ansible-role-tripleo-tempest ========= Run tempest tests on undercloud or overcloud. Requirements ------------ This Ansible role allows to run tempest tests against installed undercloud or overcloud. It can use both upstream sources with virtualenv and RDO packages for tempest. Role Variables -------------- * `tempest_undercloud`: false/true - whether to run tempest on installed undercloud * `tempest_overcloud`: false/true - whether to run tempest on installed overcloud * `tempest_source`: rdo/upstream - Where to take tempest sources from - RDO package or upstream git repo * `tempest_format`: venv/packages - Which tempest installation to use - either install python virtual environment with installed there python modules from requirements file, or to use installed with RDO RPM packages * `tempest_log_file` - name of log file for tempest run * `test_regex` - tests regular expression for testr run, i.e. ".*smoke" * `run_tempest`: false/true - to run tempest or not * `skip_file_src`: path to skip tests file, set it empty if running without skip list: `skip_file_src=''` * `tempest_workers`: int - how many parallel workers to run (default is number of cores) * `tempest_isolated`: false/true - if to run every test id in separate test runner (default is false) * `tempest_tests_file`: path to file - path to file with tests to run * `tempest_until_failure`: false/true - default is false, repeat the run again and again until failure occurs * `tempest_failing`: false/true - default is false, run only tests known to be failing Dependencies ------------ No dependencies Example Playbook ---------------- Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too: --- - name: Run tempest hosts: undercloud gather_facts: no roles: - tripleo-tempest License ------- Apache 2.0 Author Information ------------------ RDO-CI Team