--- # Provision and initial undercloud setup - name: Baremetal undercloud install hosts: localhost roles: - baremetal-undercloud tags: - undercloud-bm-install # Machine at this point is provided - name: Add the undercloud node to the generated inventory hosts: localhost gather_facts: yes roles: - tripleo-inventory tags: - undercloud-inventory # Deploy the undercloud - name: Install undercloud hosts: undercloud gather_facts: no roles: - tripleo/undercloud tags: - undercloud-install # Baremetal preparation (with workarounds) - name: Prepare baremetal for the overcloud deployment hosts: undercloud roles: - baremetal-prep-overcloud tags: - baremetal-prep-overcloud # Prepare any additional configuration files required by the overcloud - name: Prepare configuration files for the overcloud deployment hosts: undercloud gather_facts: no roles: - overcloud-prep-config tags: - overcloud-prep-config # Prepare the overcloud images for deployment - name: Prepare the overcloud images for deployment hosts: undercloud gather_facts: no roles: - overcloud-prep-images tags: - overcloud-prep-images # Prepare the overcloud flavor configuration - name: Prepare overcloud flavors hosts: undercloud gather_facts: no roles: - overcloud-prep-flavors tags: - overcloud-prep-flavors # Prepare the undercloud networks for the overcloud deployment - name: Prepare the undercloud networks for the overcloud deployment hosts: undercloud gather_facts: no roles: - overcloud-prep-network tags: - overcloud-prep-network # Deploy the overcloud - name: Deploy the overcloud hosts: undercloud gather_facts: yes roles: - overcloud-deploy tags: - overcloud-deploy - name: Add the overcloud nodes to the generated inventory hosts: undercloud gather_facts: yes vars: inventory: all roles: - tripleo-inventory tags: - overcloud-deploy-inventory # Check the results of the deployment, note after inventory has executed - name: Check the result of the deployment hosts: localhost tasks: - name: ensure the deployment result has been read into memory include_vars: "{{ local_working_dir }}/overcloud_deployment_result.json" # overcloud_deploy_result = ["failed", "passed"] - name: did the deployment pass or fail? debug: var=overcloud_deploy_result failed_when: overcloud_deploy_result == "failed" tags: - overcloud-deploy-check # Validate the deployment - name: Validate the overcloud hosts: undercloud gather_facts: no roles: - { role: validate-simple, when: test_ping|bool } tags: - overcloud-validate