
108 lines
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Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright 2013 Red Hat
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
set -eux
set -o pipefail
cd /opt/stack/tempest
# Tempest needs 2 users, we add them here so that we know their passwords
keystone tenant-get demo_t1 || keystone tenant-create --name demo_t1
keystone user-get demo_t1 || keystone user-create --name demo_t1 --tenant demo_t1 --pass secret
keystone tenant-get demo_t2 || keystone tenant-create --name demo_t2
keystone user-get demo_t2 || keystone user-create --name demo_t2 --tenant demo_t2 --pass secret
# the orchestration tests need this
keystone user-role-add --user admin --role admin --tenant demo_t1 || true
# Users need either this or the admin role to use swift
keystone user-role-add --user demo_t1 --role swiftoperator --tenant demo_t1 || true
keystone user-role-add --user demo_t2 --role swiftoperator --tenant demo_t2 || true
# We require that a image is present with a name of user
USER_IMAGE_ID=$(nova image-show user | grep id | awk '$2=="id" {print $4}')
# And then copy it for tempest test that require a second image
if ! nova image-show user-copy 2> /dev/null ; then
glance image-download user | glance image-create --name user-copy --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --is-public 1
USER_IMAGE_ID2=$(nova image-show user-copy | grep id | awk '$2=="id" {print $4}')
EXTNET=$(neutron net-show ext-net | awk '/ id / {print $4}')
# tempest requires two distinct flavors to use, but using m1.small would
# increase the amount of memory needed on the compute node. Instead we create
# an alternative m1.tiny, this will allow tests with only 4G of memory on
# compute nodes.
nova flavor-create m1.tiny_alt 99 512 2 1 || true
LOCK_PATH=`mktemp -d`
trap "rm -rf $LOCK_PATH" EXIT
# TODO : see what other defaults can be used
# cp the tempest config file and edit the settings
cp etc/tempest.conf.sample etc/tempest.conf
cat - <<EOF | augtool --noautoload
set /augeas/load/PythonPaste/lens "PythonPaste.lns"
set /augeas/load/PythonPaste/incl "/opt/stack/tempest/etc/tempest.conf"
set /files/opt/stack/tempest/etc/tempest.conf/DEFAULT/lock_path $LOCK_PATH
set /files/opt/stack/tempest/etc/tempest.conf/DEFAULT/debug true
set /files/opt/stack/tempest/etc/tempest.conf/DEFAULT/use_stderr false
set /files/opt/stack/tempest/etc/tempest.conf/DEFAULT/log_file tempest.log
set /files/opt/stack/tempest/etc/tempest.conf/identity/uri $OS_AUTH_URL
set /files/opt/stack/tempest/etc/tempest.conf/identity/region regionOne
set /files/opt/stack/tempest/etc/tempest.conf/identity/admin_password $OS_PASSWORD
set /files/opt/stack/tempest/etc/tempest.conf/identity/username demo_t1
set /files/opt/stack/tempest/etc/tempest.conf/identity/tenant_name demo_t1
set /files/opt/stack/tempest/etc/tempest.conf/identity/password secret
set /files/opt/stack/tempest/etc/tempest.conf/identity/alt_username demo_t2
set /files/opt/stack/tempest/etc/tempest.conf/identity/alt_password secret
set /files/opt/stack/tempest/etc/tempest.conf/identity/alt_tenant_name demo_t2
set /files/opt/stack/tempest/etc/tempest.conf/compute/image_ref $USER_IMAGE_ID
set /files/opt/stack/tempest/etc/tempest.conf/compute/image_ref_alt $USER_IMAGE_ID2
set /files/opt/stack/tempest/etc/tempest.conf/compute/flavor_ref_alt 99
set /files/opt/stack/tempest/etc/tempest.conf/compute/allow_tenant_isolation false
set /files/opt/stack/tempest/etc/tempest.conf/compute/fixed_network_name default-net
set /files/opt/stack/tempest/etc/tempest.conf/compute/network_for_ssh $EXTNET
set /files/opt/stack/tempest/etc/tempest.conf/compute-admin/password $OS_PASSWORD
set /files/opt/stack/tempest/etc/tempest.conf/compute-feature-enabled/resize false
set /files/opt/stack/tempest/etc/tempest.conf/network/public_network_id $EXTNET
set /files/opt/stack/tempest/etc/tempest.conf/service_available/cinder false
set /files/opt/stack/tempest/etc/tempest.conf/service_available/heat true
set /files/opt/stack/tempest/etc/tempest.conf/service_available/neutron true
set /files/opt/stack/tempest/etc/tempest.conf/service_available/ceilometer false
set /files/opt/stack/tempest/etc/tempest.conf/service_available/horizon false
set /files/opt/stack/tempest/etc/tempest.conf/stress/max_instances 4
set /files/opt/stack/tempest/etc/tempest.conf/stress/default_thread_number_per_action 2
set /files/opt/stack/tempest/etc/tempest.conf/network/tenant_network_cidr
# activate throws errors if nounset is set
set +u
. /opt/stack/venvs/tempest/bin/activate
set -u
testr run --parallel $(python tests2skip.txt)