Merge "Decompose pre-images script to separate scripts"

This commit is contained in:
Zuul 2020-05-02 00:10:07 +00:00 committed by Gerrit Code Review
commit f3de9a9d91
13 changed files with 483 additions and 217 deletions

@ -2,6 +2,24 @@
overcloud_prep_images_log: "{{ working_dir }}/overcloud_prep_images.log"
overcloud_introspect_script_log: "{{ working_dir }}/overcloud_introspect.log"
download_overcloud_image_log: "{{ working_dir }}/download_overcloud_image.log"
overcloud_image_upload_log: "{{ working_dir }}/overcloud_image_upload.log"
overcloud_glance_image_upload_log: "{{ working_dir }}/overcloud_glance_image_upload.log"
overcloud_list_flavors_log: "{{ working_dir }}/overcloud_list_flavors.log"
overcloud_import_nodes_log: "{{ working_dir }}/overcloud_import_nodes.log"
root_device_size_log: "{{ working_dir }}/root_device_size.log"
root_device_hints_log: "{{ working_dir }}/root_device_hints.log"
inject_ara_log: "{{ working_dir }}/inject_ara.log"
step_overcloud_image: true
step_glance_upload: false

@ -6,3 +6,68 @@
src: "{{ overcloud_prep_images_script }}"
dest: "{{ working_dir }}/"
mode: 0755
- name: Create download overcloud image script
src: "{{ download_overcloud_image_script }}"
dest: "{{ working_dir }}/"
mode: 0755
when: download_overcloud_image|bool
- name: Create overcloud upload image script
src: "{{ overcloud_image_upload_script }}"
dest: "{{ working_dir }}/"
mode: 0755
when: step_overcloud_image|bool
- name: Create glance overcloud upload image script
src: "{{ overcloud_glance_image_upload_script }}"
dest: "{{ working_dir }}/"
mode: 0755
when: step_glance_upload|bool
- name: Create list overcloud nova flavors script
src: "{{ overcloud_list_flavors_script }}"
dest: "{{ working_dir }}/"
mode: 0755
when: undercloud_enable_nova|bool
- name: Create overcloud import nodes script
src: "{{ overcloud_import_nodes_script }}"
dest: "{{ working_dir }}/"
mode: 0755
when: step_register|bool
- name: Create root device size script
src: "{{ root_device_size_script }}"
dest: "{{ working_dir }}/"
mode: 0755
when: step_root_device_size|bool
- name: Create root device hints script
src: "{{ root_device_hints_script }}"
dest: "{{ working_dir }}/"
mode: 0755
when: step_root_device_hints|bool
- name: Create overcloud introspection script
src: "{{ overcloud_introspect_script }}"
dest: "{{ working_dir }}/"
mode: 0755
when: step_introspect|bool
- name: Create ARA to mistral executor injection script
src: "{{ inject_ara_script }}"
dest: "{{ working_dir }}/"
mode: 0755
- release not in ['newton', 'ocata', 'pike', 'queens', 'rocky']
- undercloud_enable_mistral|bool

