
This role acts on an already deployed tripleo environment, testing all HA related functionalities of the installation.


This role must be used with a deployed TripleO environment, so you'll need a working directory of tripleo-quickstart with this files:

  • hosts: which will contain all the hosts used in the deployment;

  • ssh.config.ansible: which will have all the ssh data to connect to the undercloud and all the overcloud nodes;

  • A config file with a definition for the floating network (which will be used to test HA instances), like this one:

    public_physical_network: "floating"
    floating_ip_cidr: ""
    public_net_pool_start: ""
    public_net_pool_end: ""
    public_net_gateway: ""    

Quickstart invocation

Quickstart can be invoked like this:

./ \
   --retain-inventory \
   --playbook overcloud-validate-ha.yml \
   --working-dir /path/to/workdir \
   --requirements /path/to/quickstart-extras-requirements.txt \
   --config /path/to/config.yml \
   --release <RELEASE> \
   --tags all \

Basically this command:

  • Keeps existing data on the repo (it's the most important one)
  • Uses the overcloud-validate-ha.yml playbook
  • Uses the same custom workdir where quickstart was first deployed
  • Get all the extra requirements
  • Select the specific config file (which must contain the floating network data)
  • Specifies the release (liberty, mitaka, newton or “master” for ocata)
  • Performs all the tasks in the playbook overcloud-validate-ha.yml
  • Starts the installation on virthost

Important note

If the role is called by itself, so not in the same playbook that already deploys the environment (see baremetal-undercloud-validate-ha.yml, you need to export ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS with the path of the ssh.config.ansible file, like this:

export ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS="-F /path/to/quickstart/workdir/ssh.config.ansible"

HA tests

By default these tests are performed per version:

  • Test: Look for failed actions (all)
  • Test: Stop master slave resources (galera and redis), all the resources should come down (all)
  • Test: Stop keystone resource (by stopping httpd), check no other resource is stopped (mitaka, osp9)
  • Test: next generation cluster checks (newton):
    • Test: Stop every systemd resource, stop Galera and Rabbitmq, Start every systemd resource
    • Test: Stop Galera and Rabbitmq, stop every systemd resource, Start every systemd resource
    • Test: Stop Galera and Rabbitmq, wait 20 minutes to see if something fails
  • Test: Instance deployment (all)

Tests are performed using an external application named tripleo-director-ha-test-suite.

Example Playbook

The main playbook couldn't be simpler:

- name:  Validate overcloud HA status
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: no
    - tripleo-overcloud-validate-ha

But it could also be used at the end of a deployment, like in this file baremetal-undercloud-validate-ha.yml.



Author Information

Raoul Scarazzini