The OVB role was written at first to work with ready undercloud images. This review changes the workflow to use a vanilla guest image for the undercloud and set up the users, repos and overcloud images after the OVB stack is deployed. This streamlines the OVB workflow on different environments. Change-Id: Ic8f40b5e38fab5aee3dc84d6fb1462b3f0f61ca7
133 lines
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133 lines
4.1 KiB
- name: Ensure local working dir exists
path: "{{ local_working_dir }}"
- name: generate prefix for all run-related entities
prefix="{{ tmp.node_prefix }}"
- name: set fact for undercloud image
set_fact: latest_undercloud_image="{{ latest_guest_image[osp_release | default(release)] }}"
- name: copy key inserted in image to undercloud_key location
src: "{{ existing_key_location }}/{{ item }}"
dest: "{{ local_working_dir }}/{{ item }}"
mode: 0600
- id_rsa_undercloud
- id_rsa_undercloud.pub
- name: Copy deploy stack parameters template
src: env.yaml.j2
dest: "{{ local_working_dir }}/{{ prefix }}env.yaml"
mode: 0755
- name: Add templates for multi-nic
dest: "{{ local_working_dir }}/{{ prefix }}env.yaml"
insertafter: "## in baremetal-networks-all.yaml"
content: |
## multi-nic
OS::OVB::BaremetalNetworks: {{ templates_dir }}/baremetal-networks-all.yaml
OS::OVB::BaremetalPorts: {{ templates_dir }}/baremetal-ports-all.yaml
when: network_isolation_type == 'multi-nic'
- name: Add templates for public-bond
dest: "{{ local_working_dir }}/{{ prefix }}env.yaml"
insertafter: "## in baremetal-networks-all.yaml"
content: |
## public-bond
OS::OVB::BaremetalNetworks: {{ templates_dir }}/baremetal-networks-all.yaml
OS::OVB::BaremetalPorts: {{ templates_dir }}/baremetal-ports-public-bond.yaml
when: network_isolation_type == 'public-bond'
- name: Add keypair
shell: >
export OS_USERNAME="{{ os_username }}";
export OS_PASSWORD="{{ os_password }}";
export OS_TENANT_NAME="{{ os_tenant_name }}";
export OS_AUTH_URL="{{ os_auth_url }}";
nova keypair-add --pub-key ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub {{ prefix }}key
ignore_errors: true
no_log: true
- name: copy clouds.yaml file
src: clouds.yaml.j2
dest: "{{ local_working_dir }}/clouds.yaml"
mode: 0755
- name: Deploy stack
name: "{{ stack_name }}"
cloud: "{{ cloud_name}}"
state: present
template: "{{ heat_template }}"
environment: "{{ environment_list }}"
register: stack_deployment
OS_CLIENT_CONFIG_FILE: "{{ local_working_dir }}/clouds.yaml"
ignore_errors: true
- name: Show stack deployment information
shell: >
export OS_USERNAME="{{ os_username }}";
export OS_PASSWORD="{{ os_password }}";
export OS_TENANT_NAME="{{ os_tenant_name }}";
export OS_AUTH_URL="{{ os_auth_url }}";
heat stack-show {{ stack_name }}
when: stack_deployment.result is not defined
no_log: true
- name: set fact for undercloud floating IP address
undercloud_ip="{{ stack_deployment.stack.outputs[0].output_value }}"
- name: Add provisioned undercloud host
name: undercloud
hostname: "{{ undercloud_ip }}"
groups: "{{ node_groups| join(',') }}"
ansible_host: "{{ undercloud_ip }}"
ansible_fqdn: undercloud
ansible_user: "{{ ansible_user }}"
ansible_private_key_file: "{{ undercloud_key }}"
ansible_ssh_extra_args: "{{ ssh_extra_args }}"
undercloud_ip: "{{ undercloud_ip }}"
- name: Wait for provisioned host to become reachable
ssh -o BatchMode=yes -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" root@{{ undercloud_ip }} -i "{{ undercloud_key }}"
register: result
until: result|success
retries: 300
delay: 5
- name: Build nodes.json file to be used as instackenv.json
shell: >
chdir={{ local_working_dir }}
export OS_USERNAME="{{ os_username }}";
export OS_PASSWORD="{{ os_password }}";
export OS_TENANT_NAME="{{ os_tenant_name }}";
export OS_AUTH_URL="{{ os_auth_url }}";
{{ ovb_dir }}/bin/build-nodes-json --env {{ local_working_dir }}/{{ prefix }}env.yaml
register: nodes_json
no_log: true
- name: Ensure directories exist for network-environment copy
path: "{{ network_env_file_dest }}"
state: directory
mode: 0755
- name: Copy the network-environment.yaml
src: "{{ network_environment_file }}"
dest: "{{ network_env_file_dest }}"
mode: 0755