The new master branch should point now to rocky. So, HOT templates should specify that they might contain features for rocky release [1] Also, this submission updates the yaml validation to use only latest heat_version alias. There are cases in which we will need to set the version for specific templates i.e. mixed versions, so there is added a variable to assign specific templates to specific heat_version aliases, avoiding the introductions of error by bulk replacing the the old version in new releases. [1]: https://docs.openstack.org/heat/latest/template_guide/hot_spec.html#rocky Change-Id: Ib17526d9cc453516d99d4659ee5fa51a5aa7fb4b
This tree contains additional configuration which happens "pre deployment", e.g before the OpenStack services themselves are configured but after the nodes themselves have been provisioned and initially configured. Typically for puppet deployments these additional configs will put in place hieradata which is then consumed by the subsequent puppet configuration which occurs during the post-deployment phase. If you need to specify multiple configs, you can chain them together in a template, see the multiple.yaml example: OS::TripleO::ControllerExtraConfigPre: puppet/extraconfig/pre_deploy/controller/multiple.yaml