Add nova cellv2 multicell support

This introduce needed changes to be able to deploy an additional
cell via oooq. If additional_cell is set to true after the
overcloud got deployed the additional cell gets deployed. Todo
this information gets extracted from the overcloud stack, which
is requried as input to the second heat stack, where the additional
cell is managed with. As a reference [1] is the scenario which
is installed adding a single additional cell.

config/general_config/featureset063.yml is used for the configuration
and config/nodes/1ctlr_1cellctrl_1comp.yml has a nova config



Change-Id: I2de781fcec64e862bde34929547b578d2af0c16c
This commit is contained in:
Martin Schuppert 2019-10-11 16:46:07 +02:00 committed by Chandan Kumar (raukadah)
parent 219d1a3bce
commit 5b6d26c821
8 changed files with 245 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
- |
This introduce needed changes to be able to deploy an additional
cell via oooq. If additional_cell is set to true after the
overcloud got deployed the additional cell gets deployed. Todo
this information gets extracted from the overcloud stack, which
is requried as input to the second heat stack, where the additional
cell is managed with. As a reference [1] is the scenario which
is installed adding a single additional cell.
config/general_config/featureset063.yml is used for the configuration
and config/nodes/1ctlr_1cellctrl_1comp.yml has a nova config

View File

@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ undercloud_networks:
# Define all the flavors
control: baremetal
cellcontrol: baremetal
compute: baremetal
storage: baremetal
ceph: baremetal

View File

@ -2,11 +2,15 @@
# Script and log locations used during the deploy process.
deploy_log: "{{ working_dir }}/overcloud_deploy.log"
deploy_cell_log: "{{ working_dir }}/cell_deploy.log"
post_deploy_log: "{{ working_dir }}/overcloud_deploy_post.log"
failed_deployments_log: "{{ working_dir }}/failed_deployments.log"
failed_deployment_list: "{{ working_dir }}/failed_deployment_list.log"
failed_cell_deployment_list: "{{ working_dir }}/failed_cell_deployment_list.log"
failed_cell_deployments_log: "{{ working_dir }}/failed_cell_deployments.log"
tripleo_config_download_log: "{{ working_dir }}/tripleo_config_download.log"
ansible_steps_log: "{{ working_dir }}/ansible_steps.log"
@ -59,6 +63,8 @@ overcloud_release: "{{ release }}"
flavor_args: >-
--control-flavor {{flavor_map.control
if flavor_map is defined and 'control' in flavor_map else 'oooq_control'}}
--cellcontrol-flavor {{flavor_map.cellcontrol
if flavor_map is defined and 'cellcontrol' in flavor_map else 'oooq_cellcontrol'}}
--compute-flavor {{flavor_map.compute
if flavor_map is defined and 'compute' in flavor_map else 'oooq_compute'}}
--ceph-storage-flavor {{flavor_map.ceph
@ -144,6 +150,7 @@ composable_services: false
deploy_multinode: false
step_deploy_overcloud: true
step_deploy_cell: true
deploy_steps_ansible_workflow: false

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
- name: Deploy the cell
shell: >
set -o pipefail &&
{{ working_dir }}/ 2>&1 {{ timestamper_cmd }} > {{ deploy_cell_log }}
register: deploy_cell_script_result
ignore_errors: true
when: step_deploy_cell|bool
- name: Export actual used deploy args for persistence to other plays
# deploy_args end with a newline, remove to make deploy_args_used easier to use
deploy_args_used: "{{ deploy_args | replace('\n', ' ') }}"
cacheable: true
- name: Export actual used cell deploy args for persistence to other plays
# cell_deploy_args end with a newline, remove to make cell_deploy_args_used easier to use
cell_deploy_args_used: "{{ cell_deploy_args | replace('\n', ' ') }}"
cacheable: true

View File

@ -24,3 +24,14 @@
- overcloud-post-deploy
when: overcloud_deploy_result is defined and overcloud_deploy_result == "passed"
- block:
- include: pre-cell-deploy.yml
- overcloud-scripts-cell
- include: deploy-cell.yml
- overcloud-deploy-cell
- additional_cell|bool
- overcloud_deploy_result is defined and overcloud_deploy_result == "passed"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
# Note.. the order of heat templates and args is very important. The last environment that sets a variable takes precedent.
- name: Extract the number of cell controllers to be deployed (from cell topology_map)
number_of_cell_controllers: |-
{% if cell_topology_map.CellController is defined -%}
{{ cell_topology_map.CellController.scale }}
{%- else -%}
{%- endif %}
- cell_topology_map is defined
- name: Extract the cell controller flavor from cell topology_map
cell_controller_flavor: |-
{% if cell_topology_map.CellController is defined and cell_topology_map.CellController.flavor is defined -%}
{{ cell_topology_map.CellController.flavor }}
{%- else -%}
{%- endif %}
- cell_topology_map is defined
- name: Extract the number of cell computes to be deployed (from cell topology_map)
number_of_cell_computes: |-
{% if cell_topology_map.Compute is defined -%}
{{ cell_topology_map.Compute.scale }}
{%- else -%}
{%- endif %}
- cell_topology_map is defined
- name: set cell_deploy args fact
cell_deploy_args: >-
-r {{ working_dir }}/{{ cell_name }}/cell_roles_data.yaml
-e {{ working_dir }}/{{ cell_name }}/cell-input.yaml
-e {{ working_dir }}/{{ cell_name }}/cell.yaml
--stack {{ cell_name }}
- name: Create cell data directory
path: "{{ working_dir }}/{{ cell_name }}"
state: directory
mode: '0755'
- name: Create cell parameter file
when: additional_cell|bool
src: "cell.yaml.j2"
dest: "{{ working_dir }}/{{ cell_name }}/cell.yaml"
- name: Create cell deploy script
when: additional_cell|bool
src: "{{ deploy_cell_script }}"
dest: "{{ working_dir }}/"
mode: 0755