@ -1,7 +1,74 @@
- name: Prepare the overcloud images for deploy
- name: Download overcloud image
shell: >
set -o pipefail &&
{{ working_dir }}/ 2>&1 {{ timestamper_cmd }} >
{{ overcloud_prep_images_log }}
{{ working_dir }}/ 2>&1 {{ timestamper_cmd }} >
{{ download_overcloud_image_log }}
changed_when: true
when: download_overcloud_image|bool
- name: Upload overcloud images
shell: >
set -o pipefail &&
{{ working_dir }}/ 2>&1 {{ timestamper_cmd }} >
{{ overcloud_image_upload_log }}
changed_when: true
when: step_overcloud_image|bool
- name: Upload overcloud images with Glance for multinode
shell: >
set -o pipefail &&
{{ working_dir }}/ 2>&1 {{ timestamper_cmd }} >
{{ overcloud_glance_image_upload_log }}
changed_when: true
when: step_glance_upload|bool
- name: List overcloud flavors for Nova deployment
shell: >
set -o pipefail &&
{{ working_dir }}/ 2>&1 {{ timestamper_cmd }} >
{{ overcloud_list_flavors_log }}
changed_when: true
when: undercloud_enable_nova|bool
- name: Import and register overcloud nodes
shell: >
set -o pipefail &&
{{ working_dir }}/ 2>&1 {{ timestamper_cmd }} >
{{ overcloud_import_nodes_log }}
changed_when: true
when: step_register|bool
- name: Set root device size
shell: >
set -o pipefail &&
{{ working_dir }}/ 2>&1 {{ timestamper_cmd }} >
{{ root_device_size_log }}
changed_when: true
when: step_root_device_size|bool
- name: Set root device hints
shell: >
set -o pipefail &&
{{ working_dir }}/ 2>&1 {{ timestamper_cmd }} >
{{ root_device_hints_log }}
changed_when: true
when: step_root_device_hints|bool
- name: Introspect overcloud images
shell: >
set -o pipefail &&
{{ working_dir }}/ 2>&1 {{ timestamper_cmd }} >
{{ overcloud_introspect_script_log }}
changed_when: true
when: step_introspect|bool
- name: Inject ARA into mistral executor container image
shell: >
set -o pipefail &&
{{ working_dir }}/ 2>&1 {{ timestamper_cmd }} >
{{ inject_ara_log }}
changed_when: true
- release not in ['newton', 'ocata', 'pike', 'queens', 'rocky']
- undercloud_enable_mistral|bool

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
set -eux
### --start_docs
## * Download specific Overcloud images
## ::
if [ -f overcloud-full.qcow2 ]; then
sudo rm -rf overcloud-full*
curl -L -O "{{ overcloud_image_url }}"
tar xvfp {{ overcloud_full_tar_name }}
### --stop_docs

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
set -eux
### --start_docs
## Prepare images for deploying the overcloud
## ==========================================
## Prepare Your Environment
## ------------------------
## * Source in the undercloud credentials.
## ::
source {{ working_dir }}/stackrc
container_cli="{{ undercloud_container_cli | default('podman') }}"
cont=$(sudo $container_cli ps | grep executor | awk {'print $1'})
sudo $container_cli exec --user root $cont bash -c "easy_install pip && pip install 'ara==1.0.0' || pip3 install 'ara==1.0.0'"
# check it
sudo $container_cli exec --user root $cont find /usr -type d -name ara
### --stop_docs

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
set -eux
### --start_docs
## Prepare images for deploying the overcloud
## ==========================================
## Prepare Your Environment
## ------------------------
## * Source in the undercloud credentials.
## ::
source {{ working_dir }}/stackrc
## * Create and upload image to glance, this step is specific to nodepool based deployments.
## ::
rpm -q qemu-img || sudo {{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} install -y qemu-img
qemu-img create -f qcow2 overcloud-full.qcow2 1G
glance image-create --container-format bare \
--disk-format qcow2 \
--name overcloud-full \
--file overcloud-full.qcow2
### --stop_docs

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
set -eux
### --start_docs
## Prepare images for deploying the overcloud
## ==========================================
## Prepare Your Environment
## ------------------------
## * Source in the undercloud credentials.
## ::
source {{ working_dir }}/stackrc
{% if undercloud_enable_nova|bool %}
## * Upload images to glance.
## ::
{% else %}
## * Copy images to /var/lib/ironic/images.
## ::
{% endif %}
openstack overcloud image upload
{%- if containerized_undercloud|bool %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if bash_deploy_ramdisk|bool %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if whole_disk_images|bool %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if not undercloud_enable_nova|bool %}
{%- endif %}
### --stop_docs

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
set -eux
### --start_docs
## Prepare images for deploying the overcloud
## ==========================================
## Prepare Your Environment
## ------------------------
## * Source in the undercloud credentials.
## ::
source {{ working_dir }}/stackrc
## * Register nodes with Ironic.
## ::
{% if release in ['mitaka'] %}
openstack baremetal import --json instackenv.json
openstack baremetal configure boot
{% elif step_introspect|bool or step_introspect_with_retry|bool %}
openstack overcloud node import instackenv.json
{% else %}
openstack overcloud node import instackenv.json --provide
{% endif %}
### --stop_docs

