James Slagle 7683b8bcaa Dynamically include container-puppet tasks
The container-puppet tasks only need to be run if tasks actually exist, which
is already being checked on the ansible control node.

A "when" statement is then applied to the set of tasks necessary to run
the container-puppet tasks, when the tasks are actually defined.

This patch moves that set of tasks to a separate tasks file and uses a
dynamic include.  This results in less tasks being skipped, which can
save several minutes at scale. This results in 3 less tasks that need to
be skipped at steps 1-5, which equates to 15 tasks overall, when no
container-puppet tasks actually exist.

When container-puppet tasks do exist, all the tasks will be executed as

Change-Id: Ifad32bf79942cde58295fd9aae7e23e2f62c1ae2
(cherry picked from commit 1602d68daa)
2020-02-12 11:25:20 +00:00

49 lines
1.8 KiB

- name: Write container-puppet-tasks json file for {{ansible_hostname}} step {{step}}
no_log: True
content: "{{host_container_puppet_tasks|to_nice_json}}"
dest: "/var/lib/container-puppet/container-puppet-tasks{{step}}.json"
force: yes
mode: '0600'
- container_config_tasks
- name: Run container-puppet tasks (bootstrap tasks) for step {{ step }}
async: 3600
poll: 0
shell: "{{ python_cmd }} /var/lib/container-puppet/"
CONFIG: /var/lib/container-puppet/{{ ansible_check_mode | bool | ternary('check-mode/', '') }}container-puppet-tasks{{ step }}.json
CONFIG_VOLUME_PREFIX: '/var/lib/config-data{{ ansible_check_mode | bool | ternary("/check-mode", "") }}'
NET_HOST: "true"
NO_ARCHIVE: "true"
STEP: "{{ step }}"
CONTAINER_CLI: "{{ container_cli }}"
DEBUG: "{{ docker_puppet_debug }}"
MOUNT_HOST_PUPPET: '{{docker_puppet_mount_host_puppet}}'
SHORT_HOSTNAME: "{{ ansible_hostname }}"
PROCESS_COUNT: "{{ docker_puppet_process_count }}"
register: bootstrap_tasks_async_result
no_log: true
- container_config_tasks
- name: Wait for container-puppet tasks (bootstrap tasks) for step {{ step }} to finish
jid: "{{ bootstrap_tasks_async_result.ansible_job_id }}"
register: bootstrap_tasks_outputs
until: bootstrap_tasks_outputs.finished
retries: 1200
delay: 3
- container_config_tasks
- name: "Debug output for task: Run container-puppet tasks (bootstrap tasks) for step {{ step }}"
var: bootstrap_tasks_outputs.stdout_lines | default([]) | union(bootstrap_tasks_outputs.stderr_lines | default([]))
- bootstrap_tasks_outputs.rc is defined
failed_when: bootstrap_tasks_outputs.rc != 0
- container_config_tasks