The GUI feature is no longer supported with ODL and needs to be removed. We relied on the URL provided by this feature in order to run our docker healtcheck, which is modified in the depends-on patch to a new URI. Depends-On: I2f33d2cf6a96005ef1d18468a8d2fcc71b17b6f8 Related-Bug: 1751857 Change-Id: I762789e65913b4f653bbf9019b5d3d05903912f1 Signed-off-by: Tim Rozet <trozet@redhat.com>
Team and repository tags
Heat templates to deploy OpenStack using OpenStack.
- Free software: Apache License (2.0)
- Documentation: https://docs.openstack.org/tripleo-docs/latest/
- Source: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/tripleo-heat-templates
- Bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo
The ability to deploy a multi-node, role based OpenStack deployment using OpenStack Heat. Notable features include:
- Choice of deployment/configuration tooling: puppet, (soon) docker
- Role based deployment: roles for the controller, compute, ceph, swift, and cinder storage
- physical network configuration: support for isolated networks, bonding, and standard ctlplane networking
A description of the directory layout in TripleO Heat Templates.
- environments: contains heat environment files that can be used with -e
on the command like to enable features, etc.
- extraconfig: templates used to enable 'extra' functionality. Includes
functionality for distro specific registration and upgrades.
- firstboot: example first_boot scripts that can be used when initially
creating instances.
- network: heat templates to help create isolated networks and ports
- puppet: templates mostly driven by configuration with puppet. To use these
templates you can use the overcloud-resource-registry-puppet.yaml.
- validation-scripts: validation scripts useful to all deployment
- roles: example roles that can be used with the tripleoclient to generate
a roles_data.yaml for a deployment See the roles/README.rst for additional details.
Service testing matrix
The configuration for the CI scenarios will be defined in tripleo-heat-templates/ci/ and should be executed according to the following table:
- | scn000 | scn001 | scn002 | scn003 | scn004 | scn006 | scn007 | scn009 | non-ha | ovh-ha |
openshift |
keystone |
glance |
swift |
cinder |
iscsi | ||||||||
heat |
ironic |
mysql |
neutron |
neutron-bgpvpn |
ovn |
neutron-l2gw |
rabbitmq |
mongodb | ||||||||||
redis |
haproxy |
memcached |
pacemaker |
nova |
ironic |
ntp |
snmp |
timezone |
sahara |
mistral |
swift |
aodh |
ceilometer |
gnocchi |
panko |
barbican |
zaqar |
ec2api |
cephrgw |
tacker |
congress |
cephmds |
manila |
collectd |
fluentd |
sensu-client |