ansible-role-tripleo-tht-prep-config ========================================== An Ansible "meta" role (do not use it on its own, its for imports only) to prepare TripleO Heat Templates for TripleO deployments with Heat and Ansible. Requirements ------------ No requirements. The role should only be used via include/import_roles with tasks_from. Role Variables -------------- - `working_dir`: -- the working dir to contain the cloned and checked-out t-h-t. Defined in roles/extras-common - `download_templates_rpm`: if set to true, allow the user to download a tripleo-heat-templates rpm package from a url defined by the variable `tht_rpm_url` - `tht_templates_path`: -- the destination path inside of the working dir to clone and checkout t-h-t from the given ``tht_templates_repo/_branch/_refspec``. - `prep_post_hook_script`: if set to a non-empty string, it should be the content of a bash script that will be run at the end of the t-h-t preparation configuration step. This should only be use in rare case. - `composable_scenario`: -- controls specific steps for the composable deployments. - `upgrade_composable_scenario`: -- controls specific steps for the composable updates/upgrades. Dependencies ------------ None Example Playbook ---------------- Here is an example tasks snippet for a playbook (omitted the remaining parts): ```yaml vars: my_custom_tht_script: my_custom_tht_log: clone_tht_script.log tasks: - name: Prepare custom t-h-t for my super deployment include_role: name: tht-prep-config vars: custom_tht_log: "{{ my_custom_tht_log }}" custom_tht_script: "{{ my_custom_tht_script }}" tht_templates_repo: "{{ my_templates_repo|default('') }}" tht_templates_refspec: "{{ my_templates_refspec|default('') }}" tht_templates_branch: "{{ my_templates_branch|default('') }}" tht_templates_path: "{{ my_templates_path }}" download_templates_rpm: "{{ download_my_templates_rpm|default('') }}" prep_post_hook_script: "{{ my_prep_post_hook_script|default('') }}" ``` This puts into the current directory `` j2 rendered from `` (it should be placed under `tht-prep-config/templates`), then executes the script and logs results into `clone_tht_script.log`. License ------- Apache 2.0 Author Information ------------------ RDO-CI and Tripleo Deployment Framework teams