--- - name: Run inventory to add supplemental node hosts: undercloud gather_facts: false tags: - freeipa-setup tasks: - include_role: name: tripleo-inventory vars: inventory: extra_node - name: Add supplemental IP to /etc/hosts lineinfile: line: "{{ supplemental_node_ip }} {{ freeipa_server_hostname }}" path: /etc/hosts become: true - name: set the freeipa_internal_ip set_fact: freeipa_internal_ip: "{{ supplemental_node_ip }}" cacheable: true - name: Deploy the FreeIPA server hosts: supplemental gather_facts: true tags: - freeipa-setup tasks: - name: Create /etc/ci directory for supplemental become: true file: path: /etc/ci state: directory owner: root group: root mode: 0755 - name: Slurp the contents of mirror_info.sh from undercloud become: true slurp: src: '/etc/ci/mirror_info.sh' register: mirror_info_sh delegate_to: undercloud - name: Write mirror_info.sh contents to file on supplemental become: true copy: dest: '/etc/ci/mirror_info.sh' content: | {{ mirror_info_sh['content'] | b64decode }} - include_role: name: repo-setup vars: repo_setup_dir: /home/{{ supplemental_user|default('centos') }} - name: Set eth2 public IP address shell: | ip a add dev eth2 {{ supplemental_node_ip }}/24; ip l set eth2 up; ip link set dev eth2 mtu 1450; ping -c 4 -q; become: true changed_when: false - include_role: name: freeipa-setup - name: Use supplemental node as DNS server hosts: undercloud gather_facts: false tags: - freeipa-setup tasks: - name: ensure that DHCP doesn't overwrite DNS settings (CentOS/RHEL >= 8) become: true when: - ansible_os_family == 'RedHat' - ansible_distribution_major_version is version(8, '>=') block: - name: set 'dns=none' in NetworkManager config file ini_file: path: /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf state: present no_extra_spaces: true section: main option: dns value: none backup: true - name: reload NetworkManager service service: name: NetworkManager state: reloaded - name: disable unbound service become: true service: name: unbound state: stopped ignore_errors: true - name: remove any existing entries from the resolv.conf file become: true lineinfile: path: /etc/resolv.conf regexp: "^nameserver " state: absent - name: set IPA server domain search become: true lineinfile: path: /etc/resolv.conf insertafter: '^search' line: "search ooo.test" state: present - name: set IPA server as primary DNS provider become: true lineinfile: path: /etc/resolv.conf insertafter: '^search' line: "nameserver {{ freeipa_internal_ip }}" state: present - name: print content of 'resolv.conf' after modifications become: true debug: msg: "Content of resolv.conf: {{ lookup('file', '/etc/resolv.conf') }}"