--- # tasks file for undercloud-setup # Add a non-root user - name: Including non_root_user_setup tasks list include: non_root_user_setup.yml when: non_root_user_setup|bool - name: Including ovb_setup_connectivity tasks list include: ovb_setup_connectivity.yml when: ovb_setup_connectivity|bool - name: Including repo-setup role include_role: name: repo-setup - name: Run atop for monitoring include: atop.yml # to_build is enabled via featureset files or featureset overrides - name: Set variables for gating repos for ovb jobs set_fact: artg_repos_dir: "{{ repo_clone_dir|default('/opt/stack/new') }}" ib_create_web_repo: "{{ to_build|default(false)|bool }}" cacheable: true when: to_build|default(false)|bool tags: - build - name: Run and Install DLRN gate role block: - name: Run DLRN gate role vars: artg_compressed_gating_repo: "${HOME}/gating_repo.tar.gz" include_role: name: build-test-packages - name: Install gated repo when: compressed_gating_repo is defined include_role: name: install-built-repo when: freeipa_internal_ip is not defined tags: - build - name: Including package_installs tasks include: package_installs.yml when: package_installs|bool - name: Including vxlan_networking tasks include: vxlan_networking.yml when: vxlan_networking|bool or toci_vxlan_networking|bool - name: Including hostname tasks include: hostname.yml when: hostname_correction|bool or step_set_undercloud_hostname|bool - name: Include ansible.cfg configuration for the undercloud / node include: ansible_cfg.yml when: - undercloud_ansible_cfg|bool and undercloud_ara|bool