How to reproduce a job result using the script

Check the top-level logs directory for a file Running this file will set up a stack on a personal tenant where the job run can be reproduced. If no file is found, that usually means an infra failure before Quickstart could start or a problem in collecting logs. Check on IRC Freenode channel #tripleo to see if there's an ongoing infra issue.

What is the script?

A script is generated at the top-level log directory for jobs that run TripleO-Quickstart and Running the script from a host machine will set up a stack to the point where the user can ssh to the undercloud, source a variable file, and run As such, reproducing the complete jobs result requires some manual interaction.

The script is generated to be specific to that job and scripts from other jobs will be different.

Running the script

Use cURL, wget or a similar tool to copy the to a clean working directory on a host from where you can access the cloud tenant you want to run the reproducer on. Make sure that the copied script is executable (has +x permissions) before you attempt to run it. Source the tenant credentials before running the script. Also, it is a good idea to check that the tenant has enough capacity and resources to reproduce the job before you begin.

Note that, by default, the script is written to run an a personal RDO Cloud tenant. Instructions on how to modify the script to run on another host cloud are included in a section below.

When the script completes, you will see a list of instructions printed out on how to run from the undercloud:

Input argument options in the script

Running --help will show a list of the input options. All the options have a default and none are required. The options are listed below with explanations:

Using an alternative host cloud

The script is written to run an a personal RDO Cloud tenant. If you want to run on a different host cloud, modify the as follows: