--- - name: Provision undercloud by directly calling provisioning script hosts: localhost pre_tasks: - name: Provision script execution shell: > set -o pipefail && {{ baremetal_provisioning_script }} 2>&1 | tee "{{ local_working_dir }}/baremetal_provision.log" when: step_provide_undercloud|bool - name: Add the undercloud VM to the inventory add_host: name: "{{ undercloud_eth0_ip }}" groups: undercloud ansible_user: "root" ansible_private_key_file: "{{ ansible_private_key_file_location | default('') }}" ansible_ssh_common_args: '-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' - name: Copy the private key to the expected location copy: src: "{{ ansible_private_key_file_location }}" dest: "{{ local_working_dir }}/id_rsa_undercloud" mode: 0600 - name: Inventory the undercloud hosts: localhost gather_facts: true vars: inventory: undercloud roles: - tripleo-inventory - name: Setup repositories hosts: undercloud gather_facts: true roles: - repo-setup tags: - undercloud-repo-setup - name: Install packages hosts: undercloud gather_facts: false roles: - baremetal-undercloud/packages tags: - undercloud-pkgs-install # Small playbook with logic for when to build images or not. # The logic there can be completely overridden by setting the # to_build variable. - include: to-build-or-not-to-build.yml - name: Run DLRN gate role and install repo hosts: undercloud vars: artg_compressed_gating_repo: "${HOME}/gating_repo.tar.gz" artg_repos_dir: "{{ repo_clone_dir|default('/opt/stack/new') }}" ib_create_web_repo: "{{ to_build|bool }}" roles: - {role: build-test-packages, when: build_test_packages|default(false)|bool} - {role: install-built-repo, when: compressed_gating_repo is defined} tags: - build - name: Get images for quickstart hosts: undercloud gather_facts: false vars: ib_repo_image_inject: "{{ not to_build|bool }}" ib_repo_run_live: false modify_image_vc_ram: 4096 modify_image_vc_cpu: 4 modify_image_vc_verbose: true roles: - {role: fetch-images, when: not to_build|bool} - {role: repo-setup, repo_inject_image_path: "$HOME/overcloud-full.qcow2", repo_run_live: false, when: not to_build|bool} - {role: repo-setup, repo_inject_image_path: "$HOME/ironic-python-agent.initramfs", repo_run_live: false, initramfs_image: true, libguestfs_mode: false, when: not to_build|bool} - {role: install-built-repo, ib_repo_image_path: "$HOME/overcloud-full.qcow2", when: compressed_gating_repo is defined and not to_build|bool} - {role: install-built-repo, ib_repo_image_path: "$HOME/ironic-python-agent.initramfs", initramfs_image: true, libguestfs_mode: false, when: compressed_gating_repo is defined and not to_build|bool}