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
set -eux
### --start_docs
## * Source in the undercloud credentials.
## ::
source {{ working_dir }}/stackrc
{% if step_introspect_debug|bool %}
sudo {{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} -y install tcpdump
sudo tcpdump -i any port {{ step_introspect_debug_tcpdump_ports | join(' or port ') }} -w {{ step_introspect_debug_tcpdump_log }} &
sleep 1
pidof_tcpdump=$(ps --ppid $! -o pid=)
{% endif %}
## * Introspect hardware attributes of nodes.
## ::
openstack overcloud node introspect --all-manageable
openstack overcloud node provide --all-manageable
{% if step_introspect_with_retry|bool %}
## * Introspect all manageable nodes with a caller provided timeout.
## then move all nodes that power off after a successful introspection
## back to available so we don't introspect them again. This is useful
## for large deployments (think 10+ nodes) where bulk introspection
## can be troublesome. It's also useful in environments where connection
## problems may spuriously fail a deployment. Related-Bug: #1651127
## ::
for node in `openstack baremetal node list -f json | jq -r '.[]| select(.["Provisioning State"] == "manageable")| .["UUID"]'`; do
openstack baremetal introspection start $node
sleep 30s
while [ $on_count -eq 0 ] && [ $manageable_count -gt 0 ]; do
manageable_count=$(openstack baremetal node list -f json | jq -r '.[]| select(.["Provisioning State"] == "manageable")| .["UUID"]' | wc -l)
on_count=$(openstack baremetal node list -f json|jq -r '.[]| select(.["Power State"] == "power on")| .["UUID"]' | wc -l)
sleep 30
set +e
timeout $1 bash -c -- 'source {{ working_dir }}/stackrc; \
on_count=$(openstack baremetal node list -f json|jq -r ".[]| select(.[\"Power State\"] == \"power on\")| .[\"UUID\"]" | wc -l) ; \
while [ $on_count -gt 0 ]; do \
sleep 30s; \
on_count=$(openstack baremetal node list -f json|jq -r ".[]| select(.[\"Power State\"] == \"power on\")| .[\"UUID\"]" | wc -l) ; \
set -e
for node in `openstack baremetal node list -f json | jq -r '.[]| select(.["Power State"] == "power off")| select(.["Provisioning State"] == "manageable")|.["UUID"]'`; do
openstack baremetal node provide $node
## * Introspect hardware attributes of nodes in a robust manner
## retrying up to three times on any given node. This should
## only be used in cases where deployment using bulk introspection
## has reliability issues.
## ::
for node in `openstack baremetal node list -f json | jq -r '.[]| select(.["Provisioning State"] == "available")| .["UUID"]'`; do
openstack baremetal node manage $node
introspect 15m
introspect 30m
introspect 60m
{% endif %}
{% if step_introspect_debug|bool %}
sudo kill $pidof_tcpdump
{% endif %}
### --stop_docs

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
set -eux
### --start_docs
## Prepare images for deploying the overcloud
## ==========================================
## Prepare Your Environment
## ------------------------
## * Source in the undercloud credentials.
## ::
source {{ working_dir }}/stackrc
## * List out all the available OpenStack flavors.
## ::
for i in `openstack flavor list -c Name -f value`; do
echo $i; openstack flavor show $i;
done || true
### --stop_docs

