#!/bin/bash # Script to modify nic-configs for bond-with-vlans deployments set -eux ### --start_docs ## LACP bonding using Linux bonds for bond-with-vlans deployments ## ============================================================== ## * Copy the yaml file from the standard template files directory ## :: ORIGIN_TEMPLATES_DIR={{ overcloud_templates_path }}/network/config/bond-with-vlans CUSTOM_TEMPLATES_DIR={{ overcloud_templates_path }}/network/config/custom-bond-with-vlans sudo mkdir -p $CUSTOM_TEMPLATES_DIR sudo cp $ORIGIN_TEMPLATES_DIR/*.yaml $CUSTOM_TEMPLATES_DIR/ ## * Modify the yaml files to use Linux bonds ## :: sudo grep -rl 'type: ovs_bond' $CUSTOM_TEMPLATES_DIR/ | xargs sudo sed -i 's/type: ovs_bond/type: linux_bond/g' sudo grep -rl 'ovs_options' $CUSTOM_TEMPLATES_DIR/ | xargs sudo sed -i 's/ovs_options/bonding_options/g' ### --stop_docs