OpenDaylight creates multiple files the first time it boots, which we do not mount to the host. After the first boot, it creates a cache which we do mount to the host. This means that on a config change or update/upgrade of ODL the cache will not be removed, but the files will be. This causes ODL to fail to start. The solution is to stop the container in update/upgrade and then remove the cache before the update happens. This will trigger the new ODL to rebuild the cache with the new ODL version. For config change, we also need to remove the cache in the host_prep_tasks so that we do not end up in a similar state. Closes-Bug: 1775919 Change-Id: Ia457b90b765617822e9adbf07485c9ea1fe179e5 Signed-off-by: Tim Rozet <trozet@redhat.com>
Team and repository tags
Heat templates to deploy OpenStack using OpenStack.
- Free software: Apache License (2.0)
- Documentation: https://docs.openstack.org/tripleo-docs/latest/
- Source: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/tripleo-heat-templates
- Bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo
The ability to deploy a multi-node, role based OpenStack deployment using OpenStack Heat. Notable features include:
- Choice of deployment/configuration tooling: puppet, (soon) docker
- Role based deployment: roles for the controller, compute, ceph, swift, and cinder storage
- physical network configuration: support for isolated networks, bonding, and standard ctlplane networking
A description of the directory layout in TripleO Heat Templates.
- environments: contains heat environment files that can be used with -e
on the command like to enable features, etc.
- extraconfig: templates used to enable 'extra' functionality. Includes
functionality for distro specific registration and upgrades.
- firstboot: example first_boot scripts that can be used when initially
creating instances.
- network: heat templates to help create isolated networks and ports
- puppet: templates mostly driven by configuration with puppet. To use these
templates you can use the overcloud-resource-registry-puppet.yaml.
- validation-scripts: validation scripts useful to all deployment
- roles: example roles that can be used with the tripleoclient to generate
a roles_data.yaml for a deployment See the roles/README.rst for additional details.
Service testing matrix
The configuration for the CI scenarios will be defined in tripleo-heat-templates/ci/ and should be executed according to the following table:
- | scn000 | scn001 | scn002 | scn003 | scn004 | scn006 | scn007 | scn009 | non-ha | ovh-ha |
openshift |
keystone |
glance |
swift |
cinder |
iscsi | ||||||||
heat |
ironic |
mysql |
neutron |
neutron-bgpvpn |
ovn |
neutron-l2gw |
rabbitmq |
mongodb | ||||||||||
redis |
haproxy |
memcached |
pacemaker |
nova |
ironic |
ntp |
snmp |
timezone |
sahara |
mistral |
swift |
aodh |
ceilometer |
gnocchi |
panko |
barbican |
zaqar |
ec2api |
cephrgw |
tacker |
congress |
cephmds |
manila |
collectd |
fluentd |
sensu-client |
designate |