@ -1,242 +1,37 @@
set -eux
### --start_docs
## Prepare images for deploying the overcloud
## ==========================================
## Prepare Your Environment
## ------------------------
## * Source in the undercloud credentials.
## ::
source {{ working_dir }}/stackrc
{% if download_overcloud_image|bool %}
## * Download specific Overcloud images
## ::
if [ -f overcloud-full.qcow2 ]; then
sudo rm -rf overcloud-full*
curl -L -O "{{ overcloud_image_url }}"
tar xvfp {{ overcloud_full_tar_name }}
{% include '' %}
{% endif %}
{% if step_overcloud_image|bool %}
{% if undercloud_enable_nova|bool %}
## * Upload images to glance.
## ::
{% else %}
## * Copy images to /var/lib/ironic/images.
## ::
{% include '' %}
{% endif %}
openstack overcloud image upload
{%- if containerized_undercloud|bool %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if bash_deploy_ramdisk|bool %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if whole_disk_images|bool %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if not undercloud_enable_nova|bool %}
{%- endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if step_glance_upload|bool %}
## * Create and upload image to glance, this step is specific to nodepool based deployments.
## ::
rpm -q qemu-img || sudo {{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} install -y qemu-img
qemu-img create -f qcow2 overcloud-full.qcow2 1G
glance image-create --container-format bare \
--disk-format qcow2 \
--name overcloud-full \
--file overcloud-full.qcow2
{% include '' %}
{% endif %}
{% if undercloud_enable_nova|bool %}
## * List out all the available OpenStack flavors.
## ::
for i in `openstack flavor list -c Name -f value`; do
echo $i; openstack flavor show $i;
done || true
{% include '' %}
{% endif %}
{% if step_register|bool %}
## * Register nodes with Ironic.
## ::
{% if release in ['mitaka'] %}
openstack baremetal import --json instackenv.json
openstack baremetal configure boot
{% elif step_introspect|bool or step_introspect_with_retry|bool %}
openstack overcloud node import instackenv.json
{% else %}
openstack overcloud node import instackenv.json --provide
{% include '' %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if step_root_device_size|bool %}
## * Get nodes UUID
## ::
export items="$( openstack baremetal node list | awk '/power/ {print $2}' )"
## * Find disk size from instackenv.json
## ::
export DISK_SIZE="$( jq '.["nodes"][]["disk"] | tonumber' instackenv.json )"
## * Update nodes with disk size hint
## ::
ROOT_DEVICE_SIZE={{ disk_root_device_size }}
for item in $items; do
if [ $ROOT_DEVICE_SIZE -ge ${ARRAY_DISK_SIZE[$count]} ]; then
declare i ADS
openstack baremetal node set --property root_device='{"size": '$ADS'}' $item
{% include '' %}
{% endif %}
{% if step_root_device_hints|bool %}
## * Get nodes UUID
## ::
export ironic_nodes="$( openstack baremetal node list | awk '/power/ {print $2}' )"
for ironic_node in $ironic_nodes; do
# extract IP from ironic node details
ip_address=$(openstack baremetal node show -f value -c driver_info $ironic_node | sed -n "s/.*ipmi_address': u'\([0-9\.]*\)'.*/\1/p")
# get information for the matching template
{% for node in root_device_hints %}
NODE_IP="{{ node['ip'] }}"
if [ "$NODE_IP" == "$ip_address" ]; then
# set property
openstack baremetal node set --property root_device='{"{{ node['key'] }}": "{{ node['value'] }}"}' $ironic_node
{% endfor %}
{% include '' %}
{% endif %}
{% if step_introspect_debug|bool %}
sudo {{ ansible_pkg_mgr }} -y install tcpdump
sudo tcpdump -i any port {{ step_introspect_debug_tcpdump_ports | join(' or port ') }} -w {{ step_introspect_debug_tcpdump_log }} &
sleep 1
pidof_tcpdump=$(ps --ppid $! -o pid=)
{% endif %}
{% if step_introspect|bool %}
## * Introspect hardware attributes of nodes.
## ::
{% if release in ['mitaka'] %}
openstack baremetal introspection bulk start
{% else %}
openstack overcloud node introspect --all-manageable
openstack overcloud node provide --all-manageable
{% endif %}
{% include '' %}
{% endif %}
{% if step_introspect_with_retry|bool %}
## * Introspect all manageable nodes with a caller provided timeout.
## then move all nodes that power off after a successful introspection
## back to available so we don't introspect them again. This is useful
## for large deployments (think 10+ nodes) where bulk introspection
## can be troublesome. It's also useful in environments where connection
## problems may spuriously fail a deployment. Related-Bug: #1651127
## ::
for node in `openstack baremetal node list -f json | jq -r '.[]| select(.["Provisioning State"] == "manageable")| .["UUID"]'`; do
openstack baremetal introspection start $node
sleep 30s
while [ $on_count -eq 0 ] && [ $manageable_count -gt 0 ]; do
manageable_count=$(openstack baremetal node list -f json | jq -r '.[]| select(.["Provisioning State"] == "manageable")| .["UUID"]' | wc -l)
on_count=$(openstack baremetal node list -f json|jq -r '.[]| select(.["Power State"] == "power on")| .["UUID"]' | wc -l)
sleep 30
set +e
timeout $1 bash -c -- 'source {{ working_dir }}/stackrc; \
on_count=$(openstack baremetal node list -f json|jq -r ".[]| select(.[\"Power State\"] == \"power on\")| .[\"UUID\"]" | wc -l) ; \
while [ $on_count -gt 0 ]; do \
sleep 30s; \
on_count=$(openstack baremetal node list -f json|jq -r ".[]| select(.[\"Power State\"] == \"power on\")| .[\"UUID\"]" | wc -l) ; \
set -e
for node in `openstack baremetal node list -f json | jq -r '.[]| select(.["Power State"] == "power off")| select(.["Provisioning State"] == "manageable")|.["UUID"]'`; do
openstack baremetal node provide $node
## * Introspect hardware attributes of nodes in a robust manner
## retrying up to three times on any given node. This should
## only be used in cases where deployment using bulk introspection
## has reliability issues.
## ::
for node in `openstack baremetal node list -f json | jq -r '.[]| select(.["Provisioning State"] == "available")| .["UUID"]'`; do
openstack baremetal node manage $node
introspect 15m
introspect 30m
introspect 60m
{% endif %}
{% if step_introspect_debug|bool %}
sudo kill $pidof_tcpdump
{% endif %}
{% if release not in ['newton', 'ocata', 'pike', 'queens', 'rocky'] and undercloud_enable_mistral|bool %}
container_cli="{{ undercloud_container_cli | default('podman') }}"
cont=$(sudo $container_cli ps | grep executor | awk {'print $1'})
sudo $container_cli exec --user root $cont bash -c "easy_install pip && pip install 'ara==1.0.0' || pip3 install 'ara==1.0.0'"
# check it
sudo $container_cli exec --user root $cont find /usr -type d -name ara
{% include '' %}
{% endif %}
### --stop_docs

