
44 lines
1.6 KiB

- block:
- name: Ensure required python packages are installed
requirements: "{{ local_working_dir }}/usr/local/share/ansible/roles/tripleo-collect-logs/doc-requirements.txt"
- name: Unarchive shell scripts
shell: >
gunzip "{{ artcl_collect_dir }}/undercloud/home/stack/{{ item }}.sh.gz";
with_items: "{{ artcl_create_docs_payload.included_deployment_scripts }}"
ignore_errors: yes
when: artcl_gzip_only|bool
- name: Generate rST docs from scripts and move to Sphinx src dir
shell: >
awk -f "{{ local_working_dir }}/usr/local/share/ansible/roles/tripleo-collect-logs/scripts/doc_extrapolation.awk" \
"{{ artcl_collect_dir }}/undercloud/home/stack/{{ item }}.sh" > \
"{{ artcl_docs_source_dir }}/{{ item }}.rst"
with_items: "{{ artcl_create_docs_payload.included_deployment_scripts }}"
ignore_errors: yes
- name: Fetch static rST docs to include in output docs
shell: >
cp "{{ artcl_docs_source_dir }}/../static/{{ item }}.rst" "{{ artcl_docs_source_dir }}"
with_items: "{{ artcl_create_docs_payload.included_static_docs }}"
ignore_errors: yes
- name: Generate fresh index.rst for Sphinx
src: index.rst.j2
dest: "{{ artcl_docs_source_dir }}/index.rst"
force: yes
- name: Build docs with Sphinx
shell: >
sphinx-build -b html "{{ artcl_docs_source_dir }}" \
"{{ artcl_docs_build_dir }}" &> "{{ local_working_dir }}/sphinx_build.log"
delegate_to: localhost
run_once: true
when: artcl_gen_docs|bool