template:
end_template['Parameters'] = {}
end_template['Parameters'][p] = pbody
new_outputs = template.get('Outputs', {})
for o, obody in sorted(new_outputs.items()):
if o in end_template.get('Outputs', {}):
if pbody != end_template['Outputs'][p]:
errors.append('Output %s from %s conflicts.' % (o,
if 'Outputs' not in end_template:
end_template['Outputs'] = {}
end_template['Outputs'][o] = obody
new_resources = template.get('Resources', {})
for r, rbody in sorted(new_resources.items()):
if rbody['Type'] in MERGABLE_TYPES:
if change_image_params:
if 'image' in MERGABLE_TYPES[rbody['Type']]:
image_key = MERGABLE_TYPES[rbody['Type']]['image']
# XXX Assuming ImageId is always a Ref
ikey_val = end_template['Parameters'][rbody['Properties'][image_key]['Ref']]
del end_template['Parameters'][rbody['Properties'][image_key]['Ref']]
role = rbody.get('Metadata', {}).get('OpenStack::Role', r)
role = translate_role(role, master_role, slave_roles)
if role != r:
resource_changes.append((r, role))
if role in end_template.get('Resources', {}):
new_metadata = rbody.get('Metadata', {})
for m, mbody in iter(new_metadata.items()):
if m in end_template['Resources'][role].get('Metadata', {}):
if m == 'OpenStack::ImageBuilder::Elements':
if mbody != end_template['Resources'][role]['Metadata'][m]:
errors.append('Role %s metadata key %s conflicts.' %
(role, m))
end_template['Resources'][role]['Metadata'][m] = mbody
if 'Resources' not in end_template:
end_template['Resources'] = {}
end_template['Resources'][role] = rbody
if change_image_params:
if 'image' in MERGABLE_TYPES[rbody['Type']]:
ikey = '%sImage' % (role)
end_template['Resources'][role]['Properties'][image_key] = {'Ref': ikey}
end_template['Parameters'][ikey] = ikey_val
elif rbody['Type'] == 'FileInclude':
# we trust os.path.join to DTRT: if FileInclude path isn't
# absolute, join to included_template_dir (./)
with open(os.path.join(included_template_dir, rbody['Path'])) as rfile:
include_content = yaml.safe_load(
subkeys = rbody.get('SubKey','').split('.')
while len(subkeys) and subkeys[0]:
include_content = include_content[subkeys.pop(0)]
for replace_param, replace_value in iter(rbody.get('Parameters',
include_content = resolve_params(include_content,
end_template['Resources'][r] = include_content
if r in end_template.get('Resources', {}):
if rbody != end_template['Resources'][r]:
errors.append('Resource %s from %s conflicts' % (r,
if 'Resources' not in end_template:
end_template['Resources'] = {}
end_template['Resources'][r] = rbody
end_template = apply_scaling(end_template, scaling)
def fix_ref(item, old, new):
if isinstance(item, dict):
copy_item = dict(item)
for k, v in sorted(copy_item.items()):
if k == 'Ref' and v == old:
item[k] = new
if k == 'DependsOn' and v == old:
item[k] = new
if k == 'Fn::GetAtt' and isinstance(v, list) and v[0] == old:
new_list = list(v)
new_list[0] = new
item[k] = new_list
if k == 'AllowedResources' and isinstance(v, list) and old in v:
while old in v:
pos = v.index(old)
v[pos] = new
fix_ref(v, old, new)
elif isinstance(item, list):
copy_item = list(item)
for v in item:
fix_ref(v, old, new)
for change in resource_changes:
fix_ref(end_template, change[0], change[1])
if errors:
for e in errors:
sys.stderr.write("ERROR: %s\n" % e)
end_template['Description'] = ','.join(end_template['Description'])
return yaml.safe_dump(end_template, default_flow_style=False)
if __name__ == "__main__":