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
# since the same networks are used in this example, the
# creation of the different networks is omitted
OS::TripleO::Network::External: OS::Heat::None
OS::TripleO::Network::InternalApi: OS::Heat::None
OS::TripleO::Network::Storage: OS::Heat::None
OS::TripleO::Network::StorageMgmt: OS::Heat::None
OS::TripleO::Network::Tenant: OS::Heat::None
OS::TripleO::Network::Management: OS::Heat::None
# new CELL Parameter to reflect that this is an additional CELL
NovaAdditionalCell: True
# The DNS names for the VIPs for the cell
CloudName: {{cell_cloud_name|default('cell.localdomain')}}
CloudNameInternal: {{cell_cloud_name_internal|default('cell.internalapi.localdomain')}}
CloudNameStorage: {{cell_cloud_name_storage|default('')}}
CloudNameStorageManagement: {{cell_cloud_name_storage_management|default('cell.storagemgmt.localdomain')}}
CloudNameCtlplane: {{cell_cloud_name_ctlplane|default('cell.ctlplane.localdomain')}}
# Flavors used for the cell controller
OvercloudCellControllerFlavor: {{ cell_controller_flavor|default('baremetal') }}
# number of controllers/computes in the cell
CellControllerCount: {{ number_of_cell_controllers|default('1') }}
ComputeCount: {{ number_of_cell_computes|default('0') }}
{% if cell_public_vip is defined %}
PublicVirtualFixedIPs: [{'ip_address':'{{ cell_public_vip }}'}]
{% endif %}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
set -ux
### --start_docs
## Deploying the cell
## ==================
## Prepare Your Environment
## ------------------------
## * Source in the undercloud credentials.
## ::
source {{ working_dir }}/stackrc
### --start_docs
# Create directory for cell related parameter files
mkdir -p {{ working_dir }}/{{ cell_name }}
# export overcloud information needed as input for cell stack
openstack overcloud cell export {{ cell_name }} -o {{ working_dir }}/{{ cell_name }}/cell-input.yaml
# create cell roles file with Compute and CellController role
openstack overcloud roles generate --roles-path \
/usr/share/openstack-tripleo-heat-templates/roles \
-o {{ working_dir }}/{{ cell_name }}/cell_roles_data.yaml Compute CellController
## * Deploy the cell
## ::
openstack overcloud deploy {% if release is not in ['newton', 'ocata', 'pike', 'queens'] %}--override-ansible-cfg {{ working_dir }}/custom_ansible.cfg{% endif %} \
--templates {{overcloud_templates_path}} \
{{ deploy_args | regex_replace("\n", " ") }} \
{{ cell_deploy_args | regex_replace("\n", " ") }} \
"$@" && status_code=0 || status_code=$?
### --stop_docs
if ! openstack stack list | grep -q {{ cell_name }}; then
echo "cell deployment not started. Check the deploy configurations"
exit 1
# We don't always get a useful error code from the openstack deploy command,
# so check `openstack stack list` for a CREATE_COMPLETE or an UPDATE_COMPLETE
# status.
elif ! openstack stack list | grep {{ cell_name }} | grep -Eq '(CREATE|UPDATE)_COMPLETE'; then
{%if release not in ['mitaka', 'liberty'] %}
# get the failures list
openstack stack failures list overcloud --long > {{ failed_cell_deployment_list }} || true
{% endif %}
# get any puppet related errors
for failed in $(openstack stack resource list \
--nested-depth 5 {{ cell_name }} | grep FAILED |
grep 'StructuredDeployment ' | cut -d '|' -f3)
echo "openstack software deployment show output for deployment: $failed" >> {{ failed_cell_deployments_log }}
echo "######################################################" >> {{ failed_cell_deployments_log }}
openstack software deployment show $failed >> {{ failed_cell_deployments_log }}
echo "######################################################" >> {{ failed_cell_deployments_log }}
echo "puppet standard error for deployment: $failed" >> {{ failed_cell_deployments_log }}
echo "######################################################" >> {{ failed_cell_deployments_log }}
# the sed part removes color codes from the text
openstack software deployment show $failed -f json |
jq -r .output_values.deploy_stderr |
sed -r "s:\x1B\[[0-9;]*[mK]::g" >> {{ failed_cell_deployments_log }}
echo "######################################################" >> {{ failed_cell_deployments_log }}
# We need to exit with 1 because of the above || true
exit 1
{%if release in ['rocky', 'master'] %}
elif ! openstack overcloud status --stack {{ cell_name }}| grep -Eq 'DEPLOY_SUCCESS'; then
# NOTE(emilien) "openstack overcloud failures" was introduced in Rocky
openstack overcloud failures --stack {{ cell_name }}>> {{ failed_cell_deployment_list }} || true
exit 1
{% endif %}
# Create inventory files for overcloud and cell stack
mkdir -p {{ working_dir }}/inventories
for i in $(openstack stack list -f value -c 'Stack Name'); do
/usr/bin/tripleo-ansible-inventory \
--static-yaml-inventory inventories/${i}.yaml \
--stack ${i}
ansible-playbook -i inventories \
/usr/share/ansible/tripleo-playbooks/create-nova-cell-v2.yaml \
-e tripleo_cellv2_cell_name={{ cell_name }} \
-e tripleo_cellv2_containercli={{ overcloud_container_cli }}
exit $status_code