extras-common ============= This Ansible role contains defaults for variables used in more than 2 roles throughout the tripleo-quickstart-extras repository. All other roles in this repository depend on this one. Individual role variable defaults override the values from this role, so it is important to remove their definitions from the original role defaults when moving any variable over here. This role depends on the "common" role from tripleo-quickstart repository which serves the same purpose as this one. Role Variables -------------- - `containerized_overcloud: -- use containers to deploy the overcloud - `enable_tls_everywhere`: -- enable TLS encryption on all OpenStack services - `overcloud_ipv6`: -- enable IPv6 deployment on the overcloud - `undercloud_network_cidr`: <''> -- the network cidr for the undercloud, note this is also currently the default cidr used in other CI environments for tripleo. - `timestamper_cmd`: beginning with the shell pipe character, this command prepends a timestamp to the deployment and test commands throughout the roles. Can be disabled by specifying this command as an empty string. - `local_docker_registry_host`: <"{{undercloud_network_gateway|default(undercloud_network_cidr|nthhost(1))}}"> -- host of the local (undercloud) docker registry - `docker_registry_host`: <'docker.io'> -- host of the primary docker registry - `docker_registry_namespace`: <'tripleomaster'> -- namespace of docker images used for TripleO deployment - `docker_image_tag`: <'latest'> -- tag of docker images used for TripleO deployment - `docker_prep_prefix`: <'centos-binary-'> Prefix for container image names - `docker_prep_suffix: <''> Suffix for container image names - `docker_ceph_namespace: <'docker.io/ceph'> Namespace for the ceph container image - `docker_ceph_image: <'daemon'> Name of the ceph container image - `docker_ceph_tag: <'v4.0.10-stable-4.0-nautilus-centos-7-x86_64'> Tag for the ceph container image - `composable_scenario`: <''> -- path to the composable scenarios used at deployment time - `upgrade_composable_scenario`: <''> -- path to the composable scenarios used at upgrade time - `undercloud_rpm_dependencies`: <'python-tripleoclient'> -- Dependency packages for undercloud deployments. - `baremetal_provision`: Deploy baremetal with "openstack overcloud node provision" and deployed-server, instead of with heat/nova - `undercloud_enable_nova`: -- sets up the 'enable_nova' option in undercloud.conf. - `undercloud_enable_mistral`: <'true'> -- sets up the 'enable_mistral' option in undercloud.conf for the undercloud and install ara in the mistral executor container before deploying the overcloud. - `network_provision`: Deploy composable network with "openstack overcloud network provision" and deployed-networks, instead of with heat - `whole_disk_images`: -- shows if we want to use partition or whole disk images (this will be available starting on Ocata) - `overcloud_image`: <'overcloud-full'> Name of overcloud image to build/download/deploy without any file extension