Support TLS-Everywhere without novajoin

To run TLS-E without novajoin, set undercloud_enable_novajoin
to false. To avoid confusion, this changes the previous behavior
of undercloud_enable_novajoin flag and it's default value. The
original flag wasn't used, because novajoin is only used for
TLS-E, so it doesn't make sense to deploy it otherwise.

Change-Id: Id97074ff7b1341942e8c85fc709a83b33e0af414
This commit is contained in:
Grzegorz Grasza 2020-04-21 15:31:47 +02:00
parent ca7228937c
commit d688ab722a
17 changed files with 222 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -20,6 +20,15 @@ Role Variables
provisioning interface (which is hardcoded to eth1)
- `supplemental_user`: <stack> The user which is used to deploy FreeIpa on the supplemental node
- `ipa_server_install_params`: <''> -- Additional parameters to pass to the ipa-server-install command
- `prepare_ipa`: If set to true, it will install novajoin or tripleo-ipa in the
undercloud, and run a script that will create the required privileges/permissions
in FreeIPA, as well as the undercloud host entry. This requires
'enable_tls_everywhere' to be set to true, and the following variables to be
properly defined: 'freeipa_admin_password', 'freeipa_server_hostname',
'overcloud_cloud_domain', 'undercloud_undercloud_hostname'. If you plan to do
this yourself, you can set this variable to false. Defaults to true.
- `undercloud_enable_novajoin`: <'true'> -- uses old novajoin service to register
overcloud nodes into IPA when 'enable_tls_everywhere' is enabled.
Example Playbook

View File

@ -6,3 +6,7 @@ undercloud_fqdn: "undercloud.tripleodomain"
provisioning_cidr: "{{ undercloud_network_cidr }}"
supplemental_user: "stack"
freeipa_subcas: []
prepare_ipa: true
# location which the novajoin-ipa-setup will store the FreeIPA token
undercloud_enable_novajoin: true
freeipa_otp_key: /tmp/ipa-otp.txt

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
- name: Validate FreeIPA Admin password was passed
fail: msg="freeipa_admin_password is not passed and or blank"
- deploy_supplemental_node|bool and not hostvars['supplemental'].freeipa_admin_password|default('')
- not freeipa_admin_password|default('')
- name: Validate FreeIPA Server hostname was passed
fail: msg="freeipa_server_hostname is not passed and or blank"
when: freeipa_server_hostname is not defined or ( freeipa_server_hostname is defined and freeipa_server_hostname == "" )
- name: Validate a domain for the cloud was given
fail: msg="overcloud_cloud_domain is not passed and or blank"
when: overcloud_cloud_domain is not defined or ( overcloud_cloud_domain is defined and overcloud_cloud_domain == "" )
- name: Validate a undercloud hostname was given
fail: msg="undercloud_undercloud_hostname is not passed and or blank"
when: undercloud_undercloud_hostname is not defined or ( undercloud_undercloud_hostname is defined and undercloud_undercloud_hostname == "" )
- name: Install tripleo-ipa preparation script
dest: "~{{ supplemental_user }}/"
mode: 0755
- name: Run the tripleo-ipa preparation script
shell: >
set -o pipefail &&
~{{ supplemental_user }}/ 2>&1 {{ timestamper_cmd }} >
~{{ supplemental_user }}/
changed_when: true
- name: Fetch the otp key
src: "{{ freeipa_otp_key }}"
dest: "{{ freeipa_otp_key }}"
flat: true

View File

@ -22,3 +22,8 @@
- name: Deploy FreeIPA
become: true
shell: "~{{ supplemental_user }}/ &> ~{{ supplemental_user }}/deploy_freeipa.log"
- include: ipa_prep.yml
when: enable_tls_everywhere|bool and prepare_ipa|bool and not undercloud_enable_novajoin|bool
- undercloud-install

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eux
### --start_docs
## Set up the necessary permissions/privileges in novajoin
## =======================================================
## * Install ansible and tripleo-ipa
sudo {{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} install -yq ansible ansible-tripleo-ipa
## * Set up FreeIPA permissions and privileges and register the undercloud.
## ::
export IPA_ADMIN_USER=admin
export IPA_PRINCIPAL=admin
{% if deploy_supplemental_node|bool %}
export IPA_ADMIN_PASSWORD={{ hostvars['supplemental'].freeipa_admin_password }}
export IPA_PASSWORD={{ hostvars['supplemental'].freeipa_admin_password }}
{% else %}
export IPA_ADMIN_PASSWORD={{ freeipa_admin_password }}
export IPA_PASSWORD={{ freeipa_admin_password }}
{% endif %}
export IPA_SERVER_HOSTNAME={{ freeipa_server_hostname }}
export IPA_REALM=$(echo {{ overcloud_cloud_domain }} | awk '{print toupper($0)}')
export IPA_DOMAIN={{ overcloud_cloud_domain }}
export UNDERCLOUD_FQDN={{ undercloud_undercloud_hostname }}
export CLOUD_DOMAIN="{{ overcloud_cloud_domain }}"
ansible-playbook --ssh-extra-args \
"-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" \
ansible-playbook --ssh-extra-args \
"-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" \
/usr/share/ansible/tripleo-playbooks/ipa-server-register-undercloud.yaml \
| grep -o '"ipa_otp = .*"$' | sed 's/ipa_otp = //' > {{ freeipa_otp_key }}
ansible-playbook --ssh-extra-args \
"-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" \
### --stop_docs

