
124 lines
4.4 KiB

set -eux
### --start_docs
## Validate the overcloud deployment
## =================================
## .. note: The following set of scripts are generated from a jinja template
## which may be viewed here:
## * Create cleanup env function for heat
## ::
function cleanup() {
{% if release in ['kilo', 'liberty', 'rhos-7'] %}
heat stack-delete {{ validate_stack_name }}
{% else %}
openstack stack delete --yes {{ validate_stack_name }}
{% endif %}
if [[ $(tripleo wait_for -w 300 -d 30 -s "Stack not found" -- "heat stack-show {{ validate_stack_name }}") ]]; then
echo "openstack stack delete"
if [[ $(heat stack-list | grep {{ validate_stack_name }} | grep -i failed) ]]; then
{% if release in ['kilo', 'liberty', 'rhos-7'] %}
heat stack-delete {{ validate_stack_name }}
{% else %}
openstack stack delete --yes {{ validate_stack_name }}
{% endif %}
# Remove images and network
rm -f {{ validate_image_dir }}/cirros.*
openstack image list | grep pingtest | awk '{print $2}' | while read IMAGEID; do openstack image delete $IMAGEID; done
#neutron net-delete {{ overcloud_public_network_name }} > /dev/null 2>&1 || true
neutron net-delete {{ overcloud_public_network_name }}
# trap on exit #nodocs
trap cleanup EXIT #nodocs
## * Source tenantrc file
## ::
source {{ working_dir }}/{{ tenantrc }}
## * Check if an environment is already deployed and, in case, cleanup it
## ::
[ "x$(heat stack-list | grep pingtest_stack || true)" != "x" ] && cleanup
# get validate image
if [[ ! -d {{ validate_image_dir }} ]]; then
mkdir {{ validate_image_dir }};
IMAGE_PATH={{ validate_image_dir }}/cirros.img
INITRAMFS_PATH={{ validate_image_dir }}/cirros.initramfs
KERNEL_PATH={{ validate_image_dir }}/cirros.kernel
curl -L -o $IMAGE_PATH {{ validate_image_url }}{{ image_disk }}
curl -L -o $INITRAMFS_PATH {{ validate_image_url }}{{ image_initramfs }}
curl -L -o $KERNEL_PATH {{ validate_image_url }}{{ image_kernel }}
## * Upload cirros image into glance
## ::
ramdisk_id=$(openstack image create pingtest_initramfs --public --container-format ari --disk-format ari --file $INITRAMFS_PATH | grep ' id ' | awk '{print $4}')
kernel_id=$(openstack image create pingtest_kernel --public --container-format aki --disk-format aki --file $KERNEL_PATH | grep ' id ' | awk '{print $4}')
openstack image create {{ validate_image_name }} --public --container-format ami --disk-format ami \
--property kernel_id=$kernel_id --property ramdisk_id=$ramdisk_id --file $IMAGE_PATH
## * Create external network
## .. note: Liberty compatibility:
## (heat can't create an external network in Liberty)
## ::
if ! neutron net-list | grep 'nova'; then
neutron net-create {{ overcloud_public_network_name }} --router:external=True \
--provider:network_type {{ public_network_type }} \
--provider:physical_network {{ public_physical_network }} \
{% if public_segmentation_id != '' %}
--provider:segmentation_id {{ public_segmentation_id }}
{% endif %}
neutron subnet-create --name ext-subnet \
--allocation-pool \
start={{ public_net_pool_start }},end={{ public_net_pool_end }} \
--disable-dhcp \
--gateway {{ public_net_gateway }} \
{{ overcloud_public_network_name }} {{ floating_ip_cidr }}
## .. note: The heat template, tenantvm_floatingip.yaml, below may be viewed here:
## * Create test ping stack
## ::
heat stack-create {{ validate_stack_name }} --template-file tenantvm_floatingip.yaml
### --stop_docs
# wait for stack complete or failed
/bin/bash /usr/libexec/openstack-tripleo/wait_for -w 600 --delay 30 \
--success-match {{ validate_success_status }} -- heat stack-show {{ validate_stack_name }}
# let time to the instance to boot
sleep 30
### --start_docs
## * Get the floating ip
## ::
novaid=`nova list|grep {{ validate_server_name }} |awk '{print $2}'`
floating_ip=`nova floating-ip-list | grep $novaid | awk '{print $4}'`
nova console-log {{ validate_server_name }}
ping -c 1 $floating_ip
nova show {{ validate_server_name }} || :
nova service-list || :
neutron agent-list ||:
nova console-log {{ validate_server_name }}
### --stop_docs