Roman Podolyaka fcbead3871 Make LaunchConfiguration resources mergeable
This can be very useful for merging of Metadata to be used
by optional services (e. g. to add services like tuskar to
undercloud on demand).

Change-Id: Ifc4016d6e994064c0772c12e668e98bf055fada9
2013-10-14 15:30:24 +03:00

209 lines
8.6 KiB

import sys
import yaml
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('templates', nargs='+')
parser.add_argument('--master-role', nargs='?',
help='Translate slave_roles to this')
parser.add_argument('--slave-roles', nargs='*',
help='Translate all of these to master_role')
args = parser.parse_args()
templates = args.templates
def _translate_role(role):
global args
if not args.master_role:
return role
if role == args.master_role:
return role
if role not in args.slave_roles:
return role
return args.master_role
def translate_role(role):
r = _translate_role(role)
if not isinstance(r, basestring):
raise Exception('%s -> %r' % (role, r))
return r
def resolve_params(item, param, value):
if item == {'Ref': param}:
return value
if isinstance(item, dict):
copy_item = dict(item)
for k, v in iter(copy_item.items()):
item[k] = resolve_params(v, param, value)
elif isinstance(item, list):
copy_item = list(item)
new_item = []
for v in copy_item:
new_item.append(resolve_params(v, param, value))
item = new_item
return item
MERGABLE_TYPES = {'OS::Nova::Server':
{'image': 'image'},
{'image': 'ImageId'},
def resolve_includes(template, params=None):
new_template = {}
if params is None:
params = {}
for key, value in iter(template.items()):
if key == '__include__':
new_params = dict(params) # do not propagate up the stack
if not isinstance(value, dict):
raise ValueError('__include__ must be a mapping')
if 'path' not in value:
raise ValueError('__include__ must have path')
if 'params' in value:
if not isinstance(value['params'], dict):
raise ValueError('__include__ params must be a mapping')
with open(value['path']) as include_file:
sub_template = yaml.safe_load(
if 'subkey' in value:
if ((not isinstance(value['subkey'], int)
and not isinstance(sub_template, dict))):
raise RuntimeError('subkey requires mapping root or'
' integer for list root')
sub_template = sub_template[value['subkey']]
for k, v in iter(new_params.items()):
sub_template = resolve_params(sub_template, k, v)
if isinstance(value, dict):
new_template[key] = resolve_includes(value)
new_template[key] = value
return new_template
errors = []
end_template={'HeatTemplateFormatVersion': '2012-12-12',
'Description': []}
for template_path in templates:
template = yaml.safe_load(open(template_path))
# Resolve __include__ tags
template = resolve_includes(template)
new_parameters = template.get('Parameters', {})
for p, pbody in sorted(new_parameters.items()):
if p in end_template.get('Parameters', {}):
if pbody != end_template['Parameters'][p]:
errors.append('Parameter %s from %s conflicts.' % (p,
if 'Parameters' not in end_template:
end_template['Parameters'] = {}
end_template['Parameters'][p] = pbody
new_outputs = template.get('Outputs', {})
for o, obody in sorted(new_outputs.items()):
if o in end_template.get('Outputs', {}):
if pbody != end_template['Outputs'][p]:
errors.append('Output %s from %s conflicts.' % (o,
if 'Outputs' not in end_template:
end_template['Outputs'] = {}
end_template['Outputs'][o] = obody
new_resources = template.get('Resources', {})
for r, rbody in sorted(new_resources.items()):
if rbody['Type'] in MERGABLE_TYPES:
if 'image' in MERGABLE_TYPES[rbody['Type']]:
image_key = MERGABLE_TYPES[rbody['Type']]['image']
# XXX Assuming ImageId is always a Ref
ikey_val = end_template['Parameters'][rbody['Properties'][image_key]['Ref']]
del end_template['Parameters'][rbody['Properties'][image_key]['Ref']]
role = rbody.get('Metadata', {}).get('OpenStack::Role', r)
role = translate_role(role)
if role != r:
resource_changes.append((r, role))
if role in end_template.get('Resources', {}):
new_metadata = rbody.get('Metadata', {})
for m, mbody in iter(new_metadata.items()):
if m in end_template['Resources'][role].get('Metadata', {}):
if m == 'OpenStack::ImageBuilder::Elements':
if mbody != end_template['Resources'][role]['Metadata'][m]:
errors.append('Role %s metadata key %s conflicts.' %
(role, m))
end_template['Resources'][role]['Metadata'][m] = mbody
if 'Resources' not in end_template:
end_template['Resources'] = {}
end_template['Resources'][role] = rbody
if 'image' in MERGABLE_TYPES[rbody['Type']]:
ikey = '%sImage' % (role)
end_template['Resources'][role]['Properties'][image_key] = {'Ref': ikey}
end_template['Parameters'][ikey] = ikey_val
elif rbody['Type'] == 'FileInclude':
with open(rbody['Path']) as rfile:
include_content = yaml.safe_load(
subkeys = rbody.get('SubKey','').split('.')
while len(subkeys) and subkeys[0]:
include_content = include_content[subkeys.pop(0)]
for replace_param, replace_value in iter(rbody.get('Parameters',
include_content = resolve_params(include_content,
end_template['Resources'][r] = include_content
if r in end_template.get('Resources', {}):
if rbody != end_template['Resources'][r]:
errors.append('Resource %s from %s conflicts' % (r,
if 'Resources' not in end_template:
end_template['Resources'] = {}
end_template['Resources'][r] = rbody
def fix_ref(item, old, new):
if isinstance(item, dict):
copy_item = dict(item)
for k, v in sorted(copy_item.items()):
if k == 'Ref' and v == old:
item[k] = new
if k == 'DependsOn' and v == old:
item[k] = new
if k == 'Fn::GetAtt' and isinstance(v, list) and v[0] == old:
new_list = list(v)
new_list[0] = new
item[k] = new_list
if k == 'AllowedResources' and isinstance(v, list) and old in v:
while old in v:
pos = v.index(old)
v[pos] = new
fix_ref(v, old, new)
elif isinstance(item, list):
copy_item = list(item)
for v in item:
fix_ref(v, old, new)
for change in resource_changes:
fix_ref(end_template, change[0], change[1])
if errors:
for e in errors:
sys.stderr.write("ERROR: %s\n" % e)
end_template['Description'] = ','.join(end_template['Description'])
sys.stdout.write(yaml.safe_dump(end_template, default_flow_style=False))