undercloud-deploy ========================================== An Ansible role to execute the deployment of the tripleo undercloud Requirements ------------ This requires a running host to deploy the undercloud. Role Variables -------------- - `undercloud_config_file`: <'undercloud.conf.j2'> -- the name of the jinja template used as the base for the undercloud.conf - `undercloud_install_script`: <'undercloud-install.j2'> -- the name of the jinja template used as the base for the undercloud-install bash script and dev envs hacking. Note, the defaults imply the 'openstack undercloud install' command will be invoked. See the undercloud deployment methods section below for the alternative modes. - `undercloud_install_log`: <'{{ working_dir }}/undercloud_install.log'> -- the full path to the undercloud install log file. - `network_environment_file`: <'network-environment.yaml.j2'> -- the name of the jinja template used as the base for the network-environment for tripleo. - `undercloud_hieradata_override_file`: <'quickstart-hieradata-overrides-classic-undercloud.yaml.j2'> -- the name of jinja template used to override the undercloud's install hieradata - `undercloud_ironic_ipxe_port`: <'3816'> -- port to use for httpd ipxe server for ironic deploy - `enable_vbmc`: <'true'> use a virtual bmc instead of pxe ssh - `step_introspect`: <'false'> -- boolean value to enable/disable ironic introspection - `bash_deploy_ramdisk`: <'false'> -- the variable allows older versions of tripleo to upload images properly with the option --old-deploy-image - `step_install_undercloud`: <'true'> -- turn on/off the undercloud deployment - `libvirt_uri`: <'qemu:///session'> -- the URI used by libvirt, by default tripleo-quickstart uses user sessions to provide greater flexixiblity to our users. ** additional documentation ** is at http://docs.openstack.org/developer/tripleo-quickstart/accessing-libvirt.html - `undercloud_conf_extra`: <''> -- extra options to be added to ~/undercloud.conf - `undercloud_extra_args`: <''> -- extra options for undercloud deploy command. - `undercloud_update_packages`: <'null'> -- a string with a list of packages to update as dependencies for your hacking setup. By defaults it updates nothing, which is backwards compatible. - `undercloud_enable_ui`: Sets up the 'enable_ui' option in undercloud.conf. It's undefined by default, however, the default value for this option in the undercloud is true. - `undercloud_enable_telemetry`: Sets up the 'enable_telemetry' option in undercloud.conf. It's undefined by default, however, the default value for this option in the undercloud is true. - `undercloud_enable_validations`: Sets up the 'enable_validations' option in undercloud.conf. It's undefined by default, however, the default value for this option in the undercloud is true. - `undercloud_enable_novajoin`: Sets up the 'enable_novajoin' value from undercloud.conf. Note that using 'enable_tls_everywhere' will have the same effect. Defaults to false. - `novajoin_connect_timeout`: <5> Sets vendordata_dynamic_connect_timeout when novajoin is enabled - `novajoin_read_timeout:` <20> Sets vendordata_dynamic_read_timeout when novajoin is enabled - `prepare_novajoin`: If set to true, it will install novajoin in the undercloud, and run a script that will create the required privileges/permissions in FreeIPA, as well as the undercloud host entry. this requires 'enable_tls_everywhere' to be set to true, and the following variables to be properly defined: 'freeipa_admin_password', 'freeipa_server_hostname', 'overcloud_cloud_domain', 'undercloud_undercloud_hostname'. If you plan to do this yourself, you can set this variable to false. Defaults to true. - `freeipa_admin_password`: The password for the admin principal for FreeIPA. This will be used to run the script to prepare FreeIPA for novajoin. - `freeipa_server_hostname`: The hostname for the FreeIPA server. This will be used to run the script to prepare FreeIPA for novajoin. - `overcloud_cloud_domain`: The domain configured for use by the overcloud nodes. If TLS everywhere is enabled, this will also be the domain used by FreeIPA. This sets up the 'overcloud_domain_name' configuration option in undercloud.conf . Note: This also affects `CloudDomain` in the `cloud-names.yaml` template used by the `overcloud-deploy` role. - `tripleo_ui_secure_access`: Defaults to false due to the self signed certificate and usability issues. See the tripleo-quickstart documentation `accessing the undercloud` for details. - `undercloud_docker_registry_host`: <'null'> -- configures the custom registry host for containerized undercloud services. - `undercloud_docker_registry_port`: <'8787'> -- the container images registry port for the custom `undercloud_docker_registry_host`, if defined. - `undercloud_docker_registry_namespace`: <`docker_registry_namespace`> -- the container images namespace to be used with the custom `undercloud_docker_registry_host`, if defined. Defaults to the overcloud `docker_registry_namespace` variable, which in turn defaults to 'tripleoupstream'. Role Network Variables ---------------------- - `undercloud_network_cidr`: <''> -- the network cidr for the undercloud, note this also currently the default cidr used in other CI environments for tripleo. - `undercloud_network_gateway`: -- Sets up the `undercloud_network_gateway` parameter from undercloud.conf. - `undercloud_local_ip`: -- Sets up the `local_ip` parameter from an inventory. Must be belonging to the `undercloud_network_cidr`. It is used by overcloud nodes to access the undercloud node via a routable [ctlplane network]((https://docs.openstack.org/developer/tripleo-docs/advanced_deployment/network_isolation). Note that the undercloud.conf takes the default value based on the `undercloud_network_cidr` instead. - `undercloud_undercloud_public_host`: -- Sets up the 'undercloud_public_host' parameter from undercloud.conf. It is also used by overcloud nodes to access the undercloud node via a VIP/hostname that resolves to a routable IP address. - `undercloud_undercloud_admin_host`: -- Sets up the 'undercloud_admin_host' from undercloud.conf. Note, use the `undercloud_admin_vip` instead for Mitaka/Newton releases. - `undercloud_dhcp_start`: -- Sets up the 'undercloud_dhcp_start' from undercloud.conf. - `undercloud_dhcp_end`: -- Sets up the 'undercloud_dhcp_end' from undercloud.conf. - `undercloud_undercloud_nameservers`: <['']> -- Sets up the 'undercloud_undercloud_nameservers' from undercloud.conf. May be a string or a sequence. Only the last item goes for the undercloud deploy command. - `undercloud_undercloud_hostname`: Sets up the 'undercloud_hostname' value from undercloud.conf. Note, use the `undercloud_public_vip` instead for Mitaka/Newton releases. - `undercloud_heat_public_endpoints`: <'false'> -- when the ctlplane network is not routable from overcloud nodes, for example pre-provisioned [deployed servers](https://docs.openstack.org/developer/tripleo-docs/advanced_deployment/deployed_server.html#undercloud), the ``undercloud deploy --local_ip`` (and `local_ip` in the undercloud.conf) may not be used. Enable this variable instead. Doing so changes the heat endpoint type from the default internal to public and changes the signaling method to use TempURLs from OpenStack Object Storage (swift). Undercloud deployment methods ----------------------------- By default, the undercloud uses ``openstack undercloud install`` command, `{{working_dir}}/undercloud.conf` config and the file coming from the ``hieradata_override_file_classic_undercloud`` variable to set the hieradata overrides that will be used for the puppet deployment. However, there exists another method, explained below, for setting up the undercloud based on containers with the ``openstack undercloud deploy`` command. This method can be used by setting the ``containerized_undercloud`` variable to 'true' and it's currently experimental. Instead of using the "classic" way to set up hieradata, it uses the file coming from the ``hieradata_override_file_t_h_t_undercloud`` variable. As the name hints, this deployment method is based on tripleo-heat-templates, and thus, the way of overriding hieradata for it is similar as we do for the overcloud. Note, the containerized undercloud is a hacking mode for developers, that allows to test containerized components undercloud, with custom, like very minimal, setup layouts. Please do not expect more than that when using it. Example Playbook ---------------- Sample playbook to call the role ```yaml # Deploy the undercloud - name: Install undercloud hosts: undercloud gather_facts: no roles: - undercloud-deploy ``` Containerized dev environments (experimental feature) ----------------------------------------------------- Firstly, update or create a custom undercloud install script template. It can be found under the locally checked out tripleo-quickstart-extra repo (or at a remote host, if you prefer to apply ansible playbooks from a non local virthost). The template is located by the `roles/undercloud-deploy/templates/undercloud-deploy-my-dev.sh.j2` path. Once changes are done, update the ``undercloud_install_script`` var, like: ```yaml undercloud_install_script: undercloud-deploy-dev.sh.j2 ``` or use the updated template: ``` undercloud_install_script: undercloud-deploy.sh.j2 ``` Note, it is important to change the default value for the ``undercloud_install_script`` to switch from the classic 'install' to the experimental 'deploy' method. Secondly, you may want to refer an unpackaged t-h-t change refspec or a dev branch. To do so, override the custom t-h-t repo and