View File

@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ A description of the settable variables for this role should go here, including
* `topology_map`: undefined - a dictionary of roles with their scale (count) and flavor names. Example: topology_map: { 'Controller': { 'scale': 3, 'flavor': 'baremetal' } }
* `extra_tht_configs`: -- a list of files to copy to the undercloud and add as
extra config to the overcloud-deployment command.
* `undercloud_enable_novajoin`: <'true'> -- uses old novajoin service to register
overcloud nodes into IPA when 'enable_tls_everywhere' is enabled.

View File

@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ use_resource_registry_nic_configs: false
ssl_args: ""
tls_everywhere_args: ""
undercloud_enable_novajoin: true
validation_args: "--validation-warnings-fatal"
enable_swap: false

View File

@ -71,6 +71,14 @@
src: "cloud-names.yaml.j2"
dest: "{{ working_dir }}/cloud-names.yaml"
- name: Set OS::TripleO::Services::IpaClient for novajoin-less deployment
- enable_tls_everywhere|bool and not undercloud_enable_novajoin|bool
- release not in ['mitaka', 'liberty', 'newton']
src: "tls-everywhere.yaml.j2"
dest: "{{ working_dir }}/tls-everywhere.yaml"
- name: Create the hostname_map parameters yaml
- groups['overcloud'] is defined

View File

@ -161,14 +161,25 @@
{{ ssl_ca_args }}
when: ssl_overcloud|bool or undercloud_generate_service_certificate|bool
- name: set novajoin/TLS everywhere fact
- name: set TLS everywhere fact with novajoin
tls_everywhere_args: >-
-e {{ overcloud_templates_path }}/environments/services/haproxy-public-tls-certmonger.yaml
-e {{ overcloud_templates_path }}/environments/ssl/enable-internal-tls.yaml
-e {{ overcloud_templates_path }}/environments/ssl/tls-everywhere-endpoints-dns.yaml
- enable_tls_everywhere|bool
- enable_tls_everywhere|bool and undercloud_enable_novajoin|bool
- release not in ['mitaka', 'liberty', 'newton']
- name: set TLS everywhere fact with tripleo-ipa
tls_everywhere_args: >-
-e {{ overcloud_templates_path }}/environments/services/haproxy-public-tls-certmonger.yaml
-e {{ overcloud_templates_path }}/environments/ssl/enable-internal-tls.yaml
-e {{ overcloud_templates_path }}/environments/ssl/tls-everywhere-endpoints-dns.yaml
-e {{ working_dir }}/tls-everywhere.yaml
- enable_tls_everywhere|bool and not undercloud_enable_novajoin|bool
- release not in ['mitaka', 'liberty', 'newton']
- name: set validation_args fact for mitaka/liberty

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# Override the IpaClient path to use tripleo-ipa instead of novajoin for IPA registration
IdMServer: {{freeipa_server_hostname}}
IdMDomain: {{overcloud_cloud_domain}}
OS::TripleO::Services::IpaClient: {{overcloud_templates_path}}/deployment/ipa/ipaservices-baremetal-ansible.yaml

View File

@ -51,14 +51,13 @@
- `undercloud_enable_validations`: <'true'> -- sets up the 'enable_validations'
option in undercloud.conf.
- `undercloud_enable_novajoin`: <'false'> -- sets up the 'enable_novajoin'
value from undercloud.conf. Note that using 'enable_tls_everywhere' will have
the same effect.
- `undercloud_enable_novajoin`: <'true'> -- sets up the 'enable_novajoin'
value from undercloud.conf when 'enable_tls_everywhere' is enabled.
- `novajoin_connect_timeout`: <5> Sets vendordata_dynamic_connect_timeout when novajoin is enabled
- `novajoin_read_timeout:` <20> Sets vendordata_dynamic_read_timeout when novajoin is enabled
- `prepare_novajoin`: If set to true, it will install novajoin in the undercloud,
and run a script that will create the required privileges/permissions in
FreeIPA, as well as the undercloud host entry. this requires
- `prepare_ipa`: If set to true, it will install novajoin or tripleo-ipa in the
undercloud, and run a script that will create the required privileges/permissions
in FreeIPA, as well as the undercloud host entry. This requires
'enable_tls_everywhere' to be set to true, and the following variables to be
properly defined: 'freeipa_admin_password', 'freeipa_server_hostname',
'overcloud_cloud_domain', 'undercloud_undercloud_hostname'. If you plan to do

