Facts gathering comes next after clearing the cached ones. Facts will be gathered if --tags facts was specified. But cached facts get cleared always, even w/o that tag. In DCN deployments that may bring errors that can be avoided with ansible-playbook-command.sh --tags facts. That is because fact caching needs to be updated when running outside of the overcloud. Fix this inconsistency so that the facts never cleared nor gathered until the facts tag has been used explicitly. Change-Id: I0ef544a18ec868321ebf51a99051b1ed982cd677 Related-bug: #1896620 Related-bug: #1884654 Signed-off-by: Bogdan Dobrelya <bdobreli@redhat.com>
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# If a new play with potential facts gathering is added, make sure we set:
# any_errors_fatal: false
# ignore_unreachable: true
# So we don't break the MaxFailPercentage feature since these plays can't use
# Ansible strategies.
- hosts: all
name: Clear cached facts
- meta: clear_facts
- facts
- hosts: "{{ deploy_source_host }}:{{ deploy_target_host }}"
name: Gather facts
gather_facts: yes
# False because https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/70663
any_errors_fatal: false
# If an overcloud node is down, we will let MaxFailPercentage
# figuring out if the deployment can continue. For the facts gathering tasks,
# we will simply ignore unreachable nodes and errors, and let the
# Ansible reports the failure in the next plays.
ignore_unreachable: true
- facts
- hosts: all
name: Load global variables
gather_facts: "{{ gather_facts | default(false) }}"
any_errors_fatal: false
ignore_unreachable: true
- include_vars: global_vars.yaml
no_log: true
- always
- hosts: "{{ deploy_target_host }}"
name: Render all_nodes data as group_vars for overcloud
gather_facts: "{{ gather_facts | default(false) }}"
# we don't skip errors or ignore unreachable on this one because it's
# delegated to localhost. localhost should never be unreachable (tm)
any_errors_fatal: True
- name: Render all_nodes data as group_vars for overcloud
delegate_to: localhost
become: false
run_once: true
when: not ansible_check_mode|bool
- facts
- always
- hosts: "{{ deploy_target_host }}"
name: Set all_nodes data as group_vars for overcloud
gather_facts: "{{ gather_facts | default(false) }}"
any_errors_fatal: false
ignore_unreachable: true
- name: Set all_nodes data as group_vars for overcloud
include_vars: "{{ playbook_dir }}/group_vars/overcloud.json"
no_log: true
when: not ansible_check_mode|bool
- facts
- always