Support initramfs images in modify-image role

Add support for initramfs images in modify-image role for
updating packages in CI in ironic-python-agent image.

Change-Id: I1dd4d6fa0629d498c4f0d30da33ff49844ca4068
This commit is contained in:
Sagi Shnaidman 2017-07-03 19:52:53 +03:00
parent 3b89cd0b3c
commit 3978e82042

View File

@ -1,15 +1,19 @@
- name: Set abs path for image
shell: echo "{{ image_to_modify }}"
register: image_to_modify_abs_path
- name: Set names for images and temp dir
mount_tempdir: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'mktemp -d') }}"
- when: not initramfs_image|bool
- name: Set abs path for image
shell: echo "{{ image_to_modify }}"
register: image_to_modify_abs_path
- name: Set names for images and temp dir
image_to_modify_qcow: "{{ image_to_modify_abs_path.stdout }}"
image_to_modify_raw: "{{ image_to_modify_abs_path.stdout|replace('qcow2', 'raw') }}"
mount_tempdir: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'mktemp -d') }}"
- name: Convert image
shell: >
@ -22,36 +26,52 @@
mount /dev/mapper/loop0p1 {{ mount_tempdir }} || mount /dev/loop0 {{ mount_tempdir }};
become: true
- name: Upload files to image
shell: >
cp {{ item.src }} {{ mount_tempdir }}/{{ item.dest }};
with_items: "{{ modify_image_upload_files }}"
become: true
- name: Extract initramfs image
shell: gunzip -c {{ image_to_modify_abs_path.stdout }} | cpio -i
become: true
chdir: "{{ mount_tempdir }}"
when: initramfs_image|bool
- name: Run script on image
shell: >
mv {{ mount_tempdir }}/etc/resolv.conf{,_};
echo -e "nameserver\nnameserver" > {{ mount_tempdir }}/etc/resolv.conf;
cp {{ modify_script }} {{ mount_tempdir }}/tmp/{{ modify_script|basename }};
set -o pipefail && chroot {{ mount_tempdir }} /bin/bash /tmp/{{ modify_script|basename }} 2>&1
{{ timestamper_cmd }} > {{ working_dir }}/{{ modify_script|basename }}.$(date +%s).log;
mv -f {{ mount_tempdir }}/etc/resolv.conf{_,};
become: true
- become: true
- name: Extract files from image
shell: cp {{ mount_tempdir }}/{{ item }} {{ modify_image_working_dir }}/;
with_items: "{{ modify_image_extract_list }}"
ignore_errors: true
become: true
- name: Upload files to image
shell: >
cp {{ item.src }} {{ mount_tempdir }}/{{ item.dest }};
with_items: "{{ modify_image_upload_files }}"
- name: Close image
shell: >
chroot {{ mount_tempdir }} setfiles /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/files/file_contexts / ;
umount {{ mount_tempdir }};
kpartx -dv {{ image_to_modify_raw }};
qemu-img convert -c -f raw -O qcow2 {{ image_to_modify_raw }} {{ image_to_modify_qcow }};
rm -rf "{{ image_to_modify_raw }}";
losetup -d /dev/loop0;
rm -rf "{{ mount_tempdir }}";
chown -R {{ undercloud_user }}: /home/{{ undercloud_user }}/;
become: true
- name: Run script on image
shell: >
mv {{ mount_tempdir }}/etc/resolv.conf{,_};
echo -e "nameserver\nnameserver" > {{ mount_tempdir }}/etc/resolv.conf;
cp {{ modify_script }} {{ mount_tempdir }}/tmp/{{ modify_script|basename }};
{% if initramfs_image|bool %}sed -i "s/sudo //g" {{ mount_tempdir }}/tmp/{{ modify_script|basename }};{% endif %}
set -o pipefail && chroot {{ mount_tempdir }} /bin/bash /tmp/{{ modify_script|basename }} 2>&1
{{ timestamper_cmd }} > {{ working_dir }}/{{ modify_script|basename }}.$(date +%s).log;
mv -f {{ mount_tempdir }}/etc/resolv.conf{_,};
- name: Extract files from image
shell: cp {{ mount_tempdir }}/{{ item }} {{ modify_image_working_dir }}/;
with_items: "{{ modify_image_extract_list }}"
ignore_errors: true
- name: Close initramfs image
shell: >
pushd {{ mount_tempdir }};
find . -print | cpio -o -H newc | gzip > {{ image_to_modify_abs_path.stdout }};
rm -rf "{{ mount_tempdir }}";
when: initramfs_image|bool
- name: Close qcow2 image
shell: >
chroot {{ mount_tempdir }} setfiles /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/files/file_contexts / ;
umount {{ mount_tempdir }};
kpartx -dv {{ image_to_modify_raw }};
qemu-img convert -c -f raw -O qcow2 {{ image_to_modify_raw }} {{ image_to_modify_qcow }};
rm -rf "{{ image_to_modify_raw }}";
losetup -d /dev/loop0;
rm -rf "{{ mount_tempdir }}";
chown -R {{ undercloud_user }}: /home/{{ undercloud_user }}/;
when: not initramfs_image|bool