View File

@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ undercloud_ironic_ipxe_port: 3816
undercloud_conf_extra: ""
undercloud_enable_novajoin: false
prepare_novajoin: true
undercloud_enable_novajoin: true
prepare_ipa: true
# location which the novajoin-ipa-setup will store the FreeIPA token
freeipa_otp_key: /tmp/ipa-otp.txt

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
- name: Validate FreeIPA Admin password was passed
fail: msg="freeipa_admin_password is not passed and or blank"
- deploy_supplemental_node|bool and not hostvars['supplemental'].freeipa_admin_password|default('')
- not freeipa_admin_password|default('')
- name: Validate FreeIPA Server hostname was passed
fail: msg="freeipa_server_hostname is not passed and or blank"
when: freeipa_server_hostname is not defined or ( freeipa_server_hostname is defined and freeipa_server_hostname == "" )
- name: Validate a domain for the cloud was given
fail: msg="overcloud_cloud_domain is not passed and or blank"
when: overcloud_cloud_domain is not defined or ( overcloud_cloud_domain is defined and overcloud_cloud_domain == "" )
- name: Validate a undercloud hostname was given
fail: msg="undercloud_undercloud_hostname is not passed and or blank"
when: undercloud_undercloud_hostname is not defined or ( undercloud_undercloud_hostname is defined and undercloud_undercloud_hostname == "" )
- name: Install tripleo-ipa preparation script
dest: "{{ working_dir }}/"
mode: 0755
- name: Run the tripleo-ipa preparation script
shell: >
set -o pipefail &&
{{ working_dir }}/ 2>&1 {{ timestamper_cmd }} >
{{ working_dir }}/
changed_when: true
- name: Copy the otp key to the undercloud
src: "{{ freeipa_otp_key }}"
dest: "{{ freeipa_otp_key }}"
- name: Register OTP output
command: cat {{ freeipa_otp_key }}
register: ipa_otp_register
changed_when: false
- name: Set OTP Fact for undercloud enrollment
undercloud_ipa_otp: "{{ ipa_otp_register.stdout }}"
when: ipa_otp_register.rc == 0

View File

@ -25,7 +25,12 @@
- include: novajoin_prep.yml
when: enable_tls_everywhere|bool and prepare_novajoin|bool
when: enable_tls_everywhere|bool and prepare_ipa|bool and undercloud_enable_novajoin|bool
- undercloud-install
- include: ipa_prep.yml
when: enable_tls_everywhere|bool and prepare_ipa|bool and not undercloud_enable_novajoin|bool
- undercloud-install

View File

@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ ironic::rpc_response_timeout: {{undercloud_ironic_rpc_response_timeout}}
{% if undercloud_enable_novajoin or enable_tls_everywhere %}
{% if undercloud_enable_novajoin and enable_tls_everywhere %}
nova::api::vendordata_dynamic_connect_timeout: {{ novajoin_connect_timeout }}
nova::api::vendordata_dynamic_read_timeout: {{ novajoin_read_timeout }}
{% endif %}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eux
### --start_docs
## Set up the necessary permissions/privileges in novajoin
## =======================================================
## * Ensure that the undercloud is using the FreeIPA server
## as its DNS server
## * Make sure that the undercloud_undercloud_hostname resolves
## (undercloud.openstacklocal is originally set in prepare-slave.yml)
## * Set the hostname to undercloud_undercloud_hostname
## * Make sure the /etc/novajoin directory is created, so that the keytab can
## be saved there (ipa-getkeytab doesn't create that directory)
## .. Note:: You may not use sudo and use output redirection '>'::
sudo /bin/su -c "echo -e 'search {{ overcloud_cloud_domain }}\nnameserver {{ undercloud_undercloud_nameservers[-1] }}' > /etc/resolv.conf"
sudo sed -i "s/undercloud.openstacklocal/{{ undercloud_undercloud_hostname }} undercloud.openstacklocal/" /etc/hosts
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname {{ undercloud_undercloud_hostname }}
sudo install -d -m 755 --context=system_u:object_r:etc_t:s0 /etc/novajoin
### --stop_docs

View File

@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ ipxe_deploy = {{undercloud_ipxe_deploy}}
enable_monitoring = {{undercloud_enable_monitoring}}
# Whether to install novajoin metadata service in the Undercloud.
{% if undercloud_enable_novajoin or enable_tls_everywhere %}
{% if undercloud_enable_novajoin and enable_tls_everywhere %}
enable_novajoin = true
{% else %}
enable_novajoin = false