We used to have a YAML file providing a test setup for Cinder/NFS which could be used via a special Makefile target; this was not used in CI anymore though and overtime things broke. This change aims at bringing that functionality back and also make it easier to use it via a number of changes: * delete unmaintained nfs-server-source (not working due to changes in the elements) * delete (unneeded) block-storage-nfs * remove the hidden block-storage-with-nfs target from Makefile * add a some nfs-source which supports newer elements and newer template language as well * improve existing comments in Makefile documeting how to use it Change-Id: I96144ee2f4ca33bd7467f09ad960ea268c1250bf
50 lines
2.3 KiB
50 lines
2.3 KiB
generated_templates = \
overcloud.yaml \
overcloud-with-block-storage-nfs.yaml \
undercloud-vm.yaml \
undercloud-bm.yaml \
undercloud-vm-ironic.yaml \
# Files included in overcloud-source.yaml via FileInclude
overcloud_source_deps = nova-compute-instance.yaml
all: $(generated_templates)
VALIDATE := $(patsubst %,validate-%,$(generated_templates))
validate-all: $(VALIDATE)
heat template-validate -f $(subst validate-,,$@)
# You can define in CONTROLEXTRA one or more additional YAML files to further extend the template, some additions could be:
# - overcloud-vlan-port.yaml to activate the VLAN auto-assignment from Neutron
# - nfs-source.yaml to configure Cinder with NFS
overcloud.yaml: overcloud-source.yaml block-storage.yaml swift-deploy.yaml swift-source.yaml swift-storage-source.yaml ssl-source.yaml nova-compute-config.yaml $(overcloud_source_deps)
python ./tripleo_heat_merge/merge.py --hot --scale NovaCompute=$${COMPUTESCALE:-'1'} --scale controller=$${CONTROLSCALE:-'1'} --scale SwiftStorage=$${SWIFTSTORAGESCALE:-'0'} --scale BlockStorage=$${BLOCKSTORAGESCALE:-'0'} overcloud-source.yaml block-storage.yaml swift-source.yaml swift-storage-source.yaml ssl-source.yaml swift-deploy.yaml nova-compute-config.yaml ${CONTROLEXTRA} > $@.tmp
mv $@.tmp $@
undercloud-vm.yaml: undercloud-source.yaml undercloud-vm-nova-config.yaml undercloud-vm-nova-deploy.yaml
python ./tripleo_heat_merge/merge.py --hot $^ > $@.tmp
mv $@.tmp $@
undercloud-bm.yaml: undercloud-source.yaml undercloud-bm-nova-config.yaml undercloud-bm-nova-deploy.yaml
python ./tripleo_heat_merge/merge.py --hot $^ > $@.tmp
mv $@.tmp $@
undercloud-vm-ironic.yaml: undercloud-source.yaml undercloud-vm-ironic-config.yaml undercloud-vm-ironic-deploy.yaml
python ./tripleo_heat_merge/merge.py --hot $^ > $@.tmp
mv $@.tmp $@
undercloud-vm-ironic-vlan.yaml: undercloud-source.yaml undercloud-vm-ironic-config.yaml undercloud-vm-ironic-deploy.yaml undercloud-vlan-port.yaml
python ./tripleo_heat_merge/merge.py --hot $^ > $@.tmp
mv $@.tmp $@
check: test
@bash test_merge.bash
rm -f $(generated_templates)
.PHONY: clean overcloud.yaml check