branch/refspec for t-h-t templates to be fetched, for example: ```yaml overcloud_templates_repo: https://github.com/johndoe/tripleo-heat-templates overcloud_templates_branch: dev ``` Note, these vars are shared with the overcloud role vars and point to the same templates path, branch/refspec and repo. The templates path should be R/W accessible by the given `non_root_user` without sudoing. So it is better off using the home dir or tmp dirs with sticky bits. Also note that you should normaly rely on the openstack-tripleo-heat-templates package. The custom t-h-t repo vars may break that package and should be used with caution. You can as well specify a list of the packages to be updated to the most recent versions. For example: ```yaml undercloud_update_packages: >- openstack-tripleo-common openstack-tripleo-heat-templates puppet-tripleo python-tripleoclient python-heat-agent* ``` Or use the ``undercloud_update_packages: "'*'"`` to update all packages (may take a long). Note, checkout/install steps for the remaining yet unpackaged custom changes like dev branches for puppet modules, tripleo client, heat agent hooks, need to be covered in the custom ``undercloud-install.sh`` script body (rendered from a given in the ``undercloud_install_script`` template file name). The last step is to define the ``undercloud_extra_args`` as needed. For example you may want to deploy: * an optional non containerized Octavia, * containerized Keystone, * optional containerized Etcd, with disabled telemetry, docker images from `docker.io/tripleoupstream`, debug logs for services and puppet, given a decent timeout, and keeping the ephemeral undercloud heat agent running for debug purposes: ```yaml undercloud_extra_args: >- -e {{overcloud_templates_path}}/environments/disable-telemetry.yaml -e {{overcloud_templates_path}}/environments/docker-minimal.yaml -e {{overcloud_templates_path}}/environments/services-docker/etcd.yaml -e {{overcloud_templates_path}}/environments/services/octavia.yaml -e {{overcloud_templates_path}}/environments/debug.yaml -e {{overcloud_templates_path}}/environments/config-debug.yaml --timeout 60 --keep-running ``` Where the t-h-t's `environments/docker-minimal.yaml` is like: ``` resource_registry: OS::TripleO::Services::Docker: ../puppet/services/docker.yaml OS::TripleO::Services::Keystone: ../docker/services/keystone.yaml OS::TripleO::PostDeploySteps: ../docker/post.yaml OS::TripleO::PostUpgradeSteps: ../docker/post-upgrade.yaml OS::TripleO::Services: ../docker/services/services.yaml parameter_defaults: DockerNamespace: tripleoupstream DockerNamespaceIsRegistry: false ComputeServices: {} SwiftCeilometerPipelineEnabled: false ``` Note, this template complements the default t-h-t's `environments/docker.yaml` setup that deploys everything in containers. The default template for the ``undercloud-install.sh`` also provides an additional set of required services used for underlcoud to deploy overclouds (Ironic, Zaqar, MongoDB, Mistral). If you need a lightweight undercloud, make sure your custom undercloud installation script template omits those services and the `environments/docker.yaml` defaults. Also note, if you want to override the undercloud roles data, you should provide a custom roles file and put it in place of the default `./roles_data_undercloud.yaml` by the given ``overcloud_templates_path``. This can be done with a ``cp`` command in the custom undercloud deploy script. For the example above, custom undercloud roles may look like: ``` - name: Undercloud CountDefault: 1 disable_constraints: True tags: - primary - controller ServicesDefault: - OS::TripleO::Services::Etcd - OS::TripleO::Services::Keystone - OS::TripleO::Services::OctaviaApi - OS::TripleO::Services::OctaviaHealthManager - OS::TripleO::Services::OctaviaHousekeeping - OS::TripleO::Services::OctaviaWorker ``` And an example playbook to call the role is: ```yaml # Deploy the undercloud - name: Deploy undercloud (experimental) hosts: undercloud gather_facts: no vars: containerized_undercloud: true undercloud_install_script: undercloud-deploy.sh.j2 overcloud_templates_repo: https://github.com/johndoe/tripleo-heat-templates overcloud_templates_branch: dev undercloud_update_packages: >- openstack-tripleo-common openstack-tripleo-heat-templates puppet-tripleo python-tripleoclient python-heat-agent* undercloud_extra_args: >- -e {{overcloud_templates_path}}/environments/disable-telemetry.yaml -e {{overcloud_templates_path}}/environments/docker-minimal.yaml -e {{overcloud_templates_path}}/environments/services-docker/etcd.yaml -e {{overcloud_templates_path}}/environments/services/octavia.yaml -e {{overcloud_templates_path}}/environments/debug.yaml -e {{overcloud_templates_path}}/environments/config-debug.yaml --timeout 60 --keep-running roles: - undercloud-deploy ```