# Contributing ## Bug reports ## Code If you *fix* a problem or implement a new feature, you may submit your changes via Gerrit. The `ansible-roles-tripleo-overcloud` project uses a Gerrit workflow similar to the [OpenStack Gerrit workflow][gerrit]. We're currently using , so you will need to establish an account there first. Once your gerrithub account is ready, install the [git-review][] tool, then from within a clone of the tripleo-quickstart repository run: git review -s After you have made your changes locally, commit them to a feature branch, and then submit them for review by running: git review Your changes will be tested by our automated CI infrastructure, and will also be reviewed by other developers. If you need to make changes (and you probably will; it's not uncommon for patches to go through several iterations before being accepted), make the changes on your feature branch, and instead of creating a new commit, *amend the existing commit*, making sure to retain the `Change-Id` line that was placed there by `git-review`: git ci --amend After committing your changes, resubmit the review: git review [gerrit]: http://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/developers.html#development-workflow [git-review]: http://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/developers.html#installing-git-review