--- - name: Ensure DLRN package dependencies become: yes yum: name={{ item }} state=present with_items: - createrepo - gcc - git - libffi-devel - mock - openssl-devel - python-virtualenv - rpm-build - sqlite - redhat-rpm-config - rpmdevtools - name: Create mock group become: yes group: name=mock state=present - name: Add user to mock group become: yes user: name: '{{ ansible_user }}' groups: mock append: yes - name: Remove data files from previous runs file: path: '{{ build_repo_dir }}/DLRN' state: absent when: not dlrn_pre_installed|bool - name: Ensure DLRN dir is present file: path: '{{ build_repo_dir }}/DLRN/' state: directory - name: drop in the templated version of projects.ini template: src: projects.ini.j2 dest: '{{ build_repo_dir }}/DLRN/projects.ini' - name: Install and update pip pip: name: pip virtualenv: "{{ build_repo_dir }}/dlrn-venv" state: latest extra_args: --upgrade - name: Pip install DLRN pip: name: dlrn virtualenv: "{{ build_repo_dir }}/dlrn-venv" state: latest when: not dlrn_pre_installed|bool - name: Pip install pre-installed DLRN shell: > source {{ build_repo_dir }}/dlrn-venv/bin/activate; pip install -r requirements.txt; python setup.py install; args: chdir: '{{ build_repo_dir }}/DLRN' when: dlrn_pre_installed|bool - name: copy the DLRN scripts in the virtualenv to the scripts dir shell: "/usr/bin/cp -Rv {{ build_repo_dir }}/dlrn-venv/share/dlrn/scripts {{ build_repo_dir }}/DLRN/" - name: Fetch local rdoinfo copy git: repo: '{{ artg_rdoinfo_repo_url }}' dest: '{{ build_repo_dir }}/DLRN/rdoinfo' version: 'master' - name: Use local CentOS mirror if available shell: > gawk '{ print $0 }; /^# repos$/ { exit }' {{ build_repo_dir }}/DLRN/scripts/centos.cfg > {{ build_repo_dir }}/DLRN/scripts/centos-local.cfg; cat /etc/yum.repos.d/quickstart-centos-*.repo >> {{ build_repo_dir }}/DLRN/scripts/centos-local.cfg; find /etc/yum.repos.d -name "delorean*repo" ! -name "delorean*build-deps.repo" -exec cat {} \; >> {{ build_repo_dir }}/DLRN/scripts/centos-local.cfg; find /etc/yum.repos.d -name "delorean*build-deps.repo" -exec sed 's/enabled=.*/enabled=1/g' {} \; >> {{ build_repo_dir }}/DLRN/scripts/centos-local.cfg; echo '"""' >> {{ build_repo_dir }}/DLRN/scripts/centos-local.cfg; mkdir -p /tmp/fake-dlrn-repos/current; touch /tmp/fake-dlrn-repos/delorean-deps.repo; touch /tmp/fake-dlrn-repos/current/delorean.repo; when: dlrn_use_local_mirrors|bool - name: Use custom target for DLRN lineinfile: dest: '{{ build_repo_dir }}/DLRN/projects.ini' regexp: 'target=.*' line: 'target=centos-local' when: dlrn_use_local_mirrors|bool # FIXME(jpena): once DLRN 0.8.0 is released, we can remove this - name: Check if DLRN/scripts/build_rpm.sh exists stat: path: '{{ build_repo_dir }}/DLRN/scripts/build_rpm.sh' register: old_dlrn - name: Remove DLRN RPM install test shell: > sed -i -e 's%--postinstall%%' {{ build_repo_dir }}/DLRN/scripts/build_rpm.sh when: old_dlrn.stat.exists - name: get env variables for changes and default change list set_fact: gerrit_host: "{{ lookup('env', 'GERRIT_HOST') }}" zuul_changes: "{{ lookup('env', 'ZUUL_CHANGES') }}" artg_change_list: "{{ artg_change_list|default([]) }}" cacheable: true - name: Parse Jenkins changes jenkins_deps: host: "{{ lookup('env', 'GERRIT_HOST') }}" change_id: "{{ lookup('env', 'GERRIT_CHANGE_ID') }}" branch: "{{ lookup('env', 'GERRIT_BRANCH') }}" patchset_rev: "{{ lookup('env', 'GERRIT_PATCHSET_REVISION') }}" when: gerrit_host != "" - name: Add Jenkins changes to the change list set_fact: artg_change_list: "{{ artg_change_list|union(jenkins_change_list|default([])) }}" cacheable: true - name: Parse Zuul changes zuul_deps: host: "{{ lookup('env', 'ZUUL_URL')|default('https://review.openstack.org', true) }}" changes: "{{ lookup('env', 'ZUUL_CHANGES') }}" branch: "{{ lookup('env', 'ZUUL_BRANCH') }}" when: zuul_changes != "" - name: Add Zuul changes to the change list set_fact: artg_change_list: "{{ artg_change_list|union(zuul_change_list|default([])) }}" cacheable: true - name: Clone and build the specific DLRN projects include: dlrn-build.yml artg_change={{ item }} with_items: '{{ artg_change_list|default([]) }}' when: - item.project not in artg_skipped_projects - release in item.branch - block: - name: Create a directory to hold the rpms file: path: '{{ build_repo_dir }}/gating_repo' state: directory - name: Copy the generated rpms shell: > set -o pipefail && rm -rf {{ build_repo_dir }}/gating_repo/*; find {{ build_repo_dir }}/DLRN/data/repos -type f -name '*.rpm' -print0 | xargs -0 cp -t {{ build_repo_dir }}/gating_repo; - name: Run createrepo on generated rpms shell: 'createrepo gating_repo' args: chdir: '{{ build_repo_dir }}' - name: Compress the repo shell: 'tar czf {{ artg_compressed_gating_repo }} gating_repo' args: chdir: '{{ build_repo_dir }}' when: - repo_built is defined - repo_built.skipped is not defined - name: Clean up file: path: '{{ item }}' state: absent with_items: - '{{ build_repo_dir }}/dlrn-venv' - '{{ build_repo_dir }}/gating_repo' when: dlrn_cleanup|bool - name: Clean up DLRN if it was cloned by the playbook file: path: '{{ build_repo_dir }}/DLRN' state: absent when: - not dlrn_pre_installed|bool - dlrn_cleanup|bool - name: Trigger repo injection for quickstart set_fact: compressed_gating_repo: "{{ artg_compressed_gating_repo }}" cacheable: true when: - repo_built is defined - repo_built.skipped is not defined - name: Don't trigger repo injection if nothing is built set_fact: compressed_gating_repo: "" cacheable: true when: repo_built is not defined or repo_built.skipped is defined