Previoously the default route was concatenated with the host_routes in the NetworkConfig. This change moves that concatenation to overcloud.yaml. GroupVars {{network.name_lower}}_host_routes and ctlplane_host_routes will have the default route appended based on role.default_route_networks setting. For heat base NetworkConfig the parameters ControlPlaneStaticRoutes and {{network.name}}InterfaceRoutes will have the default route appropriately appended. Doing the concatenation in overcloud.yaml enable simplified user-facing NetworkConfig templates. For standalone and undercloud define the default_route_networks with an empty list. Cannot leave it undefined as this will default the default route to the ctlplane's gateway. Undercloud and Standalone uses the management interface as the gateway by default, so we should not set a default gateway for these roles. Change-Id: I3a35c4b46536fa2916d9fa387278077884adaf68
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# Role: UndercloudMinion #
- name: UndercloudMinion
description: |
A role to deploy an undercloud minion to handle scaling out of heat-engine
and ironic-conductor via heat using the 'openstack undercloud
minion deploy' command.
CountDefault: 1
default_route_networks: []
- primary
- OS::TripleO::Services::CACerts
- OS::TripleO::Services::CertmongerUser
- OS::TripleO::Services::ContainerImagePrepare
- OS::TripleO::Services::ContainersLogrotateCrond
- OS::TripleO::Services::HeatEngine
- OS::TripleO::Services::IronicConductor
- OS::TripleO::Services::Kernel
- OS::TripleO::Services::MySQLClient
- OS::TripleO::Services::OpenStackClients
- OS::TripleO::Services::Podman
- OS::TripleO::Services::Rear
- OS::TripleO::Services::Rhsm
- OS::TripleO::Services::Sshd
- OS::TripleO::Services::Timesync
- OS::TripleO::Services::Timezone
- OS::TripleO::Services::Tmpwatch
- OS::TripleO::Services::TripleoFirewall
- OS::TripleO::Services::TripleoValidations
- OS::TripleO::Services::Tuned
- OS::TripleO::Services::UndercloudMinionMessaging
- OS::TripleO::Services::UndercloudUpgrade