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
set -eux
### --start_docs
## Prepare images for deploying the overcloud
## ==========================================
## Prepare Your Environment
## ------------------------
## * Source in the undercloud credentials.
## ::
source {{ working_dir }}/stackrc
## * Get nodes UUID
## ::
export ironic_nodes="$( openstack baremetal node list | awk '/power/ {print $2}' )"
for ironic_node in $ironic_nodes; do
# extract IP from ironic node details
ip_address=$(openstack baremetal node show -f value -c driver_info $ironic_node | sed -n "s/.*ipmi_address': u'\([0-9\.]*\)'.*/\1/p")
# get information for the matching template
{% for node in root_device_hints %}
NODE_IP="{{ node['ip'] }}"
if [ "$NODE_IP" == "$ip_address" ]; then
# set property
openstack baremetal node set --property root_device='{"{{ node['key'] }}": "{{ node['value'] }}"}' $ironic_node
{% endfor %}
### --stop_docs

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
set -eux
### --start_docs
## Prepare images for deploying the overcloud
## ==========================================
## Prepare Your Environment
## ------------------------
## * Source in the undercloud credentials.
## ::
source {{ working_dir }}/stackrc
## * Get nodes UUID
## ::
export items="$( openstack baremetal node list | awk '/power/ {print $2}' )"
## * Find disk size from instackenv.json
## ::
export DISK_SIZE="$( jq '.["nodes"][]["disk"] | tonumber' instackenv.json )"
## * Update nodes with disk size hint
## ::
ROOT_DEVICE_SIZE={{ disk_root_device_size }}
for item in $items; do
if [ $ROOT_DEVICE_SIZE -ge ${ARRAY_DISK_SIZE[$count]} ]; then
declare i ADS
openstack baremetal node set --property root_device='{"size": '$ADS'}' $item
### --stop_docs