Element to install haproxy. This element proxies services listed in haproxy.services and additionally enables ports in firewall. Configuration ------------- The following properties are supported for configuring haproxy * haproxy.services: A list of listen blocks. Also supports proxy_ip and proxy_port sub-properties. * haproxy.nodes: A list of server : lines. These are added to any haproxy.services which do not define this sub-property. * haproxy.stats.disabled: Set to true to disable the stats service * haproxy.stats.port: Port for the stats service. Defaults to 1993. * haproxy.stats.uri: URI for the stats service. Defaults to /. * haproxy.global_maxconn: A limit on the total number of concurrent connections that will be handled by a haproxy instance. haproxy will stop accepting connections above this limit. * haproxy.service_maxconn: A limit on the number of the number of concurrent connections that are allowed to each proxied service. This is a default value that can be overridden in an individual haproxy.service section. * haproxy.timeout.http-request: Set the maximum default allowed time to wait for a complete HTTP request. * haproxy.timeout.queue: Set the maximum default time to wait in the queue for a connection slot to be free. * haproxy.timeout.connect: Set the maximum default time to wait for a connection attempt to a server to succeed. * haproxy.timeout.client: Set the maximum default inactivity time on the client side. * haproxy.timeout.server: Set the maximum default inactivity time on the server side. * haproxy.timeout.check: Set additional check timeout, but only after a connection has been already established. Each haproxy.services can define the following sub-properties * name: A name for the service. * haproxy.nodes: Same as above. This overrides the global haproxy.nodes list if it is set. * net_binds: A list of ip addresses and ports to bind to. Each element in the list must define a port and can define an IP. If no IP is defined then the service binds to all IP's. * balance: *DEPRECATED* A balancing strategy for the service. Defaults to source. * port: Port to connect to for each of the haproxy.nodes. * options: A list of arbitrary params (eg. timeout server 1h) to be configured for the listener * extra_server_params: A list of parameters that will be appended to each backend server line that is generated. * proxy_ip: *DEPRECATED* IP address for a service to bind to. Defaults to all IP's ( * proxy_port: *DEPRECATED* Port for a service to bind to. * service_maxconn: A limit on the number of concurrent connections allowed to this service. Each haproxy.nodes can define the following sub-properties * name: A name for the node. * ip: IP address to connect to for the node. * port: Port to connect to for the node. This overrides any port value defined in haproxy.services. If haproxy is configured to bind to a virtual IP with keepalived sysctl must be configured to use "net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind = 1" This setting allows allows a program like HA-Proxy to create listening sockets on network interfaces that do not actually exist on the server. * This can be set in heat meatadata for node properties. EX: in overcloud-source.yaml for controllerConfig under properties: sysctl: net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind: 1 Example Configurations ---------------------- haproxy: nodes: - name: notcompute ip: - name: notcomputeSlave0 ip: services: - name: dashboard_cluster net_binds: - ip: port: 443 - ip: port: 444 balance: roundrobin - name: glance_api_cluster proxy_ip: proxy_port: 9293 port:9292 balance: source - name: mysql port: 3306 extra_server_params: - backup You can override set of nodes for a service by setting its own set of haproxy.nodes inside a service definition: services: - name: dashboard_cluster net_binds: - ip: port: 444 - port: 443 balance: source haproxy: nodes: - name: foo0 ip: You can provide net_binds only once, for example: haproxy: nodes: - name: foo0 ip: net_binds: - ip: services: - name: keystone port: 5000 - name: dashboard_cluster port: 80 net_binds: - ip: If there is no haproxy.services.net_binds.port defined - haproxy.services.port will be used.