The default used to be -1 which translated to 'ha-mode: all'. That means that every queue is mirrored on all controllers. By setting this to zero we are moving to 'ha-mode: exactly' with the number of queues to be set to CEIL(N/2): $nr_ha_queues = CEIL(nr_of_rabbit_nodes/2) set_policy='ha-all ^(?!amq\\.).* {\"ha-mode\":\"exactly\",\"ha-params\":${nr_ha_queues}}' This way the queues will not be copied around all servers, but just to a subset of them. This still provides the necessary resilience in case of a controller crash, but is less demanding in terms of performance (and likely triggers fewer bugs in rabbit) Co-Authored-By: John Eckersberg <jeckersb@redhat.com> Change-Id: If04a7bf24a5c94ec15726843a8a4d2504b656cb7
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We now set the default number of rabbitmq queues to CEIL(N/2). (Where N is
the number of rabbitmq nodes). Previously this was set to N by default
which translated to having all queues mirrored to all controllers. By
changing the default to CEIL(N/2) the queues will not be copied around all
servers, but just to a subset of them. This still provides the necessary
resilience in case of a controller crash, but is less demanding in terms of
performance (and likely triggers fewer bugs in rabbit)